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Posts posted by Corw

  1. If responding in kind to people who dismiss others as trolls and merely trumpet "HURR DURR ITS OKEH FOR ME SO U MUST BE RONGG" to a legitimate complaint about the aspect of gameplay is rude so be it.

    I didnt come asking for help. I was giving feedback about the gameplay, but nonetheless I have responded as expected of a civilised person to the people who are actually offering suggestions and trying to help.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well actually my problem or rather grief (since it *is* possible though painful and tedious in most cases) is with any flight where SAS is not possible (pre-octo probes and flights without pilots).

    You are doing exactly the thing you are mocking. "HURR DURR ITS NOT OKEH FOR ME SO U MUST BE RONGG" For some reason it is working for us, but not working for you. Post pictures or give craft file.

  2. I know the Early Access environment has so far been... well, not great.

    OK, this is one thing I do not understand (actually, more, like string theory and... never mind).

    What is so wrong in "Early Access environment" and what will change by going into release? What is the "Early Access environment" anyway? Is it some technical/legal thing with Steam or something maybe? I know I might be silly, but I have to ask.

    Cause if it is just the arbitrary name they want to call (alpha, beta, release, 2nd coming of Raptorjesus) it still makes no sense.

  3. Squad has recruited several modders over time and we have seen integration of several mods into the core game, starting long long time ago with plane parts. So modding has improved and speeded up the development of core game. Mods had also provided very good info which features are viable and desirable. There is only hald a dozen of Squad devs and over time probably over hundred modders. So it is actually half a platoon vs army :)

    Devs can only add so much features in given time so your statement "features should be made stock a long time ago" is rather subjective cause HarveseR had other priorities than you which features should be added first. If your list was priority we would be missing something that we have currently.

    So no, excessive modding in this case has accelerated the development.

  4. No. Later is not the time. Squad is in a lockdown mindset, unwilling to backtrack on released features. Once a feature is done it is done. They might do some tweaking hear and there for balance, but they will not remove anything post-public release. Other than the old parts and KSC, which were just models, have they ever admitted a mistake and removed a feature? This is a common issue with startups. Any removal seems like a backstep, rather than a correction. So now is the one and only time for us non-beta testers to have any input.

    Yes they did. Resource mining :D

  5. Maybe you just leave the CSM passively orbiting, but there's a reason why they were called CSM pilots in the real thing. Moreover, what's the point of leaving an engineer, the sole purpose of which would be to do things like fix rover wheels or landing legs (i.e. stuff needed at landing site) in the CSM?

    That is a good question :D Guess the workaround would be to go with engineer and scientist to the surface. On return LM should establish stable orbit and CSM would be the active party in docking. I'm guessing everybody should be able to fit any position, but specialist will do it better/have more options.

    Personally, I'm not bothered that much how they did it in the real thing. My set of toys and constraints is different than historical ones, so I do things differently.

  6. Well, during the Gemini program they were still figuring out how to rendezvous in space. Relative velocities, going faster means slower orbit, etc. But, I agree with you that not having orbit lines is excessive. Humans knew laws of gravitation and velocity formulas hundreds of years before we went to space. So yes, I think you should be able to see orbit lines.

    You first few missions will be suborbital. By the time you can go orbital you'll have the lines. What is the problem with that?

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