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Posts posted by Corw

  1. There are new users like me who'd like to express their opinion on the topic, old or closed threads don't help there.

    New ones don't help either. I'll summarize the all the treads for you right here: there is no ultimate answer. It is your own opinion and it is your own choice. Somebody will always disagree with you. May be applied to more than just a MechJeb. So your poll is pointless.

  2. Precise Node - easier to fine tune nodes + ejection angle data for interplanetary

    Kerbal Engineer Redux - ship info

    Final Frontier - tracks missions for kerbonauts, mission badges

    Kerbal Alarm Clock - easy to track events for several missions at once

    Distant Object Enhancement - adds distant planets and close ships as stars in the sky

    Chatterer - I never fly without it, adds so much immersion, but I keep only Apollo tracks

    ScienceAlert - alerts you when there is science available and spares you the clicking around

    Waypoint Manager - adds way-points for missions that you have in map view to normal view

    PlanetShine - reflected light from planets/moons

  3. Wow, and I thought the Training scenarios glitching out was already a "how did that make it through testing" kinda thing. This is literally awful. D:

    And how many times have you started with a part that is not a pod/cockpit/probe? For every tester (~100?) there is a thousand players. Guess who will realistically try more combinations? Don't blame the testers, ever.

  4. I just feel this game has too much "right click - press button - you're done" -mechanics as it is.

    I think you are missing the point. With big scanner you are not "done" with scanning. You are just done with fist step, you got the vague idea where to start with medium scanner that is not one click affair, and when you are done with medium scanner you are only ready to start working with small scanner on the surface. Big scanner has wide range but low resolution, its result alone is not enough to star mining effectively.

    As the Churchill said:

    Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

  5. Then I don't understand how the heat is generated and is dissipated in KSP 1.0. I don't assume that the engine is a heat shield but I assume that it exists and if put in a retrograde position it will get almost all of the air friction of the entire rocket, the manned capsule should get none. So I would expect to see the engine burn up and explode before the capsule and not vice verse.

    Engines melt at higher temperatures than capsule. Your engine is heating up and it is passing the heat to the capsule. They are both heated up to the same levels but engines cane take it and capsule can't. The heat shield is not passing the heat, it is shedding it of while ablating.

  6. Try editing the save and naming a kerbal after her. Mine flipped when I did it and used texture replacer to put in female kerbals.

    Or you can edit your mother-in-law and send her to Eeloo! \o/

  7. It's claimed to be, but once theyve declared "released" they are under no obligation to provide it at all/for free.

    You are going too far. If you read EULA they where not under obligation to release any update ever. And guess what?

  8. No clouds?! THATS THE ONE I HAD IN MIND WHEN I SAID THAT! lol its covered in swirling clouds, also some low above the mountains.

    Now you sound like a rabid fanboy. Thats no clouds. Clouds are white and puffy and I really don't see how he could have released it in that state and it is nowhere near the image I imagine as well made. And whats with the colour palette? He ran out of all other colours but blue? An look at those pixels, dude! '90s want their res back!

    (see where I'm going with this?)

  9. Hey, all Im saying is when Vincent van Gogh painted the sky, he included clouds. The game is lacking polish in a few areas yet, and that's been acknowledged by the devs. yet 1.0 is at the gates.

    Im camping here with fellow nay-sayers. Go post hype or something :P


    Vincent van Gogh. Sky. No clouds. ....ty textures too, I would have made better in like an hour.

  10. No more placeholder systems?

    What about water and land textures?

    Sorry but i can make better about 30min.

    Or at least put some seamless textures not that minecraft-ish.

    It may sound like a fanboy, but I call those cosmetics, not system.

  11. 1.0 seems just a number to Squad. I see nothing in this release to make it fundamentally different than any previous. Sure, there may be more features than average, but that makes it bigger rather than different. Since there is no real difference in the process, I expect no more than I did from previous releases. The longstanding bugs will remain (ie the ones we are so used to we don't notice anymore). Some recent bugs will have been squashed, but there will also be new ones. There will be no 'balanced' gameplay, nor will the aero physics deserve to be called aerodynamics. It's just another features update.

    From watching the view numbers on Youtube and other social media, I don't think I am alone in this opinion. I don't see a rush of new customers asking about KSP. I see a steady flow of die-hard KSP fans having the same conversations they did last year, and the year before that.

    But there is something radically different to previous releases. There are no more placeholder systems.

  12. That's a hint to the Easter egg mentioned by RoverDude. I think.



    Half Life 3 confirmed!

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