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Posts posted by Corw

  1. 22 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    I love your logic, best post ever.

    That said, to play the devil's advocate...

    Doesn't that mean that KSP technically costs 80ish Euros? (40 for the game, 40 for the assumed 1000ish hours you'll play.) I mean...you have to have electricity to play, and no one is giving it away for free.

    No, it means it is more expensive the more you play, cause of power bill :)

  2. 10 hours ago, Majorjim said:

    Correct. One game does not a developer make. 

     It's a fluke made by some very clever but amature programmers.

    Those "amature" programmers have sold number of copies that is in millions. Pray tell, at which point do you turn "pro"? I'm guessing Minecraft is also made by non-developers? All other indie games? Maybe not just games. Linux is also not made by developers, cause it was just one "clever guy"? There are plenty of people that made several games which are all absolute excrements, but they made them in plural, so those are actually developers, unlike HarvesteR and his merry bunch? :)


    HarvesteR may have started as one, really really clever guy, but his determination and practices were beyond what I've seen in most "proper" companies. So calling Squad "non-developers" and "amature" would be a pure insult from my point of view. They just made a huge effort (and a gamble) switching the core (Unity) that broke so many of their systems that were already working (something my company wouldn't do in million years) in a game that was working as is. All in an effort to make it even better and allow to improve even more in the future. That is a huge investment of real money (they are not working pro bono you know?) into a game that has probably past its peak sales, money that some other "developer" would channel into an new project and new potential profits.


    So please, feel free to try to "defend" Squad (I think that is what you were trying), but do not insult them. They are not little league.

  3. 8 hours ago, Majorjim said:

    They are, their first ever. I really think it became much bigger than any of them expected. We should really cut them some slack. 

     I too am guilty of moaning about the state of the game and will try in future to tone it down and channel my passion for the game into bug reporting and helping squad make the game perfect. 

    So they have been developing for quite few years now but they are not developers? Oh. I guess same applies to Mark Zuckenberg cause only thing he ever worked on was Facebook :D

  4. 11 minutes ago, Foxster said:

    The two most useful things (IMHO) missing from the (stock) VAB and SPH are a readout of the craft's dV and TWR. It would be relatively trivial for Squad to implement them, yet they continue to be reluctant to do so. Yes, I know these can be calculated but how many people want to do that for every change to a craft?

    So, why don't squad just implement them? What's their objection to them?

    @Padisharmight object to the notion of it being trivial to calculate ;)

  5. 1 hour ago, Col_Jessep said:

    I'm one of the guys who has been here a long time. I didn't buy KSP, back then we donated and got a key. Yup, that long ago. I stuck with the store until now.

    A sad day really. I can understand why a developer would want to stick to one version for testing and why it is attractive to "outsource" the bandwidth to Steam but I feel that this was a pretty bad decision on Squads part considering KSP's history.

    It might be well advised if the people who make the marketing decisions at Squad these days would remember that without those crazy early adopters back in the day who took a risk and donated for a funny little game they would not work on KSP right now. The same goes for all other customers who bought KSP on the Squad store. They are supporting you and KSP directly. Might be a nice idea to remember that occasionally instead of just choosing the path of least resistance.

    If loyalty becomes a one way street it's not going to last for long.

    You know what? I quit. I'm done with this thread. Squad had a technical problem and went with reasonable solution for it and you people act like you found some dude in a bed with your wife. Emos, emos everywhere...

  6. 28 minutes ago, _Aramchek_ said:

    Doesn't fix the current problem, the current problem is that many people who supported the game are getting screwed over, I don't want to migrate to Steam even though I could.  This pre-release should have been for everyone, or no one...not just the people who have the game on steam.

    The pre-release is not for players. It is not out so some could enjoy the new version before others. The pre-release is for Squad. It is out so people could play it in ways Squad had no idea someone would ever try, hit bugs and post bug reports. It is out so the fresh eyes would look on it and find things that are wrong that the testers got used to it and stopped noticing it. It is out on Steam only because it was the least demanding option, the Steam had ready what Squad needed.

    Stop talking and thinking like this was intentionally done in this way so you would be screwed over. And for Jeb's sake, try reading the tread before posting your uninformed opinion that was posted and rebutted like 15 times before in the same thread you are posting.

  7. 12 minutes ago, steve_v said:

    Key word: Finally. My point is that this should have been fixed quite some time ago, if it had been we wouldn't be having this discussion, nobody would be left out, and I would not be irritated at all.

    I can agree with that, but until now it wasn't that big issue. You could deliver same version to all platforms at same time. Now, what it became an issue, they don't have the time or resources to dedicate to non-essential development.

    Take a step back: you are HarvesteR. You have new version that needs some hammering by real players. You have 2 options:

    - make a patcher that can handle several versions at the same time (release and pre-release), handle hosting and add additional part of software that can cause issues (patcher is likely to have bugs too) and delay everything until the patcher is ready

    - add pre-release on stable 3rd party platform right now and continue working on the peace that matters the most, the game.

    What would you do?

    It is a problem they didn't had before so they have imperfect solution that works for some. Their main goal are bug reports and this way they are getting them at least from part of the community and they have achieved that main goal. Live and learn, they'll have a better solution for the next time.

  8. 12 minutes ago, steve_v said:

    Ouch. Gotta love that arbitrary segregation of your customers, makes people real happy and all.

    Wow, the tears... There is no conspiracy here, people. None was planning to have difference between Steam and KSP store. None was planning to have pre-release available to anyone ever. The next patch is major under the hood change and dedicated test team could use some help from general public and Steam was an option that could provide it without any additional resources on Squad's part.

    2nd rate customers? Really? Really? I can understand you don't like that you can't access the buggy version (check the bug tracker) that is currently out there, but the only major new feature you are missing is performance improvement. Because the majority of the changes were under the hood in the first place. Wow, you are missing a 64bit version that you probably can't even use because the mods are not ready for it yet.

    This is first pre-release ever, if there are more to come I'm sure Squad will finally provide a usable patcher. Maybe :) If you want it, get a new Steam copy. If you don't want to buy new copy, wait it out this time. It is not like world is ending or something. Try to take an objective look at the things that are happening instead of "oh, somebody is playing with toys I can't right now, I'm so mad about it".

  9. 2 minutes ago, Skorpychan said:

    Nope. KSP is about rockets to me. And, try as I might, I cannot into plane designs. So much testing and tweaking and testing and tweaking.

    Rockets are simple. Radial symmetry, engines, fuel, clean aero, fairings, and up you go, shedding parts as you go.

    It is practice most of all. Once you've made a few it becomes easy. Like with rockets :)

  10. @regex you did open up kind of condescending on career players, but I think your last 2 posts clarify the issue: you want to play career, but the current implementation is just terrible. I understand you completely, I'm in the same position. It is a random contract generator, there is no flow or rhyme. Why would testing same part on Kerbin going exactly n m/s be different than testing it on surface of the Mun? It makes no sense and it is actually breaking the immersion.

    I really like part restrictions, I really want to work within the limits of the available parts and other restrictions but the tech tree is meh at best. Every time I start the career, I get annoyed then go hunting for mods, which usually end up bloated because they are trying to integrate everything from the mods forum (so you end up with half empty tech tree and empty nodes, which break the immersion) or just go into other extreme and limit you too much.

    So I give up and wait for the next version or the next mod to show up. I'm still waiting and it does not look like it will end anywhere soon.

  11. 2 hours ago, Tantalus said:

    Why don't you produce your fuel at mun and just carry it up into orbit? I'm even refuelling my LKO station from the mun.



    He may not be in that far into tech tree?

    Would be better if you could add more details which part of the mission is hard?

  12. 2 hours ago, Tex_NL said:

    I never have and never will apologise for telling the truth.
    To cheat would be to gain an unfair advantage over another. In a single player game changing whatever game parameter can not ever be cheating since there is no other player. PERIOD!
    Unless of course when you ARE competing with another player through challenges, high scores, achievements or whatever.

    In a way, you are competing vs the creator of the game. Game is made with certain design, with goals and obstacles. Achieving those goals and overcoming those obstacles is intended way for a game to be played. If you modify the game rules in a way that were not intended by game designer, you are cheating. Yes, I've been called "pedantic autistic" before. :)

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