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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Dog saw it laying on the floor, so he ate it. My now-clean kitchen floor.
  2. I replace Duna with a fish. My tuna
  3. Sir, please refrain from playing with your Starwars Lego set in the restaurant. Waiter! There's wine in my soup bowl and soup in my wine glass!
  4. You would prefer Eduard Khil perhaps? Waiter, Alexi Leonov is orbiting my soup bowl!
  5. Simple, you ignored the Sputnik. Sputnik does not like being held in disregard. Waiter, Sputnik has now reappeared in MY soup!
  6. Wonder if we should coordinate a date/time a pick a system to all meet up?
  7. Bought Elite: Dangerous just this past Friday as well. I'll play it for a bit, and if I like it enough I'll grab the Horizons bit around Christmas. EDIT: looked at the skin packs, IMO they aren't worth it to me...
  8. ..makes one hell of an efficient bakery. Anyone want a cookie? This concrete block house...
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