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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Perhaps it's the only way his calculator can display a "divide by zero" error? 1i-i+23=24
  2. My apologies, we will RMA it back to Amazon and get the correct one. Should only take 3-4 business years. Waiter, I seem to be missing my soup!
  3. Granted. You now view the world in monochrome 40-column format I wish for peanut butter.
  4. 1481: The floor, walls, and ceiling is covered in a foot-thick layer of peanut butter. Exit to the stairwell is on the opposite side.
  5. 7/10, I do hope your astronaut wore sufficient deodorant, he's been in there a long time!
  6. Could be worse, it could have been the "crotch gun" from "From Dusk till Dawn". bad place receive the recoil!!!!!
  7. System Sock: FPS that has you vainly searching for the one sock that always goes missing from the wash...
  8. My apologies, the chef forgot to add the recursive remoulade to complete the dish! Waiter! There's an unusually large kayak in my soup.
  9. I often supply purple kayaks on narcotics sdjwoijuf
  10. Gets nothing, insert $1.20 more, please. Inserts remaining $1.20
  11. 1475: Departure lounge for the dolphins on previous floor. "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
  12. <southern US accent> I reckon y'all want the entire hog? Waiter! This soup is so cold, there's hydrogen ice i n it!
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