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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Star is short-lived due to insufficient mass. I claim the cooling cinder of what was once the core of Planet 9.
  2. 1473: A locked cell containing only Hillary and Donald, and a pair of battle axes. Mutual assured destruction. I'm selling cocktails in the viewing stand!
  3. New rules may not be posted within a gravity well greater than .05G, in the photosphere of any star, and NEVER when crossing an event horizon
  4. 102: Repost in thread to keep it going ad infinitum...
  5. I retrieve my floor, and relocate it to Floor 1471 of the Really, Really Tall Building thread. My Really, Really Tall Building
  6. 1471: My kitchen floor. Regular linoleum, with a stain where the dog vomited earlier.
  7. Banned for "positive forum movement" due to prejudice toward negativity.
  8. Receives carbon back in it's allotropic diamond form. Congratulations! Inserts quartz crystal
  9. Disgusting or not, you didn't claim the location. Therefore, My kitchen floor
  10. Zombified xenos carried four young girls aiuwerfucii
  11. 8/10, difficult to see through opaque face shield.
  12. Quietly, Xavier's zoo juggled Venetian yaks. aijesa
  13. Receive random connector pin from your CPU. Inserts remainder of CPU
  14. The forces of Chaos will not be denied. -86 (-)
  15. 7/10, you call THAT a planet killer? THIS is a planet killer:
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