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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Create another KSP installation with no other mods but OPT and then try it. (all the wings and control surfaces function just fine for me as is)
  2. Probably you are missing the correct fairing. Use the one from the Aerodynamics tab. The one in the structural tab isn't really a fairing. It's a procedural fuselage and does not decouple.
  3. I just use MechJeb for my statistical needs. Have you checked your log for errors when the DV readout disappears in KER? I don't recall seeing any logs submitted on this issue.
  4. @kpstjeev Okay, thanks for the overwhelming vote of confidence there. I know what folders I was using and what's going on in my own install. An install I only created to replicate your problem. It's a fresh install and I'm only getting a fraction of the heating you're seeing. I don't know what's happening on your side but I can't spend any more time on it right now. Good luck to you
  5. No, it wasn't. I was pulling those values from your clear_realheat folder. Once I copied them over to my own physics settings I experienced what you were describing. The rad flux I'm seeing right now, on the same part is ~5-7, holding steady at 314K, noon. That's pretty much where it's going to peak and comes out to about 105 F, which is downright cool for a metal surface with the sun beating down on it all day. That's RH+FI plus a few other mods like mechJeb and hyperedit but neither of those touches physics.
  6. *Extreme skepticism* I'm having trouble seeing how this is not a KER issue. It's just a fact of modding life that as mods experience change in their code base that other mods have to make corresponding changes to keep up. Like back when Deadly Reentry used to simulate parachute damage if deployed at excessive speeds. If Real Chute made changes to its code base that affected how we detected RC state changes then we had to make changes to Deadly Reentry and until those changes were made then Deadly Reentry was not compatible. Mech Jeb is working just fine with RF displaying the same information you're looking for in KER. Why? Because MJ's developer made changes to keep pace with RF changes.
  7. This is a link to Physics.cfg from 1.0.4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qrtkf9altzb8r4/Physics.cfg?dl=1 I don't remember what my rad was; have to run stat. BBL
  8. Well something's making some significant changes to your PhysicsGlobals from what I see in my own, and they should be matching up. Maybe CKAN is pulling up something old, maybe there's a versioning issue somewhere. I've duplicated your RH/FI only environment and I'm not seeing the symptoms you're seeing and the conduction factors in your PhysicsGlobals are very low, Convection settings are different too. I installed RH manually so I'm looking at RH on Github and I'll compare it to what's on CKAN to see if I can find something there. Edit: Suggestion: Delete all ModuleManager.* in your GameData folder EXCEPT FOR the dll itself. (i.e. Delete ModuleManager.ConfigCache, ModuleManager.Physics, ModuleManager.TechTree and ModuleManager.ConfigSHA - obviously the very first two are the one's that are really important to nuke but nuke them all from orbit - it's the only way to be sure) Edit #2: Somewhere along the way, things changed in your configs and the MM caches didn't get cleared. Generally, what's in ModuleManager.ConfigCache/PhysicsGlobals should match up with what's in ModuleManager.Physics, and in your case they do not. When I spliced in the contents of your cached PhysicsGlobals into my ModuleManager.Physics file and loaded it from the debug menu, my temps started climbing. Right now on the pad at night, it's past 350K which is about 170 F and that's at night. Even on the equator, that's way too hot and it's not stopping. So, my diagnosis is that you need to clear that cache out.
  9. As I'm well aware. But some of what I'd read about the Titan III leads me to believe that the engine was restartable. If that's not the case then that's not the case.
  10. Ack my bad. I misread part of your text to say that its ignitions were set to -1 (instead of 1) which means unlimited. (so why did they give it only 1 then...? weird) Edit: Oooh there were multiple versions of it and only later versions used hypergolic fuels....
  11. Just FYI, that engine uses hypergolic fuels. There's a reason it was given unlimited ignitions
  12. Looking it over. Haven't found anything really unusual in there yet.
  13. Unfortunately, not everyone will agree with you on 'the way it should be played'.
  14. Regex suddenly has me wanting to toss about 20 Kerbals down to Eve in Career Mode just to see what happens.....
  15. Aaaargh that's what happens when I answer from a smartphone with a small screen. The guy in the video does not have an overheating problem. The guy in the first post is from August and that was probably because of an outdated version of FAR which had radiative area problems back then. You do look like you have an overheating problem. Post your logs (output_log.txt if Windows. player.log if Mac/Linux - if you're not sure where to find those files then see this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229) It wouldn't hurt to post your ModuleManager.ConfigCache file from your GameData folder either. Between the logs and the cache, quite a bit of info about your install is possible. Do you also have Deadly Reentry installed? If so, (or probably even if you don't) then unless parts are exploding, you don't have an overheating problem and the gauge is lying. It's a stock bug where the gauge checks for skin overheating by comparing skin temp to part internal max temp, which can be different. (In stock, AFAIK they're always the same. DRE and possibly other mods may set lower max internal temps with higher outers and it confuses the gauge. It'll be fixed in stock)
  16. Tracked it to A specific file. It does affect all LS mods with those resources but only works properly with TAC which is what it was designed for. I think what really needs to happen is a pull request to fix the problem at the source which I'll take care of.
  17. No never. There's gotta be something else going on
  18. This could be a Real Fuels issue, or RF + RF config. Probably a config that if it detects things like O2, deletes them and then places a ModularFuelTank for the appropriate amount in the configuration of a service module. (A real PITA for something like Ioncross which bases LS resource amounts partially on actual breathable air as well as stored air.
  19. I figured out what's up with the interstage and procedural parts. There's already code in PF for talking to PP and notifying it when parts change, but the interstage part is lacking the module that the other parts use that handles intermod communications. The module it uses also lacks any code for such communication. I hacked in support by adding in the aforementioned module to the interstage config but it didn't really fix it because the code only notifies for the top/bottom node and the problem node is top1. I eventually got it working with a hacky little solution but it results in the interstage having two sets of sizing controls and it ends up in a wonky sized interstage. I'll try pinging e-dog about the problem but he hasn't posted since last June. His profile says he's still visited the forums though so hopefully he's still around. I think the solution is probably an easy one that just got overlooked. But another possibility is it's something he knows about that was more problematic than I'm thinking and he just hasn't had a chance to work on it....
  20. A check for (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.FLIGHT || HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER) would probably eliminate those.
  21. That's the atmospheric haze. Usually it's only visible above the horizon, but if you can get the camera inside the terrain or if the terrain glitches so that it vanishes for any reason then you can see the atmosphere glow
  22. Which stuff, any stuff on the craft or the wheels specifically? (the latter I can understand, but if I can kill my brakes right clicking on just anything.... well, suckage )
  23. Except that they're PQS so it is technically possible to move them, just nobody does it.
  24. You probably have a leftover FAR config from something else trying to replace the stock modules
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