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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. What was the source of that information? Do you have any links? Just about everything I've seen had the legs identical front and back except that the front legs were were extended more to compensate for the height differential. (ugh sorry for the large image... not sure how/if I can shrink this down. Maybe I'll copy it to Imgur where I have better control. Edit: There, done.)
  2. Yeah but these are Kerbals, accustomed to laughing in the face of danger. Hah! Hah hah! (that's a Kerbal laughing in the face of danger as he tries to traverse the tight spaces... *click* oops... I think he just tripped an electrical contact of some kind... wonder what that ....)
  3. Edit: Derrrrr, I should have checked the first page of my very own thread because there's Somnambulist saying I can use his cannister retextures. *cough* If he posted any license for these that I can access and that would allow me to include them, and assuming there's interest, then I'll add them to the official downloads as an optional extra.
  4. I don't have any opinion as to location but as to how much, if you're just going for glossy mildly reflective then you want small amounts. The more reflection the less significance any texturing has. Foil insulation should have pretty high quantities but I don't see anywhere on there that foil would be appropriate.
  5. I'm not sure I even knew those existed. I don't think I have them around anywhere, sorry. Have you tried messaging Somnambulist?
  6. What about when you have a cone shaped capsule coming in backwards? (heat shield first)
  7. Sounds like a conflict with another mod. You should post a log file. output_log.txt (Windows) player.log (Linux / Mac)
  8. I don't think you can directly affect KerbalEVA as (I think) it is being constructed on the fly in code. No config node exists that you can hack into. Maybe take that with a grain of salt but I think it's accurate. I'm not sure that's true though that ModuleScienceExperiment is the only place you can do this.... I'll poke around a bit and see what I can find. I'm sure I did something like this before for my science probe configs... Edit: Bah, never mind, it was just a custom ModuleScienceExperiment....
  9. Trust me, in the end you'll be better off taking Kipard's advice on sharp/smooth edges. It's a very simple thing but very powerful in its results once you know when and where to make something soft or to make it sharp. You can get really ugly artifacts when things are soft in the wrong places but then you grab a bunch of border lines and sharpen them and BAM!​ everything falls into place.
  10. If it's capable of independent action when I'm working on the AE35 antenna controller then I'm outta here....
  11. Correct about RCS. It would be nice if they could trigger to fire on separation. I suppose if you had a command core on the SM you could do something. Anyway at what I do is decouple while facing +/- NRM
  12. That and other hard coded dependencies on planet names are why you shouldn't change them. The option is there but it is discouraged for exactly that reason. It will break things
  13. And what about when the intake is not actually supposed to be part of the engine? Is in fact just an intake? See below for an example. That's a legitimate location for an air intake and is as far from the engine as possible. What do you think your fix would do to that? And again, if there really is a need to shift the engine's mass forward then use CoMOffset to shift the actual engine part's mass forward to the point that an actual engine would take up. Then you can pretend the nozzle is just part of a larger engine that you're not seeing.. Also, stop worrying about if people are 'abusing' the system. Stay in your own sandbox and stop worrying about them in theirs.
  14. Have you tried it? SDF. In my sig does just that. Keep angle of attack 5-10 degrees and you're fine. I haven't noticed major ill effects on planes either. And playing around with intakes as suggested doesn't make a lot of sense. How is it realistic? Shift engine COM if you think it needs to be forward.
  15. Yeah, never trusted Quantum Struts. Also didn't think they fit in thematically so another reason why Starwaster stayed away from them...
  16. I thought it was because you realized that Disco is not dead
  17. You can't post a search results link. That doesn't work for us to click on it.
  18. You also have quantum struts on it. Also tweakscale. What happens if I don't have that; are those parts scaled? What happens if TweakScale suddenly goes missing, do they revert? Anyway I'm really thinking this is phantom forces. Collision meshes overlapping or unstrutted masses in places that looks bad to Unity and looks fine to us. Bottom line: you turn off SAS entirely? No mechjeb inputs? It's shaking itself to pieces. If you look at the inputs are they totally null? That's phantom forces Read this story: I had Kethane installed (quite a few KSP versions back, old story) I sent a refinery station to Minmus and assembled it in sections. One of Zzz's geodesic dome things, hubs, Fustek parts and a bunch of converters and large Kethane tanks attached radially to a central core. I did not strut the kethane tanks. All was fine until my mining ship had deposited about 3 loads. On the third delivery, the station began violently wobbling as the kethane tanks picked up mass. The station tore itself to pieces. It took me a few quickloads to get to a point where I could undock the entire faulty tank section so my station tug could get it to minimum safe distance.... Things have improved since then now that we have reinforced joints in stock, but you say this starts when you decouple part of the vessel? Is anything strutted across those sections? If the answer is yes then... phantom forces.
  19. // The heat model is going to change considerably. // Will just do an unconfigurable quick and dirty way for now. FloatCurve loss = new FloatCurve(); loss.Add(650, 0, 0, 0); loss.Add(1000, (float)(0.2 * lossTweak * ablativeResource)); loss.Add(3000, (float)(0.3 * lossTweak * ablativeResource), 0, 0); FloatCurve dissipation = new FloatCurve(); dissipation.Add(300, 0, 0, 0); dissipation.Add(500, (float)(80000 * dissipationTweak / ablativeResource), 0, 0); Nope. Looks pretty incompatible with RSS+DREC. Though there is lossTweak and dissipationTweak. Can't touch what temperature they peak at but you could maybe crank them up at peak... if I'm reading that right? Maybe crank up dissipationTweak 4x?
  20. All the old releases are here: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/releases You won't want to use the entire CFG, but if you're skilled at editing config files you can just copy/paste the pressure curve data.
  21. Correct, and the folder's name matters too regarding order. I think... crap, someone tested this and posted it and I forget. I think they said folder name mattered...
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