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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Are you talking about the file with the multiplier for density? Seems strange unless there were some change in the math parser or related code....
  2. Every now and then over the past few hours I've come back to this and read it with a troubled expression on my face. Sarbian's right, and I'm hesitant about saying anything to discourage someone who wants to take up modding from doing so. You've been given two options to choose from that will let you edit and compile source code or even start creating your own mod from scratch if you were of a mind to do that. But if you don't even know how to compile (that's the easy part btw), why are you making changes to source code? You're not really just asking someone to compile; that person has to troubleshoot your changes when it doesn't compile properly. How do you know how to modify the source in the first place? If you really want this done you should take ownership of the problem, download either MonoDevelop or Visual Studio Express and learn to code. There's a lot of resources on the forum to help you get started.
  3. Banned for using the forum without necessary reading glasses.
  4. Banned for not making fun stuff that doesn't create closed timelike curves.
  5. Banned for not using comic sans (in bold face)
  6. I've been using Monodevelop for a few months now, both on my Macbook (when I lost my PC and main developmental tools) and on my current machine (another PC to replace the last one) You can edit source files, including opening up Visual Studios solutions files. And of course, compile. Compilation is supposed to be against .NET 3.5 but I've compiled against 4.0 and my mod runs just fine. (for some reason Monodevelop throws errors saying my code uses 4.0 features even though it was compiling on the Mac using 3.5....) Edit: (the downloads below include MonoDevelop. You will want to update any references and make sure that the references include links to Assembly-CSharp.dll and UnityEngine.dll. In rare cases you may also need to reference Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll but it's not usually necessary. You'll be told when it is necessary.) Download Unity3D Latest version is 4.5.4 http://unity3d.com/unity/download I'm using 4.5.2 because I wasn't sure hitherto unknown 'issues' might bite me in the assets http://unity3d.com/unity/download/archive Oh, and one final edit (sigh... people...) You don't have to pay $300 for Visual Studios. You don't even have to pay a dime. Before I started using MonoDevelop I was using Visual Studios Express which is free. Microsoft does require you to register it meaning they want your email address and will then give you a registration key. Remember, they WANT you to use their product to put more programs out there. They're not going to require you to purchase expensive licenses unless you're a big corporation that can afford it. They're totally willing to GIVE their development tools away for free.
  7. There's not enough to that log file At no time in that log did any flight occur. In fact the scene never ever changed to Flight at all Make the problem happen again. As soon as the crew vanishes, exit to space center or revert the flight then exit to main menu and quit. Then grab your player.log (no copy; that file was a copy which probably means it was the wrong log) Put that file in your dropbox and then post it here. Edit #2 You are also not unmodded Life Support mod. Speculation (in the face of insufficient data) You tried to remove a life support mod but left part of in there. The parts you removed contained any resources or life support parts. The plugin dll remains however and is killing your crew shortly after you pass 8km altitude. (which IRL is known as the death zone, so I'm guessing that mod has a cutoff point somewhere after 8km at which point it starts making checks for crew survival, which fail)
  8. No, that won't work. Wildcards are the limit of what's available to you. Whatever problem you were having, a missing space wasn't the source of the problem. You must have done something else that fixed it. The following config removes every single bit of ElectricCharge from every single part. No survivors. Confirmed. @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]]:FINAL { !RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]{} } And Behold!
  9. Such a common problem around here. Our players aren't including logs. There must be a bug. Has anyone tried troubleshooting the players? Where are the log files for THAT???
  10. uhm whut? That means it ended up facing the original direction. You want 180 degrees. Or maybe 90 for like a +/- NRM burn...
  11. Banned for incomprehensible gibberish in signature. Let's only have comprehensible gibberish please.
  12. FYI, EVA resource bugs: Kerbal EVA O2 reports at 0% if the current planet has a breathable atmosphere. Even if in orbit or extreme elevations. Technically the display is wrong but it doesn't matter because Kerbals aren't consuming EVA oxygen in that situation. (even if in orbit...) So that means that if you're in Kerbin (or Laythe) SOI then Kerbals aren't using O2 at all when on EVA. In all other situations they are working properly. (but the Kerbal is carrying O2 regardless of what the display says and will return it to the ship when he embarks) Fixed in the next update, but if I'll push a hot fix for that if it starts looking like it will be much longer before I can get the next update out. (I just got a new computer now and I've just finished getting it set up for coding and Githubbing)
  13. That's outside of the scope of this mod. Like the name says, it's for re-entries. Something like Real Solar system would be better suited for extreme temperatures with proximity to the sun. But Deadly Reentry requires an atmosphere before you'll see its effects.
  14. Either something else is adding it back in after your config is run or there's something else wrong in your config If it's something in your config then it's not possible to troubleshoot it unless you post the entire thing, or at least the entire section for that PART (i.e., //inside the selected PART <- Need to see that entire thing instead of assuming that it was written properly)
  15. You might be waiting a while for .25 - what is it maybe 3 months average between updates?
  16. Real Fuels might have stripped the resources from the part. If so then you need to add them back in the VAB like any other resource that RF handles.
  17. When's the last time you updated? That shouldn't be happening any more.
  18. What does that even mean? Why are people so obsessed with a mod 'dying'? If it's not under constant development it 'died'? Even if it still works? If it exists and it works then all is good and well.
  19. Correct, except that there's also an animation issue where rotation animation intereferes with inflation. The inflation animation can stop/reverse if the hab is rotated. If that happens then the habitat plugin bundled with this pack can get confused and it thinks the hab is no longer inflated. I posted a solution a number of times which basically replaces one of the animation modules so that one is handled by the stock animation system and the other by the Firespitter animator. There is a more correct solution to that problem which involves animation blending but the stock animator does not do that. Nor do any of its replacements.
  20. Except, that's not how the argument actually goes. The argument is that 'that would happen under stock too' and it doesn't. That the behavior under stock would be the same, and it isn't.
  21. You have the ability to delete your post. Besides you only a moderator can.
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