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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. sounds like you're too steep. This is a suborbital flight I take it? You might try a radial burn to make your reentry more shallow.... Or if its not suborbital then dont lower your periapsis so low....
  2. It's only a chute because its config file contains something like MODULE { name = RealChute // guessing at module name. posting from iPad //(buncha chute parameters) //chuteDiameter = //chuteTexture = } That basically tells KSP that this is a Real Chute and that the Real Chute plugin should be notified of various events like staging, and should be notified when time advances each frame. It has a similar MODULE rhat says 'this is a docking port' and the game's docking port code gets similar notifications and thats an extremely simplistic explanation. Basically, SUmghai wrote no code. He made a model. Wrote a config file that splices that model with other models (docking port for the stockalike version maybe chute model, I forget) and included some lines that give the part chute and port functionality via computer code written by others. Your chute is attempting to deploy because something told it that it staged. If you activated the engine via its context menu and launched without staging I doubt your chute would be deploying. I have read its code and even hacked on it a bit awhile back and it just doesnt arbitrarily decide to arm or deploy unless it got staged. Or armed via its context menu.
  3. Get yer stinkin boosters off me you damn dirty Kerbal!
  4. You guys can have my Kerbals when you pry them from my cold dead fingers. Uh... wait... let me... that doesnt sound right. can I rephrase that?
  5. Remove action group extender and try without it? fresh save file too.
  6. yeah thats good enough I think. Just trying to cover all possibilities.
  7. thank you for providing the screenshots of the VAB to answer your question, again, SDHI has no code of its own. It's not interpreting anything, it decides nothing. Chute functionality for the paradock comes from the RealChute plugin. absent the output_log.txt file as phoenix says, you really need to create a new install of KSP with nothing but SDHI and RealChutes. And no other config files, no tweaks, nothing
  8. Do I need to be drunk or stoned to read this? Because I do not drink or do drugs. This talk about SDHI 'interpreting' ... SDHI has no code of its own, and Real Chutes doesn't decide to arm chutes on its own. If necessary conditions are met it arms. If not, it does not arm. You clearly cannot solve this on your own but you refuse to follow suggested troubleshooting steps or provide needed information.
  9. Just curious, Have you tried ruling out MM by adding the module directly to the part? Just to make sure that the ordering issue is the cause of the problem you have?
  10. But here's the thing! It doesn't do that for the majority of people using this. It sure as hell didn't do it for me. So there's something unique to the people who are experiencing it but nobody seems very damned intent on providing enough information to track down the problem. Where is your output_log.txt file? Or at least a comprehensive list of mods used? Edit: And have you tried disarming the chute? Edit #2: show us that craft in the VAB. In the Action Group Editor. Select 'Staging'.
  11. but where, is your parachute located in your damned staging list?
  12. if I can make my computer function again I'll try to repro or give you a workable reentry solution but I havent even seen a Kerbal in three days now No, dont even bother trying to contain your tears at the sad sad tale of Starwaster's Computer
  13. So there was no clamping? That goes contrary to just about everything I read about animation curves. The way people made it seem, you had to jump through hoops to get non-clamping curves. So do you think this is maybe also why shield resources would continue to deplete after the shock temp decreased below the lower limit? If it extrapolated one end, was it doing it at the other end as well?
  14. Could be a problem.... on Windows installs, it's in the KSP_Data folder with all the game assets. (extension, .asset) On Apple and Linux, I do not know
  15. This aggression will not stand, man. Bill and Bob better be returned by the end of the day. And I want names of everyone with access to their pod prior to launch and after landing and I want them NAOH. We do not negotiate with terrorists! (on a more serious note, output_log.txt plz? You know Sarbian will want )
  16. they look ok but there's a second config file that can be created. if you made any changes via the mod's ingame menu then there's a config file that overrides DeadlyReentry.cfg I think it's called custom.cfg so that's the one you really need to watch for.
  17. No, it'll load the part but you can have things happen where modules just dont work properly to the ship not coming off rails properly. That last one is really bad. Physics might not load for it. or it will seem to explode, except it doesn't except that it doesnt matter if it really exploded because you cant interact with it. Or time might totally freeze. And no interaction means you cant recover crew from it or undock ships from it. also, if a part is truly invalid, affected craft in the sfs file wont load but everything else does. the world and unaffected ships load.
  18. Nathan is currently working on caching the meshes but until then, it's either long wait times or the onlySpheres thing. I think if you go to the github site you can grab an older version pre-mesh rebuilding.... but Im not sure ninjaed and I didnt know about wrap
  19. And I'm sorry about my tone. Posts like that have been getting to me lately and they shouldn't.
  20. Sorry, I guess I had one or two posts too many get to me with some... 'colorful' language. To put it nicely.
  21. barring bugs, DREC doesnt affect decelleration at all. why the hell didnt you include an output_log.txt file with your complaint? why the hell do you even have to come in here brandishing the words 'the hell' at all? and why the hell do you think 600m/s is 'barely decellerating'. 600 down from.... what is orbital velocity for stock Kerbin at 120km 4 km/s? Ish? Cant check right now as my computer is broken but you clearly DID decellerate and by quite a bit. Just not as much as you wanted. Maybe you should provide information about your reentering craft too so someone can check and see if anything changed on the part that might affect FAR drag.
  22. Its thrust is based on the data available the actual projected specs of the SABRE engine as is its mass. Honestly, did you even TRY to research this? Did you look up Skylon? SABRE? Did you bother to search the thread with the handy search function that would have told you this? That's what's absurd.
  23. Ooops yeah. Forgot the fresh save part. Maybe even the most important bit.
  24. k His save file could also be corrupted with duplicate tech entries independent of the presence of duplicate parts. He should try reproducing the error on a clean install.
  25. is it possible with this to control how long it takes to change orientation, heading or anything else? for instance if I wanted to initiate pitch over at a given time but control pitch change rate such that it finishes pitch changes at a given altitude or by a certain time?
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