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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Gimp or Photoshop. Probably not Paint. And don't bump for replies so soon; people will get to your request when they can get to your request and no sooner than is humanly possible. Also, I think your final resolution has to be a multiple of... 8? Just cut it in half and you should be fine.
  2. Well if Jeb won't come to the planet, then the planet must come to Jeb.
  3. Depends on if you want to remove its resource capacity entirely or just empty it. Remove the resources: Replace <fueltank> with the part name of the fuel tank you want to remove resources from! @PART[<fueltank>] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]{} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer]{} } or to just set them to zero. Replace <fueltank> with the part name of the fuel tank you want to empty! @RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { @amount = 0 } @RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { @amount = 0 } If it uses another resource besides LiquidFuel or Oxidizer then you'd replace the resource name with that.
  4. Use the latest dev build. First page, first post. Click the link for dev builds and download MechJeb2.dll and copy it over the existing MechJeb.dll. (or back the original up first if you want)
  5. This. I agree, it was kind of rude but right now I would KILL (and you know I mean it cause it's in italics) to get feedback on my own project that quite frankly I'm about to give up on because of lack of participation.
  6. Oh ye who go about saying unto each: "Hello Kerbal!" Dost thou know the magnitude of thy sin before the gods? Yea, verily, thou shalt be ground between two boosters. Shall the angry gods cast thy body into the sun? Surely, thy sensors shall be put out with a large asteroid! Even unto the depths of Jool shalt thou wander and unto the land of Eve shalt thou be sent at last. Surely thou shalt repent of thy cunning.
  7. Well, within limits. I tried using an empty 10m stretchy as a mounting point for 333.6 kN worth of engines and they pushed clear on through into the fuel tank. Though I guess maybe that's to be expected with something that big without KJR. (which, I had a reason for; needed to test without it)
  8. straight up bimodal didn't have the lox afterburner; that's the upgraded version. Then it's LANTR, or sometimes, trimodal. Also TRITON (which seems to be a proper name for a Pratt & Whitney design). http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2004-3863
  9. Works for me. Try scheduling a fine tuning after your initial transfer burn.
  10. Don't feed the troll. Ignore it and it will go away and growl at someone else.
  11. BahamutoD, are you aware that your NTR is actually a trimodal and not a bimodal? No biggy, just an observation.
  12. Errr that's not a KSP problem or a Porkjet problem. That's a 'do I need a new mouse' problem.
  13. No that isn't true. I can get the Kerbals out of porkjets cockpit or FLAT just fine without an IVA. I just click the hatch.
  14. Can these be surface mounted instead of stack mounted?
  15. Delta-V requirements for a given maneuver can change based on circumstances and are constantly recalculated by KSP. It's always been like that.
  16. As Sumghai said it's for Deadly Reentry. If you don't have Deadly Reentry then it's not nearly as heavy as it would be with it. (because of the ablative resource)
  17. Protip: never set a node size to -1. In the words of Egon Spengler: It would be bad.
  18. It may have at one point because of code to try to bypass the white space problem but its bad practice to use spaces for reasons discussed previously, does not work now and you want to get out of the habit
  19. Get rid of those spaces !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel]{} not !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
  20. I have an idea. Compile the ladder as a separate model; don't touch the FLAT further. Then incorporate the ladder into the HAB via its PART{} config and add in the necessary animation module.
  21. This thread is almost five (5) months old!
  22. ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!!!!! New update?!?? If anyone pinches me to see if I'm dreaming.... I'll cut you.
  23. Updated download: Nothing major. Got rid of ugly normal map on the saddletruss radiator unit. Replaced with nicer looking mesh. Also added a small plugin: NodeResizer. This plugin resizes attach nodes immediately after a vehicle loads into the world and before it goes on-rails. This lets me have teeny tiny little attach nodes in the editor (which are easier to snap together) but are large enough in the world to provide structural integrity to large parts. Yay.
  24. No, add up the weight of every part that will be on the thing you're dropping. If your probe thing that you drop has 6 parts including the parachute module then you want to add the weight of all six parts. And... I guess you want the weight local to the planet you're going to be deploying this too.... not sure.
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