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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Sheesh am I that far behind??? That ticks me off just enough to start posting in Comic Sans
  2. You know, for some reason I was thinking it was Metaphor.... creeping senilities strikes again.
  3. Yeah but I was having issues modifying something that had only a single MODEL{} so that shouldn't enter into it
  4. To delete, you only need to put a ! in front of the variable name. !dragCoeff !deflectionLiftCoeff
  5. Depends on if you want it to always be able to access all of RSS's launch sites. If you split things up then that means you have to always keep them in sync. It will be one more thing to have to keep track of. I suspect you'll hit a practical limit before you hit a hard limit. AnimationCurve is an array and it grows dynamically in size as you add to it. If there's a limit it would maybe be Int32.MaxValue number of entries or 2GB worth of data in the array. Edit: Rather than spam the pressureCurve with keys, we really need to figure out how to do tangents right. Do altitude keys only for important areas (such as first 10 km on Earth/Kerbin) and use interpolation for the rest.
  6. Try starting a new game and see if you still have that problem. Your save file could have problems.
  7. I'm confused, I'm not seeing them; could you paste the text that they're in plz?
  8. The cutoff point was never the Karman line. The original pressureCurve data came from a spreadsheet I devised to automatically create pressureCurve data in a format that I could easily cut and paste into the config file. The Karman line is too abrupt a transition to go from atmosphere to vacuum. At that altitude it's still too dense and we wanted an atmosphere that faded out into space more gradually than that. It was a little further out originally but Nathan asked me to cut it to 180 so that players could go off-rails at 100nmi, which was the parking orbit used by Apollo astronauts on their way to the moon. Edit: (I'm not even sure the Karman line actually entered into our conversations though I did calculate it on my spreadsheet for reference purposes to compare to the final cutoff) Edit #2: I think what's in there currently was computed by Metaphor based on more current data than what I used. At least on the github repository, not sure if that's in the current download?
  9. Drop Tank texture: More people (barely) seemed to like that one overall. It looks better if you use the reflective shader plugin. Also, I have some other textures that will look better; I'll bundle them in a pack and you can use the one you want. Truss texture: The truss material, according to Stanley Borowski at GRC is proposed to be a graphite epoxy composite. I'll be honest, I have no idea what it would look like IRL but it's not going to look like polished metal. I gave it something I thought looked like a carbon fiber appearance and I admit that's probably wrong too. If anyone can tell me what a 'graphite epoxy composite truss' looks like, I can probably do something about that. Drop tank volume: You shouldn't see that much capacity unless you're using Real Fuels, in which case, the volume capacity should be correct because it's scaled in liters. In stock or Real Fuels, it should hold more than a correctly configured tank of comparable size because it has little to no volume dedicated to structural components, being closer to a balloon tank. Most fuel tanks you see in the game are meant to be part of a stage, so they have structural reinforcing and that decreases the amount of space that can be allocated for fuel. The radiator is only a functional component when using Real Fuels and its purpose is to refrigerate the fuel tank. (in Real Fuels, cryogenic fuels can boil off if they are not kept cool) Thanks for the feedback, I'll make the other drop tank textures accessible and I'll double check it as to volume, though as I said it should be correct. (unless you're seeing inflated volume when you're not using Real Fuels, in which case something is really wrong) (and I'll see about modeling some latches for the drop tank)
  10. good job on the lighting. But... the first Mk2 cockpit doesn't do that, does it? Will it get an upgrade?
  11. I can't speak as to Earth since I try to spend as little time there as possible,, but those aren't clouds at ground level on Mars. Those are dust storms simulated by volumetric clouds.
  12. Granted. However, for inexplicable reasons, you wished for your eyelids to turn to sandpaper. OUCH! I wish to go to Mars.
  13. I don't think he originated the idea. And it's not like he owns it.
  14. That's great! You know what you could do though? Get a github account, fork MJ2, apply your fix and then do a pull request. Then you don't have to worry about 'Keeping Up With the Sarbians' (sounds like a reality TV show, doesn't it....)
  15. I wouldn't bother measuring the tank unless you think the person who wrote up the config screwed up the config. The value that you're citing for H2 isn't for a cryogenic tank. It could be a Fuselage, Balloon or Structural tank. A cryogenic tank uses 0.000001 for LH2 + the basemass of 0.000011 So, looking at the 3.75x9m NP tank volume = 86080 86080 x 0.000011 = 0.94688 // Cryogenic tank type 86080 x 0.000001 = 0.08608 // H2 tank = 1.03296 <------ this should be the dry mass for that tank 86080 x 0.00007085 = 6.098768 // H2 density it should be coming out to 7.131728 tons for that tank, wet. 1.03296 dry So if you're seeing 11 tons, either another mod has altered your base masses or the volume of your NP tank. I'm not aware of any of the mods in your list that would do that, but I don't use Interstellar so I can't speak as to that one. If you posted your output_log.txt I could tell pretty quick what configs are altering the NP tank. If you search for NP_lft_375m_9m in the log you can see what's editing it because ModuleManager logs that sort of thing. It would show up looking something like 'Applying node (path to config file) to NovaPunch/(folders)/NP_lft_375m_9m' Aaaaaand of course you had to ninja me and figure it out while I was typing that...
  16. Try from a higher orbit. Your descent angle at the time of your suicide burn will be closer to vertical and MJ2 will have less trouble with it. FYI, the real moon missions started their descent from ~100km altitude. Because of the scale of the Mun (or Gilly) you won't have to do anything nearly that severe. Oh... and Gilly.... sheesh, actually good luck on that one. MJ2 is going to have an absolutely horrendous time. I'd put throttle limits in place. I forget what worked for me, find Gilly's gravity at the surface and limit MJ2 to maybe twice that. (when the Translatron was working properly, it made Gilly a lot easier for me cause if I picked a bad spot I could have it hover while I moved the ship)
  17. Well, the 'getting back in' thing probably needs a working ladder. See previous PJ posts about the ladder problem Speaking of which (Porkjet), did you see my earlier suggestion about trying to do the ladder as a separate model and putting it in the config as a MODEL{} node?
  18. Mansail??? That sounds kinda ominous for some reason...
  19. For the ocean problem take a look at this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-23-5-Real-Solar-System-v6-4-7-14?p=1075827&viewfull=1#post1075827
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