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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. I forgot about the ablative shielding. I changed mine over to non-ablative, reflective only.
  2. Wasn't there an ingame terrain editor someone was working on awhile back? Seems something like that would assist in fixing the PQSMods because as it is right now you have to edit, run the game, exit and edit again. And rinse and repeat until your fingers are numb.
  3. I use it with 0.23.5. Didn't even occur to me to ask first. He hasn't put any updates out. I know he's working on it but was having some problems that needed working out.
  4. I've some reservations about FAR after it told me terminal velocity just above the surface of Venus was 7 m/s which I know is off. Could be the mass / cross section of the probe so I'll try again with something smaller but at the same mass. Something about the size and mass of a certain Venera probe whose chute failed just before landing.
  5. Is that a bag of snacks in front of the unit on the left???
  6. Power... as in ElectricCharge? They don't use it. And they don't share fuel either. Did you check your staging?
  7. Too many data charts on Venus disagrees with each other. NASA doesn't even have a decent model for it listed at all like they do for Mars or Earth. I'd love to have a better curve for it, but I just can't find any information that fills me with confidence to make one better than what's in there now Listed scale heights range from 15-22. Wiki lists it's atmosphere as ending at 250km but I'm a bit skeptical at that. And we've got a heck of a lot more information on Venus than we do on Titan...
  8. You can stick this in your Gamedata folder (preferably in whatever you use to store tweaks in.... you did make a tweaks folder right?) @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleHeatShield]] { @MODULE[ModuleHeatShield] { !dissipation dissipation { key = 300 0 key = 800 1260 } } } Be warned though, that's pretty much just a generic blanket solution. Using the right configs from the RO pack gives better individualized settings per shield. But what I'm giving you above will work.
  9. Are you also using RSS rated heat shields? If not then you don't want to use the realistic settings. Setting multiplier/exponent to 1.12 is the equivalent of playing RSS.
  10. Oh crap seriously?? Looks like I had some spurious keys in there for Mars. Dammit..... Not sure what you mean though about a 'cap'. There is no cap except for the point in the curve where the value (pressure) = 0. Unless you mean the maxAtmosphereHeight but that doesn't actually affect anything when determining pressure for a given altitude above a body. It might affect third party mods like MechJeb, which uses maxAtmosphereHeight to determine where atmosphere cuts out. From that standpoint we definitely want it to match the final key in the pressureCurve. (although in MJ's case, they're also assuming that the 1e-6 cap is in effect, so that's a problem)
  11. Any light in general can have that effect. Usually during time warping.
  12. Even though it takes doubles, it casts them to an int before setting the tumbler. P.S. Good job. Does it just cast straight down or do you use the vessel's velocity vector at all? (to check its flight path for trouble)
  13. Theoretically it could, but if that's possible, I was not able to replicate your problem with any setting of delta time. And I tried.
  14. Mismatching pairs of braces. If you have 4 { you better have 4 } @PART[roverBody] { MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.02777778 } } @RESOURCE[ElectricalCharge] { @amount = 150 @maxAmount = 150 } }
  15. Are you sure it's not just washing out the reflection? Parts undergoing reentry seem like they still reflect when they start glowing, up to a point. Check the second post. Put the example code into a part config file. By default, all meshes on the part on the part will reflect. If it has multiple meshes then you can choose which meshes will reflect, if you know their names. (look at the line that has MeshesToChange in it, commented out) LOL, THAT config is just begging for trouble. I'd be afraid to try that even with realtime reflection turned off, at least with craft having lots of parts.
  16. GPU: NVidia GTX 570 AA 2x AF...you mean AeroFX? Normal VSync: Every VBlank Resolution: 1920x1080 Frame Limit 60 Pixel Light Count 8 shadow cascade 4 delta time limit 0.04 (which... actually I forget if that's where I really want it....)
  17. Chris, question: When it asks (in the calculator section) how many chutes I'm using and it's a triple chute. Should I enter three or is it still technically considering it a single chute? Example, 8 radial chutes set to triple. Am I putting 8 or 24? Are the triples graphical only?
  18. That's a pretty serious bug. I think the stock chutes have that problem too
  19. I've started using it in everyday speech.... like actual talking to people IRL.... Internet has ruined my once perfect grammar
  20. Ugh, you really ought to install VisualStudios. Maybe MonoDevelop but I have no experience with that one and don't know if it has the same browsing options. But with Visual Studios, let's say you want to get all of the PartModules that have been written for stock KSP. Most of them have the word module in them so just type module and the autocomplete feature will display a list for you. Then let's say you want to look at the docking port module, which is ModuleDockingNode so you put that in. Right click it and click definition and it will show you all variables and methods defined on it. You can even tell from looking at that which variables can actually be accessed from a part's config file. You can learn a lot that way.
  21. Did you also install KSO or something else that installs RPM? Something that overwrote your RPM files? I have problems using the MJ functions in the RPM monitors using the version that shipped with KSO. In any event, checking the RPM thread is the way to go, pretty sure they have a fix there.
  22. You're welcome. And rereading my reply I feel compelled to make sure you understand that although it was meant to be informative there was also some tongue in cheek...
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