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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. stupid_chris: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwkqoapn5pdwku7/no_deploy_animation.output_log.txt That's the requested output_log.txt file for stack chute secondary chute not deploying (or not playing deploy animation, because even though it looks like it's stuck in pre-deployment it seems to be applying the correct amount of drag)
  2. WOAH. I haven't seen anything like that.... I need to pay closer attention to what's happening at home!!!!!!! We need Impact Events!!!! Like the one that took out the kerbosaurs many millions of years ago during the Kerbaceous period. Or was it the Kerbisticene?
  3. Not off the top of my head, I think I first saw it mentioned by NathanKell so you might send him a message. Might be that the original discussions even happened in IRC :/ if I find more about it I'll let you know.
  4. It's from combining rescale with scale in the MODEL node. It's a known issue. It's caused by the same thing that resulted in you combining both scale and rescale: Rescale gets applied twice except when reverting to launch. Then it gets applied only once. I've also seen it when quick loading. I don't know why it doesn't always happen but if it happens for someone then it will probably always happen to them. For my own parts pack I'm working on I had to abandon rescaling that way and do all scaling only in the MODEL node and manually recalculate all attachment nodes by hand for each part.
  5. I seem to recall awhile back someone requesting that Utility options not affect Ascent Guidance options... I don't remember autostage specifically being complained about... more like throttle limits and such. Maybe it was done on purpose. Is anything else affected??
  6. Ferram never promised you'd never have to use another strut ever again. Fewer struts maybe. Or not having to use excessive numbers of them. In 0.23.5 I'm finding KJR unnecessary (so far) with stock gameplay. The only time I've used it since starting 0.23.5 is when I loaded up Real Solar System and I had to get the new version. It's doing what it was supposed to and keeping RSS from demolishing my rockets. So I'd say it's far from useless. Perhaps the situation calls for less whinging and more re-evaluation of your rocket designs.
  7. 0.23 save? Running under 0.23.5 perchance? That could be the issue. Or it could be a mod that had to be updated for 0.23.5. My guess is that something changed loading order for some PartModule and I've long had a sneaking (unsubstantiated) suspicion that problems as depicted in your screenshot can be caused by that. Errors when the ship is loading up will do it. Does it do it to new saves?
  8. Duna... say Duna.... say Duna.... (so I don't have to....)
  9. Bug report: Stack chute secondary chute deploy animation does not play. I think the the chute itself is deploying properly (drag seemed to be as expected) but it doesn't visually deploy.
  10. Yeah, sorry, solar panels are totally destructible and not repairable... (unless they changed this in 0.23.5, please please Squad?) it's actually rather comical when it happens to the giant solar panels like the Kosmos Balka. Huge mammoth solar panel and Billy-Boblie Kerman brushes against it and suddenly there's bits of solar panel all OVER the place.
  11. It might not be anything that can be handled by Mechjeb. And it might be that it's actually working as it should but it's not readily apparent from your perspective. Targeting center of gravity probably affects how the asteroid reports its reference transform which would be transparent to MJ. In other words, it should 'just work.' That's how docking ports work. You can target a docking port that points in an entirely different than its parent object (like the inline docking port or Porkjet's FLAT hab) and MJ 'just works' because KSP handles everything in the background.
  12. Give an RSS reentry a try. That'll warm your enchiladas for you (VEG)
  13. I don't even see how the prank was responsible for Insignus problem if he was troubleshooting it for only 5 hours and first posted here yesterday at 17:22 to report his problems. (As ongoing) well after the prank had come and gone. And allegedly had redownloaded as well. Insignus, you need to reconsider that you could be overreacting. AGAIN. this is a common thing for you and your disruption of the harmony of our community is far more inexcusable than stupid_chris stupid prank. But we'll forgive you if you apologize instead of demanding a forum ban.
  14. Some craft files: ARM-1 - Propulsion stage. Launch this first. Deploy solar panels in orbit and let it wait for the next stage Demonstrates use of docking ring + truss adapter ring ARM-Hab Porkjet Habitat, half-truss, hab adapter, large monoprop tanks. solar panels. crew excursion vehicle made from SDHI parts. Demonstrates use of half truss, docking ring and hab adapter. Uses Porkjet, SDHI and RealChute ARM-P.R.O.B.E. unmanned ship for asteroid retrieval. Doesn't really demonstrate core Copernicus properties. Uses the adapter ring for battery and probe core ability. Good for automated asteroid retrieval. Included just for fun. Enjoy. Also uses Real Chutes so you need that. Uses the inflatable heat shield from Deadly Reentry. (P.R.O.B.E. stands for Purely Robotic Observation Beta Explorer) https://www.dropbox.com/s/xh024inr8g6xndg/ARM-P_R_O_B_E_.zip
  15. No I'll put up some craft files tonight for the ship I posted the latest pics of. It mostly uses 0.23.5 stock plus porkjets hab Actually it also uses SDHI... Definitely think of it as just example work. It's actually impractical because I put the grapple where the CEV should dock and instead it sits in the half truss. Impractical but viable.
  16. Use the toolbar plugin. Then there won't be a Mechjeb window unless you open it from the toolbar which is totally movable and customizable. You'll need the toolbar plugin itself plus you'll have to grab the Mechjeb toolbar extension from Sarbian's signature.
  17. The same way you intercept anything else in space. Existing rendezvous works fine. Intercept <at time X> after <burn time> works just fine too. (there's an actual MJ2 function named Intercept that has those parameters) Seriously, no extra Mechjeb functionality is required to intercept asteroids. Come to think of it, the docking module probably will work too. Control from the grapple hook. Mechjeb will ***** that you aren't controlling from a docking port. It will also ***** that you aren't targeting a docking port. But while it's doing its *****ing and grumbling, it's still trying to dock with the thing you told it to dock with. Make sure you have enough forward velocity while it's lined up and moving forward and... BOOM! Captured asteroid. Oops I can't say the word that rhymes with 'itching'. So uh... Mechjeb will 'itch'. Because it's allergic to non-docking ports I guess. Or something.
  18. Yeah but Lekke asked if you meant node dancing to which you replied, 'No, that's a MechJeb issue.' which misinforms other people who then think they have to go to the Mechjeb thread about their node dancing issue.
  19. Force them, force them!!! Wait they're toggle able now?
  20. Some mods had 1.5.7 released to them even though as yet there is no official 1.5.7 update. And what the heck do you mean coming in here acting like nothing is wrong??? Get out of our game you sinister ol' space kraken!!!!
  21. Node dancing is a stock issue. Mechjeb can't make the maneuver node dance like that. And when it 'chases' it, it's just trying to aim where stock KSP is telling it the maneuver node is.
  22. Hate to say but flag decals have been with us over a year. I might even have asked about them here before...
  23. Either you're missing the Firespitter plugin (FSAnimateGeneric to be precise) or the Firespitter plugin is not compatible with 0.23.5. (which probably just means it needs recompiling for 0.23.5) Yup that's it. You just need the Firespitter plugin and you're Good To Go. Works fine in 0.23.5
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