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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Maybe Sandra didn't drift as far as she/we thought. And maybe the station was really just on the other side of the shuttle!!! (And maybe a winning lottery ticket might fall out of my butt )
  2. Check the log, it logs all that. I don't think I've ever seen that sort of recalculation going on but I never specifically lot watched for it either.
  3. yeah but that doesnt mean you need a whole new buran. you just need the existing ones engines and fuel tanks edited.
  4. except than in real life, astronauts on EVA have about 3m/s of delta-V available just in case their tether breaks and they start drifting. (Sorry Clooney, yer grounded!
  5. How is atmospheric composition being assigned to planets? Are we saying, "It's Duna so it's mostly CO2" or will there be a way to custom assign composition? Especially if a new planet is added? (which is really what I'm getting at; how extensible will it be) Also, another question: I decided to see if I could make an engine fairing by taking the KWR interstage pieces, stripping the decouplers out of them and changing the title to have the word Fairing in it (since I'd read that this was one of the ways that FAR determined if a part was a fairing)... and it seemed to work in that the the new fairing GUI started reporting how many pieces were being shielded. The bad news is that no matter how I physically arranged it, it never actually seemed to shield anything, least of all the engines. How exactly does a fairing determine how many parts are being protected?
  6. What does the UpdateLiftSlope section do exactly? (sorry for necro reply but I've seen this pop up a couple of places and was wondering why it's there? I don't see it show up by default for the FARBasicDragModel MODULE... is there a reason for instance someone might stick it in a heat shield? (saw that on KerbalSpacePort...)
  7. Please tell me that's not particle board I see on some of those parts.... but it would be typical Kerbal engineering.
  8. MODULE { name = FlagDecal textureQuadName = BANNER }
  9. When you use that same design on other launches, multiple times, what is the normal behavior for it? And can you leave it in solar orbit (no SmartA.S.S. commands, no SAS), walk away from the keyboard and come back to to find it doing the same thing as when you left it?
  10. Probably not, you've probably got files that duplicate those parts. (in different folders) check your GameData folder and see if there's any duplicate StretchyTanks folders. (StretchyTanks, StretchyTanks - Copy, StretchyTanks - Copy(1), StretchyTanks(1), etc etc)
  11. Kill it. Kill it with fire! Edit: Wow, liking that probe up above.... on the face of it, not that spectacular but it's got a nice retro functional look to it...
  12. You're welcome and let me know if you have any suggestions
  13. Kerbals. Kerbals are at the center of our galaxy, doing Science!!! Tell your teacher that the local water supply is contaminated with DHMO and warn him about how deadly DMHO (Dihydrogen Monoxide) is. If he does not fall for it and properly puts you in your place then maybe you can trust him about the black hole thing. If on the other hand he doesn't 'get it' and falls for the bit about how solid DHMO can cause bruising or how in gaseous form it causes burns or in liquid form is a suffocation hazard... well, he must not know very much science then. (my cousin took a DHMO printout I gave her to her science teacher in highschool and he didn't get it)
  14. Just go to Moho. It doesn't take a lot of delta-V to get there, and I can't imagine a situation that going to Eve first would benefit you unless you were not on course for Moho during your Eve encounter. And if you botch your Moho rendezvous, another launch window opens up fairly quickly.
  15. The inside of the inflato looks good. It's got some funny bits as is traditional for KSP. The walls are padded and some enterprising Kerbal has pulled some off the wall to assist with a special project.
  16. I don't think the problem is that the game thinks they are moving as such. It knows they are. Physics hasn't settled down after the ship loaded and for some designs may never stop. Either the ship is swaying too much or has overlapping collision bodies constantly acting on each other. When I get such a ship into solar orbit it turns out to be one of those that wants to spin out of control for no visible reason.
  17. It's trivial to do so. Just create new TANK definitions (nodes) whose name is the name of the resource (haven't actually checked to see what the resource name is) Something like // this adds it to the default tank type @TANK_DEFINITION[Default] { TANK { name = O2 mass = 0.00001 // forget what else should go here. It's not cry so no boiloff } }
  18. Sure I'll check it out when I get a chance. I think though that some of what's being said though re: the struts is correct. Sometimes struts can work against you if you put too many even in stock without KJR. I've had rockets that just kept going to pieces so I put MOAR STRUTS! MOAR on them but they'd get worse until I just ripped them out and started fresh with just a few struts in key places. Sometimes it also jhelps to keep them short depending on what's being reinforced
  19. ok, the known issues aside, you've got something else going on because I use those same parts in something I whipped up yesterday and I didn't put a single strut on. Not a single one. I even stuck an interstage upside down on the bottom to give the engine a fairing (for FAR). Stuck fins on it and everything. It flies straight as an arrow.
  20. depending on just which 2.5m engines you're talking about, your problem might actually be unset breakingForce / breakingTorque on the parts. if not set in the config file it defaults to something really low. I use a MM config that checks for missing breakingForce / breakingTorque and adds them at 1000 each if not found. I'm typing on my ipad so I dont have it handy but I've posted it a few times or had it reposted by others. Check the KJR thread and use search to find posts with breakingForce
  21. Stock Eve or RSS? If RSS then your shield wont work very well. Max temp wont really help, you have to edit the ModuleHeatShield dissipation curve. Change the second key (not sure what original value is) to key = 800 1260 for instance mine looks like dissipation { key = 300 0 key = 800 1260 }
  22. to add on to Ferram's reply, get Stupid Chris real chutes mod. Gives even more control over chutes. You could even hack one onto your existing probe by editing the save. I have one on my RSS duna probe that mimics Curiosity's hypersonic chute nicely
  23. In addition to the com offset as jack instructs, if you have B9 installed give an airbrake a try. (Or maybe in place of) That's worked ok for me. I think that's KJR combined with the high speed time warps in RSS. Come out of TW GRADUALLY. Don't step down until the previous step down has finished
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