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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. You might be able to hack it in... Have you looked at the cfg file for the para clampotron? It's apparently TWO models. You might just be able to replace the call to the stock clampotron with your choice. Might not be offset correctly though..
  2. Oh and I misunderstood metaphor I think. I thought he was talking like some kind of consumable. But you're really just talking about the ability to arbitrarily determine how much MLI goes on the tank?
  3. a bit of warning though, the ones the mod comes with are kind of bland looking. You should get the ones made by zzz for the interstellar mod. in fact, I was just thinking it would be cool if we could get them officially in this mod.... cant remember what sort of license he had them under...
  4. On the subject of insulation and refrigeration. Radiators. Use them. That's your active refrigeration. Insulation. I'm not sure just how much attention has been paid to real life values used by NASA but the best passive cooling techniques (insulation with reflective Mylar materials) will always result in boil off. You will never achieve zero boil off with only passive cooling. Ever. You can't insulate everything. Pipes and fittings will have to penetrate the insulation and they connect to uninsulated things like engines. Heat transfer occurs and hydrogen heats up to boiling requiring that it be vented off. So in the interest of some semblance of realism, no. Active cooling is a must and the mod has it in the form of radiators. They're not just wicking away the heat, there's refrigeration involved. Edit: there have been schemes investigated by NASA such as using H2 boil off as a sort of poor mans refrigeration. Same principle that lets you can boil water in a paper cup.
  5. Use the action group editor to edit tanks and engines.
  6. Eventually that's going to tie into the tech tree. If you want to hack on it yourself, you can. Each config file controls a group of engines. Sometimes you can tell from the name. But engines.cfg controls squad, KWR and I forget what else.
  7. Hmmm yeah looks like it doesn't check if you have windows open for modules you didn't research.
  8. If anyone's interested I have an RC config for a pair of chutes that more closely mimic Mars Curiosity chute. At least in regards to altitude deployment. Sort of. Duunnno what drag should be so mostly I didn't do anything with that.
  9. Not necessarily pure retro, depending on your angle and speed you may need to change your pitch or G forces can mill the crew. (I forget if its pitched up or down... one killed my crew and the other didnt...)
  10. It sounds like it's just a research issue and not a parts issue. Either start a new career game or edit your existing one and delete all MJ2 related tech unlock. When you reload that game it will reset it but you'll have to unlock it inside the tech node
  11. You can edit your save file easily enough and delete all unlock information regarding MJ from the save file. That should leave but a single copy in Start which you'll still have to 'unlock' probably.
  12. works fine for me staging, as long as I attached it properly to begin with. honestly, why do people complicate this?
  13. No, its not that it gets stuck, it's what I said. If it happens to you, look at your craft file and see what nodes are attched where. Or look at the craft in your save file.
  14. Does it happen when reducing warp speed? If so, be sure not to reduce it too quickly. At least that's the only time it ever happened to me. So far. Also I thought maybe it was Deadly Re-entry that was doing it.... but now that you've posted this I'm not so sure. Are you using DE?
  15. That's because FAR changes how drag works. (currently) MJ looks at stock values for drag but FAR sets those values to 0 and recalculates and implements drag itself. Sarbian / Ferram have (I think?) done some work in helping the two mods talk to each other better so eventually we should have better integration. (presumably what's needed is for MJ to check for FAR's presence and query it about drag) I know it's tough right now but the workaround is to let MJ do its initial de-orbit burn then abort once you have re-entry. Make sure landing prediction is enabled and check the map to see where you're going to land. Point prograde or retrograde as needed (really spellcheck? You know what retrograde is but not prograde?) and do a slow gentle burn to bring that number down. As you get better you need the map less and can just look at the landing AP GUI. Closer to the target and you'll need to use +/- radial burns to extend or reduce your landing distance. Normal burns if you're not quite lined up with the site.
  16. No it isn't. Go into the VAB and reattach it. You have the rings bottom node attached to the capsules bottom. And the rings top attached to whatever is under it. Those nodes are very close so its easy to do accidentally.
  17. Yeah I had a few ideas about it that I wanted to bring up with you but couldn't tear myself from all the tweaking and testing I was doing. Glad you figured it out.!
  18. Was it a first time launch or was it a landed-re packed chute-relaunched? Because there is a stock bug that causes repacked chutes to deploy on launch.
  19. Still on 1.5.1 but just wanted to say that reload ability just saved me about half an hour worth of restarts. (Half an hour that I don't actually have.)
  20. That's only because you haven't had a nauseous Billy-Boblie Kerman throw up on you. Jeb's mouth was open and he's not happy! I think part of the problem is last minute course corrections. The closer to ground contact it is, the less willing it should be to deviate from a retrograde orientation. If it adheres to that and just focuses on retarding its descent it should be ok. If it's trying to target a specific site it should be more willing to accept deviation the closer it is to contact. At a certain altitude it's just too dangerous to try to correct. It IS possible but not by turning perpendicular to the ground, which invites disaster.
  21. You were in career mode. You had modules that needed unlocking. What exactly did you require by way of a proper explanation in the OP? Flashing neon lights? I'm not trying to be mean btw, I'm just trying to understand how you can be better serviced. Also, what color? My media professor always told us red was best for attracting attention.
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