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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Some commentary is in order: Yes, H2 has the highest Isp. What that means is it has the highest amount of thrust per kilogram of propellant. A given quantity of propellant measured by mass gives you a certain amount of thrust. The reason H2 is used is to lighten the load, especially in upper stages.
  2. Node processing is done in two passes First is anything that isnt :Final Second pass is :Final More important however than what is why. The answer is that you do this as a safeguard against your desired changes being undone by another patch node. If it's executed in pass #1 then you append :Final on yours and it will overlay your changes on that one.
  3. Another example I'd forgotten was Hubble. Hubble shots of Mars show it to be definitely tinged in blue on the edges of the planet. The same as Earth appears from orbit with that blue haze.
  4. I'm about to try this again with FAR. I tend to run into the same problem; would it help to stay below terminal velocity? Thanks for the input, I'll keep this in mind.
  5. MJ: probably but you have little room for error. When I tried the earlier versions of this I got very close to a stable orbit with MJ. but not quite. With a better rocket or better parameters or both I think it could do it. As it was I had to take over approaching edge of atmo to make orbit. Edit: actually I think I'm forgetting to account for atmospheric issues in the early versions... Not sure what difference that makes.
  6. You have to be careful with those photos because a lot of them have unnatural color filters applied to them. I'm serious about that. Even the ones that come from NASA. If you look for Martian photos from the landers you will find plenty in real color that show a sky as blue as any you can find on Earth. Actually, in the interest of accuracy I have to amend part of the above. When I said even the ones that come from NASA what I really meant was especially the ones from NASA. And that's not done here, the cameras themselves on some of the probes were tuned to filter them. I have no idea why. If you look at the Viking images, focus on shots that include the lander's hull. The Martian atmosphere itself shouldn't filter the light enough to tint the white hulls red and yet in a lot of those shots they're noticeably pink.
  7. No, I meant that the SAS parts have had their functionality changed so that they are reactionwheels. But see 0x7be's last post I think he's got your answer; parts that have the module property set to CommandPod do that too. (Bobcat needs to update those parts badly to provide compatibility with current KSP but I don't think he's going to. Apparently that responsibility is shifted onto each person who downloads regardless of whether they're familiar with part editing or not) Just FYI a module for reaction wheels looks like this: MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 0.3 YawTorque = 0.3 RollTorque = 0.3 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.03 } }
  8. PartIDs (you mean where within the PART module it says name = xxxxx right?) do not change at all. If a craft uses radiator1 on one of its parts, it's the same for every radiator1 on that craft and on every other craft ever. There are two possible exceptions that probably don't matter to you. #1 - within a save file (*.sfs) underscores are represented by periods. #2 - within a craft file, every part name has an apparently random digit appended to it. Not sure what you mean by the second question....? Parts in the save file that you no longer have the part files for? Or do you mean something else?
  9. Maybe he's not letting it fly at all. You can switch on the navball ascent marker though. That will show you where you it thinks you need to be pointed at all stages of your ascent.
  10. Not me, I leave those fairings so they can sit on the sidelines and cry while watching me use PF instead.
  11. Totally, Notepad++ all the way. The only reason I haven't deleted Notepad and Wordpad yet (after installing NP++) is because I'm too lazy to hunt them down and exterminate them. So I guess they get to live for awhile longer.
  12. You know, I was watching a movie about Zubrin last night and as a result of that and the short exchanges here in this thread about Mars / Duna I had a dream that I went to Mars. Apparently I crashed though and I was the only one, gathering what I could from the wreckage to survive.... taking shelter under the heat shield that had crashed nearby.... (though I think IRL it would likely have landed further away....) I hope we go to Mars in my lifetime. though I'm skeptical we will. Hopefully Elon Musk proves me wrong. He and Zubrin should totally get together if they haven't already.
  13. If I go to Death Valley, and get caught in a dust storm that turns the sky grayish-brown, that doesn't mean Earth had a grayish-brown sky. The base color is going to be blue because of the scattering effect on the shortest visible wavelengths. That's even independent of the molecular composition of its atmosphere. Yes but you're talking about an effect that's separate from the sky's basic color. If you were modeling Earth and made the sky gray because of a few smoggy cities it would look wrong for the sky as a whole. It wouldn't be realistic.
  14. probe cores. the former SAS / ASAS modules are now flywheel modules....
  15. There's no cheating because there are no rules save for these two: It's YOUR sandbox. Don't let anyone else tell you what you can do in your sandbox. Don't tell anyone else what they can do in their sandbox. If it's not in the above list then it's not a rule.
  16. This is what I'm seeing a lot of in Miller's log: 165x NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.SetDamageLabel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.AddDamage (Single dmg) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.CheckForFire (Vector3 velocity) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) I'm guessing that's before you enterered the VAB. The only other error I'm really seeing that might be in the editor itself is a lot of renderer errors.... This one appears a whopping 25,631 times..... no idea where this is coming from... unless you alt-tabbed out a lot in this area.... that can cause rendering device errors but re-entering the game usually makes it stop until you alt-tab out again... Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) (Filename: Line: 1385) HandleD3DDeviceLost HandleD3DDeviceLost: still lost Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) (Filename: Line: 1385) So the only error I can actually trace to anything specific is from Deadly Re-entry.... so you probably want to make sure you have the latest one... and maybe try running without it and see if it stops.... Aaaaaaand I am actually starting to pass out as I'm typing this. I just had to delete a line of sssssssss all across the screen so I'm gonna hit the sack... I'll look at it more closely tomorrow.
  17. I'll take a look at it right now. You're missing at least one brace in there. Should be on the second line right after the line that starts with @PART It's easier to spot these things if you use proper indentation. Also, old programmer tip: when you do add a left brace immediately close it with the right brace then move your cursor in between them and add whatever needs to go between them.
  18. I've been having that thought myself. KSP's handling of heat is even more bizarre than you might think it is unless you actually have paid close attention and tracked it as it changes. It changes abruptly and more rapidly than it should be. It should take minutes rather than seconds. I put a full array of radiators on a 3.75 and when I shut them off it takes about 20ish seconds to go from -250 to full local ambient temp. orientation helps a lot with cooling as you might expect but not always consistently. some odd behavior I've noticed is sudden increases when occulted from the sun by the planet. Other strangeness is that it matters if I point prograde or retrograde but also whether it's before or after 'midnight'. I.e. if I have not yet reached the , mid point of the darkside I will see heat increase in the tank if I am prograde. I lose heat if I reverse orientation to retrograde. That reverses if I cross the midnight line. Leaving planetary orbit to Sun SOI results in more normal behavior. Just ditching the radiator heat increase probably will help a little because then you're not fighting heat trying to get back into the tank from the radiator. Just for giggles I turned the radiator rate to 1000 heatTransfer. turned them on, turned timewarp on then watched radiators start exploding like pop corn.
  19. ok I'm not seeing this on my end. using latest ICS aka dev release 4. Ioncross's modification of the clamp is via ModuleManager; just adds a stock ModuleGenerator that adds oxygen and subtracts CO2. Do other ModuleManager files work ok? Are you also using Sarbian's MM extensions? If so, try using this version of MM: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dr3wd3up88yizra/ModuleManager.dll It's the most recent version from Ialdabaoth's original thread but with the KSPAddon fix.
  20. just like on earth it depends on circumstances scattering shifts the skiy's coloring blue under the same circumstances it would on Earth
  21. but what about the atmo layer itself? the one that they color red on duna and purple on eve.
  22. i didnt get to try yet, got sidetracked. sorry will test ir later tho
  23. Can we give Duna a decently colored atmosphere? Eve too? I don't buy the notion that they should be red and purple. I hate watching Mars movies and they make the atmosphere red.
  24. I couldn't care less about Saturn unless you're maybe planning to put a giant living space habitat in orbit there...? Perhaps one that reaches out and grabs my Kerbal's ship (DSV Ringmaster) and sucks them inside it where they are forced to live off the land to survive and maybe go on a quest to meet the brain that lives at the hub...?
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