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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. weird...... at first I thought this was going to be a spring/damper thing until the picture loaded
  2. I haven't looked at how you handle that but unless you're doing anything weird it should be easy to extract the groups... it would probably end up internally as something like transform0, transform1, transform0, transform1, wouldn't it? (where transform0 would be the main thrust transform and transform1 being the pump exhaust?)
  3. @pap1723 is everything you need to do ONLY in-flight? (I wasn't clear on that and maybe misunderstood) If so then maybe what you really need to look at is the engine's thrustTransformMultipliers; it's a list that is as long as the number of thrust tranforms and by default each one's value is (1/number of thrust transforms). One caveat there is that the engine's thrust transform multipliers can be changed via config. Not many mods make use of that feature but SSTU does for a few engines. (I think to simulate open cycle gas generator engines?) If you zero out one of the thrustTransformMultipliers elements that would have the effect of that engine failing. Or you could set it to some arbitrarily low value depending on what sort of failure you want. As I mentioned above, some of SSTU's engines do change the transform multipliers so each 'individual' engine might have multiplies and you'd have to zero all of them as a set. (so you'd have to figure out which elements of the thrustTransformMultipliers list constituted an entire engine)
  4. They might look like they render fine to you (and obviously things like cube maps and reflections are working for you) but those look a lot shinier than they would be under DX11. In fact, I find that it's impossible to get specularity right when using the recolor option because everything has a plasticky sheen to it. You're really better switching to DX11 or OGL
  5. I brought up this issue a long time ago because of Stage Recovery asking for a publicly accessible field but he declined. He posted an alternate solution here to be implemented in whatever mod might need to know correct engine thrust in the module There were TWO suggestions; I recall having an issue with one of them as being likely to be unworkable. The other one probably would work. I didn't pursue either of them as I was a bit bummed out at mod inter-compatibility in general at the time (and trying to get those issues corrected with other modders) and decided not pursue the issue further as it involved two separate modders for two mods that were not my own.
  6. You hear that thumping sound? That's @EmbersArc rocking back and forth and banging his head on his desk over and over...
  7. You need to be more mindful and think about other people. Every one of the modders involved with this project does it for free and you have zero right of expectation as to when or if it gets updated. Posting that you want this or that will not speed things along or in be in any way helpful.
  8. Hmmmm @Nertea "MinmusSrfLanded = The low gravity doesn't feel like much to the fish or you. You wonder if the KSC has though of putting a fish in a small spacesuit with an EVA jetpack." Do you want Orz? BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET ORZ!!!
  9. "Hey Jeb! Have you noticed the O2 reading? We're using it twice as fast! Better get the whole crew looking for that leak..."
  10. @Epox75 You asked after AIES patches for landing gear; I stumbled across this today. I have no idea if the landing gear fix is the same as the one you were after but here it is. (apparently works by using the stock animator module to animate the legs so no suspension) Also for anyone else that had an interest in AIES
  11. I suspect that the model's origin is off axis by a small amount. RCS Build Aid shows rotations when translating or even using the engines that should not possibly be happening. There's a work around you can try: First, if you have it, enable the RCS Build Aid and select engine or RCS translate forward. (this is optional but it will let you see what's going on) At this point you should see that there is torque happening when engine thrust is selected in RCSBA. Click the offset tweak tool. Grab one of the middle tank's axes BUT DO NOT ACTUALLY MOVE IT. The tank will snap and if you have and enabled RCS Build Aid as above then you should see the torque stop. You may need to do the same with the bottom tank to eliminate torque. While you're here and have RCSBA enabled, optionally adjust RCS thrust limiter for the fore or aft parts or both to make sure that they are balanced.
  12. Yeah I don't think so.... I've been poking at this for a few days now and it's got nothing to do with what I thought it was... POSSIBLY not deactivating the PQS (which happens at 167km AFTER fade out) might stop it.... maybe
  13. If you're using stock Kerbin then I'm not sure how PEG would work there. In theory it should but it would likely depend on the initial pitch program... I usually configure to start PEG between 60-135 seconds after launch and it wants to do shallow ascent, that being more efficient. In a stock environment that would mean going shallow at high speeds and low altitudes which means a lot of atmospheric heating. But you could give it a long pitch program and have it kick in during the upper atmosphere.... (none of that should matter for airless moons; it'll just fly shallow the whole way. Just make sure your initial pitch program is enough to clear any hills)
  14. It's in MechJeb 2. In the ascent AP window there's a drop down menu with classic, PEG and gravity turn.
  15. Powered Explicit Guidance. (so PEG Guidance is redundant) It's a guidance program that steers the rocket into orbit taking into account thrust levels and delta-V of all stages. It'll keep firing the engines at constant thrust and throttle (unless there are throttle limits such as for Q or max acceleration and minimum throttle %) It typically kicks in after a specified pitch program (configured in the PEG ascent window) of X deg/sec over Y seconds, etc etc Saturn used something similar called Iterative Guidance Mode (IGM) It could even compensate for engine out situations though that's not typically something KSP players have to worry about
  16. I almost always am using PEG so never happens for me; it keeps on with more or less constant thrust until orbit is established (scaled up Kerbin; PEG may not work so well on stock Kerbin with typical stock engine setups)
  17. Yeah, I had it fixed where it would stabilize ullage pretty consistently and it worked for about a week until someone else refactored the whole thing and it regressed. Same here for restarts... unless it's an engine that just shouldn't restart, or really has limited restarts (F1 / J2 respectively) then I just patch it. I think the problem there might be that MJ wants to throttle but it throttles too low to the point of shutting down.... See, it's supposed to do the RCS FIRST so that ullage is stable and THEN ignite the engine...
  18. And you have it enabled in the Utilities menu? If so and it still doesn't stabilize your ullage then bug errr I forget who you have to bug... I think he goes by Lamont but I'm not sure which Lamont he is... and he might not actually BE Lamont on the forums.... so I'm not sure who you need to bug. I gave up on it myself after my code got ripped up.
  19. Yeah, MJ could do better about compensating... especially MJ for KSP 1.3.1 It's SUPPOSED to have been fixed in more recent versions. It WAS totally fixed (by me) a long time ago but someone 'fixed' my fix and it's been unstable ever since. (git it? unstable? Talking about unstable tanks? ah never mind. Forget it...)
  20. 'highly pressurized' does NOT mean 'automagically stable'. Stable / not-stable only refers to ullage control. If it is unstable then that means that the tank contents are sloshing around and clinging to the walls in a blobby mess and it cannot be guaranteed that the engines won't end up sucking vapor. Such tanks must have their contents 'settled' against the aft bulkhead of the tank. (or whichever end faces the direction the rocket has to fire in). Pressurized is a requirement for pressure fed engines that don't have the capability to pump the fuel from the tank and it must therefore be forced into the engine under high pressure. You may possibly be confusing this for bladder tanks which by nature do not have ullage. Those are the kind of tanks used by RCS. They are not represented by any RF tank type except in an abstract sense where it is assumed that such tanks are present for RCS parts but are not otherwise relevant to the discussion. Bottom line, TL;DR there is no problem here except that planning and proper understanding is required by the players.
  21. Yeah that's a feature of stock KSP. And it's not just a graphical thing either so distance of control surfaces / RCS / engines from CoM changes which has real impact on control authority. Use rigid connections to stop it. There's a setting for that in the VAB. Or you can enable it in flight scenes as well by editing the game's main settings file.
  22. I don't know, certainly not due to any decision on my part. Doesn't sound right, does it?
  23. Yes, everybody has just been living with it but there is definitely something that fixes it. It's been awhile since I played with RSS running but I do play with a scaled up Kerbol (10x scale) and I haven't seen that problem in awhile. I didn't realize it was still a thing for RSS. The problem has to do with fading out the terrain BEFORE scaled space has faded in. Those are supposed to happen either simultaneously or overlapping each other.... Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what needs to be changed but it's most likely controlled through the Kopernicus configuration node for the planet.
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