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Everything posted by veryinky

  1. Updated my suits pack, it was using the old texture replacer suit structure. Updated the screenshots too. If anyone finds a problem with it I can try to fix it.
  2. Considering the giant heads of kerbals, maybe the Rover cabin should accommodate their form more? Namely larger doors, higher roof and more spaced out seats. It'd look more like a child's toy than the real world Rover but then kerbals have the proportions of human infants. The cars from the old Kerbal Shuttle Orbiter System by helldiver for example. Either way I'm happy that you're working on adding a civilian vehicle to the game.
  3. Not that I know of. All 1 part rover mods use plugins that are for 0.90 and previous.
  4. I've been testing it all day, nearly a hundred launches to create an optimal launch craft using level 3 techs (General Rocketry, Stability and Suitability). Seems functional enough with Overengineer1's 1.1 dll.
  5. It works in 1.1.2, I updated my cfg to have 1.1 era searchable tags and the modern heat tags. Since it's within the license to modify here it is an updated CFG, just replace the old one with this one. Note that this pod is very aerodynamic so remember to bring a drag chute.
  6. I like it, been wanting some kind of jeep to wander around KSC in. Though I think it's a bit too small considering how huge Kerbal heads are.
  7. Would it be possible to have indicator lights on docking ports? Like the docking collar lights from Necrobone's Modular Rocket Systems, but directly applied to the 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5m docking ports? If there's anything that I've wished had indicator lights it's docking ports to help with docking alignment when the target ends up on the dark side of a planet. I usually end up putting a bunch of batteries around them for the little green lights.
  8. Decided to re-upload my suit to dropbox in the unlikely chance anyone wants to use them. They're low resolution because I wanted to make them as small files as possible which isn't as much of a concern now in the age of KSP1.1. If anyone does use them and has a problem let me know and I'll try to fix them.
  9. To clarify, the "InternalSeat" module is usually the first but not always. This is the mk1 pod's cockpit where the crew wears his helmet: (located in ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Spaces\mk1PodCockpit\internal.cfg ) MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = pilotSeat } Compare this to the mk1 crew cabin, to get both seats occupants to not wear a helmet requires setting both to allowCrewHelmet = false. ( ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Spaces\mk1CabinInternal\internal.cfg ) MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Seat1 //portraitCameraName = CockpitCam1 allowCrewHelmet = false } MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Seat2 allowCrewHelmet = false }
  10. In the internals definition file, first MODULE {} segment needs to have: allowCrewHelmet = false
  11. Eeh, I'd argue that finding an alien space ship would be worth a lot of science. It's 3-4 surface samples.
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64442-0-23-5-Habitat-Pack-v0-4?p=1967501&viewfull=1#post1967501 Maschinenbauer updated the pack to work in 1.0.2
  13. That's what the script does now, it removes all the fuel from the tank, calculates the dry cost of the tank, then allows you to add 100% lf, 100% oxy, or 0.9/1.1 ratio lf/ox. Porkjet's gif on the op page is out of date.
  14. Stock Clamshell Fairings mod makes the fairings roughly 80% less ridiculous.
  15. nightingale, I'm guessing you aren't using the high level of terrain detail setting?
  16. Found an other way to break the contracts: 1. Land at waypoint, perform science. Pilot stays on board ship. (Lowlands in this example) 2. Land at an other biome, perform any science. (Highlands in this example) 3. This clears the "complete" portion of the field research contract.
  17. You may want to update the title of the thread so people know there is an updated version.
  18. License prevents people from creating an updated fork, so we just have to wait for Porkjet to take an interest in this mod again.
  19. If I want to replace my "Station Core", what would be the best way to go about it? I'm not sure how the contract pack tracks what the station is. I want to send up a new "Core" that has 2.5m docking ports.
  20. 1. Land at waypoint with passenger scientist. 2. Perform experiments. 3. (BUG) pilot goes EVA, ship is no longer compliant with contract requiring pilot on board. Pilot does usual EVA things, eva report, surface sample, re-enters ship. 4. Return to Kerbin. Mission still exists in contracts, and will auto-complete the instant a new ship with a pilot and passenger scientist gets within range of waypoint since the experiments were already done in step 2. Ah good, because right now I can't do any field research missions, I've tried generating new missions a hundred times, every single field research mission created requires the bio drill being used on Mun/Minmus/Ike now that I've researched it.
  21. I do. As a side note, this particular contract can't be completed though it's an incompatibility between DMagic science parts. Namely the Bio Drill only works on planets with atmospheres.
  22. Not sure if this is a bug but it is annoying: if the pilot in a field research mission exits the craft (say to collect surface samples+eva report) the mission can't be completed without re-taking the scientist to the waypoint. If that's done, it's considered complete the instant the ship gets near the waypoint.
  23. Someone asked me to make Hawaiian shirt pattern space suits for the tourists. apparently nobody likes purple.
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