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Everything posted by taniel0401

  1. hello, I would like to know if there is a way to increase the height for cut-off point, so the effect wouldn't end under 10km
  2. How well is this mod working with 1.0? I really could use the low-tier US rockets
  3. Beale...would it be possible for the Almach chute part to be charred as well? Then it wouldn't look so weird...
  4. Two pictures of Kostok 1.5 (as I already did my Vostok mission, before the Mission Control CE one came up) before and after re-entry, I personally love the fact that the capsule gets charred All is well for Val Probably too hot to touch
  5. Some fancy pictures of a re-entry from new career savegame Jebediah Kerman is now the first kerbonaut who has orbited Kerbin. Suitably he used the Almach capsule and a R-7 rocket VERY hot Getting cooler And the coldest bit is on the horizon, a floating ball of mint ice cream
  6. Beale, the Arianne SRB's do gimbal (check here) You can even see the hydraulic pistons connected to the nozzle on the picture you got
  7. He's aware of bacon labs, but should contact theshadow... as he has done the arianne.... IMHO there's always room for more mods - - - Updated - - - I have made a Vega... but do you see me complaining on your thread?
  8. The latest one is pretty good.... maybe a green/blue'ish stripe instead?
  9. I agree... but it's still up to Augustus to decide what's right to do...(cough *hint*hint* cough)
  10. Vega just doesn't look right being grey... but that's my two cents...
  11. Is it a a custom faring or one from the procedural farings pack?
  12. I think it should stay as a regular SRB(M) as the IRL PLV has a third stage? the BTS? which could be used for orbital insertion...
  13. It shouldn't be hard? It shares the first stage engine with the Atlas V ( which is being made in the OMSK pack as a 2.5m parts) So If we could re-texture the engine to a white casing and make the fuel tank and solid fuel stages, I could start working on that bit by bit after I get my current project working.
  14. Couldn't the CARV be made with the PPTS and ATV service module from Tantares? So only the adapter should be made... (I volunteer as tribute )
  15. I have had the same issue (in the VAB I have 3 different SRB's, but when I launch they're all the same part...) .... but I think that might have sth to do with the part configs I have made.....
  16. Thanks.. no problem, I'll leave it to the proffesionals , You might want to send the guy this page , it has the best data on the Vega I found
  17. Are you planning to do the Vega launcher as well? That tutorial is quite good... went through it yesterday... got bit carried away as I have modelled 2/3's of Vega by now... could use some advice in the near future though
  18. I would really like to see ESA launchers as well, specially in a similar visual stockalike style of Tantares... (then one would have a proper launcher to the Tantares ATV ) There is a ESA modpack but it has like really good textures, like the real thing. I would love to do the modelling part myself, but I need a bit more practice...
  19. Kerbals should go on a diet anywho...you've made your point with the 3 seater Soyuz. No hard feelings anyone How many kerbals will the PPTS fit? just wondering
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