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Lord Aurelius

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Everything posted by Lord Aurelius

  1. I'm not using 64-bit and I created a new career and made sure all my mods were updated before I started. I'm not sure if the other buildings exhibit the same issue as well, I quit for the night when I noticed the issue twice (I deleted the game I saw it initially on and removed Kerbin-Side since I suspected that might be causing it) but the new career exhibited the same issue. Custom Barn Kit is a mod by Sarbian that lets you change the upgradeable building parameters (i.e. cost, what unlocks when) so that could be another possible culprit, although I didn't see anyone reporting any issues like I was seeing on the thread for it. I'll start by removing that next.
  2. I noticed a new (and very annoying) bug last night on my modded install. When upgrading mission control, I select the building and buy the upgrade so I can get more contracts. Upon entering the building to pick up more contracts, I'm still limited to two. Upon a scene change, the mission control has reverted to its tier 1 model and I can buy the upgrade again, deducting the cost from my funds a second time, but the upgrade still doesn't stick with the same results as before. Additionally, selecting buildings is very difficult. They aren't highlighted correctly and it's hard to find just the right place to click to get into them. I encountered this bug before, but I thought it was due to Kerbin-Side which I've since removed, but the problem has persisted. Is this a known issue with a particular mod? These are the mods I currently have installed: Filter Extensions Toolbar EVE Contract Configurator Custom Barn Kit EngineLight RPM Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Kerbol Plus KER KSP-AVC MechJeb Docking Port Alignment Indicator Pilot Assistant Planet Shine Texture Replacer Ven's Stock Revamp Vessel View (give or take, I'm on my laptop which has a similar but not quite the same install as my gaming desktop so I'm doing this partially from memory) Anyways, has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution?
  3. First off, as others have said, I don't think a part like this really has a place in the base game. In a mod with scifi parts maybe. Second, I'm not really sure what the in-game benefit of this is over something like a high thrust, high efficiency engine. Based on the description you provided, all this would really help out with is reducing the dV requirements in space since it wouldn't work near the large planets/moons where it would be most useful. As far as sci-fi parts go, here's the parts I would find most useful: FTL Drive (i.e. KSPI warp drive) High power, high efficiency engines (every sci-fi ship you see only needs to devote a relatively small portion of its overall mass to fuel, KSPI has some engines that fit the bill, as well as a few other mods) Antigravity/repulsor drives (kerbal foundries has some, another approach would be basically something that negates gravity entirely for the vessel, similar to the gravity hack cheat) Energy shield (haven't seen a mod provide this yet, basically the idea is that it creates an aerodynamic shield around your craft so you can easily fly anything down into an atmosphere, would also protect against collisions with other craft).
  4. Great list, I especially like the idea of a tank set for rockets and jet engines as a system.
  5. Yeah, this is one of the more glaring balance issues that still hasn't been addressed. I'm still firmly of the belief that 1.0 is a meaningless number to Squad (except for hype building and raising the price), everything I've seen about the game itself as of 1.0.2 and the planned 1.0.3 and 1.1 updates still screams early access. My solution is to play with balance mods. SETI is the best I've seen, although it still hasn't really been updated for 1.0 until the author is reasonably sure Squad won't make any more major balance changes for awhile. The pod weights were one of the first things addressed by the mod, I think they were balanced around 1 ton/kerbal with a little wiggle room based on the type of pod.
  6. Awhile ago I put in a request to have extra science reports for my telemetry experiment, but another forum user noticed [link] that the most recent update for crowd sourced science actually appears to add the experiment by itself rather than just add additional reports if installed. Is this intended behavior? I don't particularly mind that the experiment is there (it's hardly an original idea) but it seems like adding an experiment is out of scope for this mod and has confused at least one user.
  7. Those probe reports were a request from me for a simple mod I made awhile back, that experiment in particular seemed to be one that really should have been in stock and several other mods added their own versions of it so I made a simple standalone config for it (link in my signature under stock science tweaks). I didn't realize they were going to go ahead and incorporate the experiment wholesale, I would have thought that they would have checked to see if the experiment was defined and add more reports.
  8. Anything that doesn't leave a residue on your hands and fingers. I've eaten full regular meals while playing (set the plate next to the keyboard and eat with a fork). Usually just end up drinking lots of water though, I'm not much of a snacker.
  9. Lots of excellent recommendations so far. A few I haven't seen mentioned yet: Filter Extensions (essential when playing with parts mods) Engine Lighting (adds bright lights to running engines for those night launches) Ven's Stock Revamp (high quality remakes of stock parts with a few new ones to fill in holes in the stock lineup)
  10. Granted. Unfortunately the genie granting the wish misunderstood and thought you wanted to launch the tower, so now it's a required base part on all vessels. I wish that I had the power to take things out of video games and put them into reality. Edit: Ninja'd.
  11. I know this is an old thread, but I'm surprised nobody has stated the obvious: the immovable object and unstoppable force are the parents of the Kraken. When they meet they are annihilated and a Kraken is born.
  12. Yeah, the landing legs are pretty much useless compared to the landing gear. The small landing gear especially are completely OP, they're weightless, nearly indestructible, steerable, and come with the most powerful landing light in the game.
  13. I have some fond memories of messing around with HyperEdit...
  14. Protip: Use 64-bit Linux with 8GB of RAM (or more), or use the OpenGL tweak for Windows and make sure to turn off the heat gauges using F10 until Squad fixes the memory leak with them. I've been able to run a ridiculous pile of mods for a significant period of time with the OpenGL tweak (including large parts packs, EVE and mods with additional planets). This was even back on 0.90 when the memory leaks were worse than what they are now. A lot of players have been reporting success with a hack that enables 64-bit on windows as well, but watch out for some mods that disable themselves (like FAR) when they detect 64-bit on windows.
  15. Like others have said, procedural parts/wings and tweakscale. Also take a look at UbioZur Welding.
  16. Just make sure those parts aren't all engines... Anyways, I usually play a fairly heavily modded game, but I do understand the appeal of stock. Stock is great for sharing craft and comparing missions and has a certain simplicity to it with not having to install a bunch of mods and keep them all updated. Unfortunately IMHO, KSP is still unfinished and is still an early access game in everything but name (and price now) and every time I go back to stock to build something I could potentially share, I end up missing all the niceties from mods that really should be stock (new/rebalanced parts mainly that fill in the holes in the stock lineup and KAS/KIS and life support, along with the occasional system rescale so I can build appropriately large rockets). At least the essential UI/info and and graphics/audio mods still let me share craft while dramatically improving the game.
  17. Looks like a solid choice, hopefully it serves you well for the duration of your program. The new maxwell nvidia cards run much cooler than the previous generation so overheating shouldn't be an issue as long as you give the laptop proper ventilation while gaming (i.e. use a laptop cooler or at the very least prop it up). You should be able to run KSP totally maxed with a full load of visual mods at 1080p on there without issues (my current laptop has a 765m and it manages to do that so you'll get even better performance).
  18. I would recommend Red Faction Guerrilla. It's a sci-fi open world shooter with fully destroyable, physics modeled buildings. If you knock out the main supports with demolition charges (or a sledgehammer) it will collapse fairly realistically. Stealing tanks and driving through buildings is great fun as well. It also has multiplayer (including a hotseat turn based destruction mode and more traditional deathmatches) which can be pretty entertaining when the entire map is leveled at the end of a match. The main story isn't all that bad either, it's nothing special compared to the likes of mass effect, but it's not bad for what it is. It's a little older game now (which means you can run it on pretty much anything), but it's actively being updated again after a change in IP ownership (THQ went bankrupt and Nordic games got the Red Faction franchise).
  19. I've noticed some of those VAB issues as well, but I thought it was due to Ven's stock revamp (I saw similar issues with it in 0.90 where certain parts weren't selectable, and I just ran into some issues with it last night). Could be some weird interaction going on there.
  20. That would be a much more reasonable limitation than what we have now. The only issue I see with that is that rockets aren't fueled until they're on the pad, and there are very few parts that actually have a significant amount of mass once you take all the resources out. I think the dimension (and launchpad weight) limitations alone are enough at this point if the part count were removed, with the new aero your rockets have to follow a certain shape already, and that limits your total dV without needing to limit parts. As others have said, a part limitation doesn't really make sense when 1 part covers everything from a single strut (that itself is there as a workaround for weirdness in the physics engine) to a large command pod with builtin crew capacity, batteries, reaction wheels and monoprop storage.
  21. Very much this. I would have also added buggy, unbalanced, and unpolished to that list. Unfinished is a very good description of the current state of the game. Hopefully these issues will be addressed in time and I can honestly put it in my top-10 list without reservations. But despite these issues the concept is amazing and there's nothing else really like at this point so I still end up coming back to it frequently (and have to spend a bunch of time updating all my mods every time).
  22. I have KerbinSide installed on my game along with SETI and there aren't any issues. Any mod that doesn't add any parts (or mess with the tech tree or SETI contracts) is almost guaranteed to work with SETI. The KerbinSide contracts should work fine as well since they don't touch the starting contracts.
  23. It really depends on what metric you're using. From the standpoint of number of hours of enjoyment, KSP is definitely in the top 10, but sandbox games tend to take as much time as you can give them since there's no way to really finish the game. But taking a step back and looking at the whole spread of games, KSP is merely a good game at this point. It has a brilliant concept, but the game itself still has a substantial number of bugs and balance issues, and career mode is still a mess (not to mention how boring the planets are for the most part once you actually get to them). Hopefully this will improve with future updates. I've played many other games that were a much more coherent experience that score significantly higher IMHO. My vote for best game of all time would be something like the Ocarina of Time. Amazing graphics (for the time), gameplay and story in a highly polished (and relatively bugfree) package. KSP has gameplay for the most part, but not much else. A game like Skyrim is an easy top 10 as well. Huge open world (with lots of cool stuff to find) and an epic story help offset the bugs (plus there's usually workarounds via the console or with bugfix mods). Just Cause 2 is another top 10 for me, a huge open world where you can do random crazy stuff, an amazing game engine with minimal bugs, and just enough story to explain why you're doing random crazy stuff and provide some awesome side missions (if I can't have a great story, then I'll take one that's forgettable and doesn't get in my way). As you can see, I tend to prefer games with a good story, of which KSP has very little so it doesn't rate as highly for me as some other games. I really hope we get an epic campaign/story mode at some point.
  24. That 30 part limit is easily one of the most annoying restrictions introduced with upgradeable buildings (right along with limiting action groups). For me, it's very much an artificial limitation that seems to be a poorly thought out attempt to limit players to simpler craft early in the game, but in my experience it simply means I have to grind to upgrade the VAB ASAP (or increase my starting funds so I can just upgrade it right off). At least there's a mod now that lets you change the limits: CustomBarnKit
  25. I agree with RazorTheHackman, can we get a list of mods on the OP that are currently supported by SETIctt? They've been mentioned periodically in this thread with each update, but they've kind of been buried at this point. Also, what is the current status of SETI? Last I saw you were working on splitting the balance changes out of SETI-CTT and into their own mod, is there an ETA on that? Almost up to 1000 posts (whoever posts next gets the 1000th post!) Great job with all the work you've done with this, keep up the good work!
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