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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. That is my eventual plan. I hope to be able to do that. I honestly do not know. I have not checked yet.
  2. I will need to test and make sure the don't explode the planet/universe/computer first
  3. That is why if you notice I was being polite and simply asking if any progress had been made. I wasn't demanding an update.
  4. Just checking to find out if you had gotten to work on this at all.
  5. Fascinating! I'd never actually looked into that to be honest so I will have to mess about with it. Perhaps I need to alter the inflatable ones to use the parachute type drag models to account for changing size.
  6. Do you have toolbar? It is required for the GUI to be there to make it all work.
  7. Currently it is not as the core game requires a ship to either be in orbit or landed. That however is a planned feature if a way around it can be found. At one time KAS could be used to 'fake' the landing but i am not sure with the newest version.
  8. Well before I start on this I need to finish getting Hooligan Labs back up.
  9. Any updates on a new version with cargo bays?
  10. I am in need of help to rebuild and recode the HL Mods to work in 1.0.2 and to get the Airships off of needing Toolbar in favor of the stock one.
  11. I had not seen that but it looks rather interesting actually.
  12. I honestly find it rather odd just how many people are saying that my decision to not allow the mod onto CKAN is grounds to stop using the mod. I mean I respect their decision but it still makes no sense to me at all.
  13. I think still have the last version that was on Curse. If not I have the link to it.
  14. You can and also you can turn down the aero effects to an extent to get back to something like the old aero.
  15. I think I may try and upkeep this since it doesn't seem to have a plugin.
  16. I am actually not sure on that one to be honest.
  17. Well I am sorry to hear that you feel that way.
  18. Alright here is where I am going to chime in. For starters if the order that you put mods into KSP mattered then there would be a LOT bigger issues with making mods. ALL mods are written so that if they need something then they grab it at load if it is there, regardless of what 'order' the mods were added to the GameData folder. Second, it doesn't take long to ask a Mod author or put a post asking for any incompatibilities or do a search in the thread. CKAN doesn't protect you from that as all it takes is some tiny code update in one mod to crash everything depending on it. Third, mods in the legacy format were a nightmare. The new GameData format is quick and simple. I can install a mod in ten seconds with it and know that it is done correctly.
  19. Honestly it is because I don't see a reason for CKAN. Not anymore at least. Back when KSP mods were put in the old way then I would have found it invaluable but now it is literally just a matter of copying over a single folder. I fail to see why that should require a whole second program.
  20. KerbalStuff asks if you want your mod to have CKAN data made which I declined. Also I looked at the repository and this mod was not listed before nor do I wish it to be there.
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