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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. Really? Because I just tried it and the omni wheels, the only part I want out of this mod, don't work at all.
  2. Is this ever going to get updated to the new, and better, file system?
  3. If anybody has an airship design they would like to have on the wiki just send me a link to it with the list of mods used to make it and I'll put it up there.
  4. Not sure why the remote control helps as the missiles aren't vector thrust enabled and thus fly using their fins and aerodynamic control surfaces.
  5. Sweet! I'll get to editing right away! Gallery page is up and has first image on it.
  6. THIS IS AWESOME!!! Can't WAIT to have variable speeds for my robotics! Any chance you could contact the author of the DROMOMAN robotic arms pack and help him add that to his mod as well?
  7. Please use the bug tracker mentioned in the first post. Majiir has stated before that bug reports in here WILL be ignored.
  8. I'll see what I can do. First to get the OK from the owner.
  9. Well then if I have your OK I may try and add a 'Design Gallery' page for your wiki.
  10. I wasn't aware that the grid updated in real time without an active scanner. Also the grid doesn't show where you landed, the map does. The grid only gives you a rough idea of where the kethane is located. Though now that i think on it, the scanner wouldn't do you any good for landing anymore as it would just check the whole hex now.
  11. Well my advice would be to have a scanner on the ship for two reasons: First to make sure you land on the deposit and second to monitor the remaining resource level of said deposit. As for the mobile vs stationary question my answer is a question. What do you want this drill rig to do? What is it's purpose?
  12. Basic rule of thumb to help you with mods and KSP updating: If it doesn't have a plugin (anything ending with .dll) then it most likely will be fine.
  13. I would just like to clear up what I've said. I never said that it would take 64bit KSP to do it, rather that I don't see it HAPPENING until they release a 64bit version. I'm sorry if I have said anything that is incorrect. I'm not a programmer, outside of a small bit of RGSS and Lua, and I am going off of the limits of the hardware and the software as I know them.
  14. Simple solve: Shorten the scanning periods so it pulses more and thus misses less. Then run at high warp. I scanned all of Duna with the old mapping system this way in under five minutes of real time. Problem solved, one mission.
  15. No they are all 64bit programs that take advantage of multi threading and multiple processors. KSP is 32bit and therefore unable to do that.
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