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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. I know that my ships that go from Kerbin to Duna go on an asparagus stage of six mainsail/orange tanks and two stacked mainsail/orange tank combo. That gets me a TWR of around 3.17 to start and never drops below 1.76. Gets to Duna with over 2000 delta-v left for setting my orbit. Oh and that is launching around an 80t payload.
  2. Trust me you aren't the first. my name has a male and female spelling and my bank almost always spells it the female way.
  3. Actually it is HE and yes those are the ones I was talking about. I LOVED those! They work perfect for connecting the air envelope for my airships to the body frame! SO HAPPY to hear that they will be making a comeback!
  4. I just looked at the new version and WHY DID YOU TAKE MY SURFACE MOUNTING POINTS??? *Breaks down sobbing* WHY?!??! *Gets up* Ok now that that overly dramatic bit is over, seriously why did you take them? I loved those things!
  5. EPL is Extraplanitary Launch Pads. It's Ore, Metal, and RocketParts (Which also work with the Orbital Construction Mod).
  6. Ok then how are you supposed to use that? If you can't attach more than one object then how do you use it???
  7. no they just have to make a cfg for module manager.
  8. Ok I LOVE the new pistons! Namely the ones that retract into the body of the craft because I managed to combine that and the rotatron to make a crane!
  9. Try altering your code to match this and see what happens. until altitude > 10000 { if vertical speed < 100 { print "Throttling up". set tVar to tVar + 0.02. lock throttle to tVar. }. if vertical speed > 100 { print "Throttling down". set tVar to tVar - 0.02. lock throttle to tVar. }. }.
  10. I fully agree. A radar altitude function would be great for making landing programs!
  11. You would have to do it with stage:electriccharge
  12. It already accounts for solid fuel booster. I've written programs that drop my SRBs the moment they burn out.
  13. so the R(x,y,z) is basically R(pitch,yaw,roll) right?
  14. I see your issue. It only locks the steering once. You need to put your lock steering line into a loop with your code that updates the pVal. Try this instead. clearscreen. set mOrbit to 200000. set mAtmoHight to 70000. set pVal to 0. print "fasten your seatbelts!". wait 1. lock steering to UP + R(0,0,180) - R(0,pVal,0). lock throttle to 1. print "here we go...". until apoapsis > mAtmoHight { print pVal. set pVal to apoapsis / mAtmoHight * 90. [B] lock steering to UP + R(0,0,180) - R(0,pVal,0).[/B] }.
  15. Yay! More images for the wiki! Now my only question is if I should just make one gallery page or do a separate one for the subs...
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