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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. Here is the program I am running: clearscreen. lock steering to heading 0 by 90. lock throttle to 1. stage. wait 5. lock steering to heading 0 by 30. lock throttle to 0.8. wait until stage:liquidfuel < 300. stage. wait until stage:liquidfuel < 1. stage. lock throttle to 0. until alt:radar > 0 { wait 1. print "Radar Altitude:" + alt:radar. }. until alt:radar < 5000 { wait 1. }. lock steering to velocity:surface + V(1,0,0). until verticalspeed < 10 { print "Radar Altitude:" + alt:radar. lock throttle to 1. }. set VSC to 0. lock throttle to VSC. Until alt:radar < 5 { if verticalspeed > 4 { set VSC to VSC + 0.02. }. if verticalspeed < 2 { set VSC to VSC - 0.02. }. }.
  2. I have react wheels on it. It steers fine. That code line does nothing. Does not divert the craft. Does not even make it wiggle a bit.
  3. Well how about using the fact that you can name the individual parts in the VAB/SPH?
  4. Ok that is AWESOME!!! How do you do that and how do you handle multiple hinges/rotatrons/gantrys/etc?
  5. Don't blame you. Without the vectors you can't make a probe land itself.
  6. I'm having issues with it pitching over for the gravity turn on my test rocket.
  7. Not sure. Doubt it though. But once we can having the individual vectors will allow for it to happen!
  8. It means you could making a docking script, if you know how to do the maths.
  9. Seems like all you would need to do though is to just flip the vector around though.
  10. with the new surface velocity vector couldn't you make a simple surface retrograde in code by putting it like this? lock steering to surface:velocity * V(-1,-1,-1) Or something like that? I never learned vector math in school but it seems like that would point you in the reverse direction right?
  11. Umm... Where is the video?? I looked at his youtube at it is only up to 0.5
  12. MAY HAVE??? O.o This is not possible in KSP until it can hold a half million of each. THEN you may have overdone things... Maybe~
  13. Hey have you ever looked at how much the Large Spherical Tanks of Metal and Ore weigh?! The medium half sphere of ore weighs 243 TONS for just 6!!
  14. It sounds like you describing the halfspherical tanks from this mod. They are the RocketPart tanks.
  15. I plan to make an EVEN BIGGER Airship for those times when you just want to move a few hundred tons of stuff~
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