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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. For reasons of math, it can't quite lay flat, hopefully it's not a huge pain to animate. HEHE. If i didn't know better I'd think you were taking a page out of HooliganLab's book with that unfolding design.
  2. anybody else having an issue with the kOS screen being fuzzy and out of focus? it's like it's not set to the right resolution.
  3. But I literally made this over the last half hour, still a lot of things to consider, like if I want to unroll the caps, if I want to have additional panels inside to make it even bigger (do note, this is the 0.2m flat-flat diameter version, so there's not as much space as it looks) I intend to do a mockup of the flower style to see just what I would do with it. After making this just now, the small hexolar is probably what I'll make as my first active element This actually looks really cool! Though perhaps have the cap split apart and the whole thing stay in just six sides/pieces?
  4. The small solar idea sounds like something i saw in Fringe. A small case that unlocks and folds out. I like the idea of the HexLeg, perhaps using the end of the can as the 'foot' for it? Finally I enjoy this mod having three sizes for everything and would love to see that pattern continue.
  5. Well... Looks like I need to get back to updating the wiki with screenshots.
  6. Has anybody else run into the glitch where trying to go to the IVA messes up and doesn't show what the kerbals actually see? Mine keeps just putting the IVA view over the normal camera view.
  7. You could read where he removed the ballast parts being active at the start. You have to activate them by hitting the stage key.
  8. Ok i don't even CARE that it doesn't totally work I WANT that in the Gallery!!!! Permission to add please!
  9. Ok three issues there... ONE: ISA is NOT GPS!!!! It is surface mapping and does NOT do it down to the meter but rather to the 1/10 of a GPS degree. Second it doesn't scan any better than sats used by the National Weather Service. It doesn't do high resolution mapping or else we would be able to see individual objects. Third, you CAN get your GPS location with one sat IF you use trilateration instead of triangulation. Triangulation relies on measuring the angles between you and the sats, while trilateration relies on the distance between you, the sat, and one or more fixed points on the surface. Now then, about you saying that i needed to check how they scan for minerals? Hyperspectral Imaging is a real time method of locating minerals and other things under the ground. It is NOT a pulsed system like Kethane but rather a continuous scanning method like ISA. HSI is used to locate oil deposits, mineral fields, and even for thermal imaging and tracking. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperspectral_imaging Want to claim me wrong? CITE YOUR SOURCE.
  10. Actually I seem to know more than you do. I wasn't claiming that radarsat-1 is the same as kethane. I was calling you out on your VERY wrong claim that ISA is not realistic when in fact it is.
  11. You clearly know nothing about how satellite mapping works then because ISA is VERY realistic. Canada's RADARSAT-1 can scan a 50km x 50km area with a resolution of just 10m. THAT is a REAL version of the ISA mod! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RADARSAT-1
  12. I'm not doing node attachment. I'm using surface attachment.
  13. I have the latest version and I can mouse over it as well and it turns green but it i try and grab it it brings what it is attached to as well. I'm testing them on a LLL cockpit and found it ONLY happens if they are attached centered on the hull. Also happens for all three sizes. EDIT: Ok it seems they CAN be removed safely if I click on the top but NOT if I grab it from any other side.
  14. It's not the door hinges but the Powered Hinge, I tried the 1/4 one. I put one onto my ship to see the scale and when I tried to take it off, i could select it but it took the part it was attached to with it.
  15. Ah so you managed to replicate the error I got? That's good because I can't get that error log you have on screen. My f-keys won't unbind from their special actions. >.<
  16. And yet so many, including myself, know for a fact that you are wrong. Scanned Minmus and it took a week of in game time.
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