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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. Well said! That and wear a Fez~ Cause Fezzes are cool~
  2. Wow... If you only have 3-4 second changes then you must be running pure vanilla...
  3. If it has updated. I tried a total reinstall of KSP and still have 21.2
  4. I've noticed that about MJ too. I think that is just it being overly sensitive rather than a mod interaction.
  5. I can do some half decent modeling in blender but unity just confuses the heck out of me and 3DS/Maya are too complex looking. For example~ http://imgur.com/a/08k6w#0 Texturing sucks but the models themselves aren't that bad. Especially considering they all started out as a simple cube.
  6. Ok maybe somebody here can help me. I need to find a way to limit the following equation to the values of -1 <= x <= 1. ( ( targalt - alt:radar ) / targalt ) It's for an altitude control program and this is part of the code that sets the pitch thus why i need the limits. Also targalt is something the user would set when they start the program.
  7. Tried it. Made a 'base with 20+ pipes with everything from a straight line to the max bend. No issues.
  8. Is there some way to keep a parachute attached to the KAS containers after you release them from the holder? I'm wanting to air drop some parts and supplies into my base but every time I release them the parachute falls right off.
  9. True. I was just correcting the part he did get wrong. Also 'heavy water' actually is not that toxic. Will irratate your body some but won't hurt or kill you normally.
  10. When you add a new control group it will add 1-2 buttons beside the individual part listings in the control list. Click those to adjust which group the part is in.
  11. I may take a look. I doubt I will touch the code base as I know jack squat about coding but I may see about adding some models and/or textures.
  12. I don't think it would. A look at the unpowered and powered docking washers should confirm it one way or another.
  13. Turn the kOS unit off and then back on and try again.
  14. I would suggest that you put landing legs under it so that it does not touch the ground itself.
  15. Small typo but the Vertical Radial Winch is labeled as Vertical STACK winch in the VAB
  16. Ok but that still doesn't explain my confusion. If they use the same module then wouldn't your parts be bugged too?
  17. I've never had alt:radar give me issues over mountains. O.o Only over oceans and above 10000m before. Also I would LOVE the ability to detect if you are over water. Would make landing sea bases so much safer!
  18. Ah. Did not know it was using your animation modules. I assumed it did not as your detectors do not have that issue.
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