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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. The HexPod is in fact manned. If you check it in the SPH/VAB or use the Crew Manifest mod it will show that it is.
  2. The Dev release has the HexPod in it if you want to go on and texture it.
  3. Any chance of you making this type of texture for the HexPod? Would love to use it for a Stealth Plane!
  4. At the moment it can't be done. The HexPod has no IVA and can't be EVA'd from. I believe the author is working on that function though.
  5. Ah thank you! I do love the textures and once this is updated to .21 I'll be sure to use this texture set for my stealth crafts. Speaking of which, any idea when this will be up to 21.1?
  6. Ok I recognize the RTG, Battery, LFO, LF, Ox, Barite, Kethane, Xe, and the probes. What are the others?
  7. Just curious why we are being pushed into using ModuleManager when it doesn't seem needed? 0.5 worked perfectly without it. I'm not trying to be rude but just curious.
  8. My guess would be it is .21. I haven't tried actually launching anything but the mod installs fine and it seems that everything, except the SAS cans, works just fine.
  9. Use HexCan mod. The two large RTGs from it can power almost anything.
  10. Yea I'm waiting on my mods to update. Hopefully they will all update today. Does this one work still in .21?
  11. Just want to say how much I love this mod and share one of my current projects that I am making with it! This is my Kethane Transport Blimp. I still have to decide how I'm going to move it around and steer it but the basic design is finished.
  12. Glad to hear that things have been cooling down some. Did you see the testing report I posted?
  13. Tried out a small variation on my test jet. Quad Jet this time. Flew up to 9259m and went 1.335Mm at a 2km altitude before running out of fuel. Top speed of 308m/s and went for 2:22:12. All in all I would say that the engines work great on small craft and seem to have excellent fuel efficiency.
  14. Alright so here are my findings with the TurboHex engine and the air intakes. Test Craft: A HexPod with a Large Fuel HexCan on each side, stock Swept Wings with the stock large control surfaces. Flight control handled by Romfarer's Laser Mod. Test Craft Photos: HexRam ShockCone Power: Two TurboHex engines Test: Takeoff and climb to 1000m Results: The engine seems slightly underpowered as it took two of them to lift my test plane. However takeoff was achieved before end of runway. The craft was tested with both air intakes and did not suffer any loss of performance once airborne. Shock Wedge did require a longer takeoff distance than the HexRam. Summary: All parts seem to perform well. Ascetically pleasing and matching to the style of the other parts in the mod.
  15. Well hey if there is any way that I can help out with the testing I would be happy to do so!
  16. Yikes... Hope you can get it working soon. How are the docking ports coming?
  17. Ok I hate pointing out tiny little bugs but I found another one that may be causing some symmetry issues with the small and normal sized can racks. Found this typo in the configs for them Now I checked the Large rack, which works perfect and found that section had ONE tiny bit extra: Made the changes to the small and normal size and I am now testing them. EDIT - I can now confirm that the config typo was the source of the symmetry problems.
  18. Ok I'll concede that point to an extent but look at KAS. You can have the kerbal pick up and carry a one ton ship anchor.
  19. Ok but I am not sure what that would have to do with using the KAS grab ability to pull cans out or put cans into the docking system you are making.
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