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Legendary Emu

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Everything posted by Legendary Emu

  1. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/6e2olei.gif[/IMG]
  2. You can't use different spellings of cheater, cheater!
  3. It's about dang time the enterprise got to Kerbin. Captain Kirk proceeds to make "first contact" with the native females of this species. Rick rolling is a capital offense.
  4. [quote name='Torgo']They are brother and sister, so eww, unless you're in West Virginia, Alabama, or Newfoundland. [COLOR=#e6e6fa]Yes, I made that part up, but go with it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Considering that all known kerbals have the same surname we can deduce from that that kerbals either breed like rabbits, or Kerman is their clan. My headcanon is that Kerman is a clan of kerbals that was prophesied to travel beyond their homeworld, and they do it really well.
  5. [quote name='Kerbart']This one? [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etOABxGbCMY[/url][/QUOTE] Comment sections... Sooooo many spacex fanboys.
  6. Gets a broken transmission. Inserts a mole of hydrogen peroxide.
  7. Is anyone else getting something where there is two USI-LS toolbars and duplicates of all the parts? It's getting quite frustrating trying to figure out why.
  8. Why does this remind me of a cessna grand caravan?
  9. Does anyone have a link to it? I too want to exhale through my nose and smile slightly in amusement.
  10. [quote name='Sovek']If its got "fan service" Then I'm not interested. I've been burned on that before, I.E. Strike Witches. That series had such potential, only to find out its mostly random crap with way too much fan service in every. single. episode.[/QUOTE] Fan service is the worst. You have to watch things when you are alone for fear of sudden cleavage and heavy breathing. And what makes it worse is that a lot of the time it's teenaged girls who fall victim to the fan service gods. This show in particular is bad for it, but the story and rocketry made up for it, I think.
  11. I'm not enough of an anime person to getting into a sub vs dub argument. Whatever floats yer boat, fellow human. Me? I don't really care if it's dubbed or subbed as long as it's good.
  12. I don't know. Cowboy Bebop has a decent dub.
  13. I kind of know what I would do. 1.1 - Unity 5. - Classical soundtrack. - IVA sound effects such as alarms, shaking, communication between mission control and the pod. - 1.8 meter rocket parts. - Gendered docking ports. - Implement a simple morale system based on happiness. - Varying kerbal weights and having those weights actually take effect onboard a vessel. 1.2 - Kerbals have different appearances. - Moving around in IVA. - Simple life support. - Simple radiation (well radiation is fairly simple already) - Simple muscle atrophy. - Habitat parts to combat all three bad things. - System that makes it so you can simulate gravity to combat atrophy without the need for special parts. - Kerbals don't like being cooped up in tiny pods for 3 months. - Kerbals like getting luxuries like books and letters and fresh food. - Things can get broken and kerbals can fix them. 1.3 - Science overhaul - Tech tree overhaul and mod support. - More variation on fuels. 1.4 - Cities. - Kerbals wander around the space center, and some gather around to watch rocket launches. - Bugfixing.
  14. numbers/10 I still don't know what this is. A pokemon? It looks nice though.
  15. Skip trajectories! I don't really know how they work, but they are pretty cool!
  16. I push the button because what if balloons!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?! press the button for difficult math questions.
  17. Can confirm it works in 1.0.5. Can also confirm that it sinks to the bottom of the ocean. You have been warned.
  18. Welcome to the forums ! You should probably report this to the Realism Overhaul thread, as they might be able to help.
  19. If that's the case, perhaps crashing the thing into the ocean would be a good idea. Maybe even decoupling the first stage and boosting the second stage into the ocean to minimize damage, if it's possible.
  20. I'm pretty sure colonization is out of the scope of the game. The closest KSP could get to it would be to have dedicated base building things and long term science and contracts and things.
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