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Everything posted by Monkeh

  1. Sorry my friend, just very confused as it used to crash like a test dummy at 3.2. I am Pharrell level of happy.
  2. So I haven't played KSP for a while but got the itch again today. I downloaded some mods, installed them and loaded it up. I used to have issues with crashes due to a lack of RAM being used but it seems I can run KSP whilst it uses 6.2 gigs of RAM without any crashes... I have upgraded my PC recently with more and faster RAM and a beast of a CPU but wow, it's running smooth as butter and using twice as much RAM as it used to without a hint of a problem. So yeah, what did I miss please, I love it. Here it is looking all lovely with clouds and nice effects and all the textures replaced, hmmm, beautiful. 6.2 Gigs of RAM utilized! Yay Squad Edit: Also, got to love Bill's 'weekend look'.
  3. Today I learned that with a decent CPU KSP can look really nice. Star reflections in visor anyone?
  4. I am from Warrington in Cheshire England. I currently live in Cardiff in Wales where I moved to study for my degree. I stayed as it's a brilliant City.
  5. So Star Citizen had it's dog fighting reveal at the weekend and by gosh does it look like it's going to be pretty damn awesome. Here's a video of Arena Commander, (as the Dog Fighting Module is now called), being played at PAX East...it looks amazing. Less than a thousand alpha slots left. Game, alpha and beta access for 32 Euros or 40 dollars. Spend 8 grand if you want to! Can't wait for this, gonna be amazing.
  6. Engineer redux has the readout you want. Not sure why it's on the list in OP. It's in the SUR tab. Actual height and even time until impact.
  7. Knowing the delta v requirements for getting to places is a big help. It takes around 4,500 m/s to get orbit for instance, 900 to break free of Kerbin and then 2,700 or so to get to Jool. These things I got from playing the game too much but there is a map of these values ssomewhere as well. You need a mission goal, return from Duna, land on 3 of Jool's moon's and return, rove in a buggy on Eve etc. Then you need to build with a certain amount of delta v for each stage and then go do it. You may find mechjeb or the engineer redux mighty useful here. Good luck, check out my blog entries if you fancy some inspiration. See under my avatar on the left there.
  8. Just for reference, I like to shove a large SAS on the top of each large tank stack. As they drop so does the SAS but you need less for less weight. It works really well.
  9. One point twenty one gigawatts!? ONE POINT TWENTY ONE GIGAWATTS!?!?!?
  10. This is causing me pain. My beloved engineer, stumped by all the new parts.
  11. I love KSP. I've got well over 500 hours of gameplay behind me. I want to give Squad some more money but simply buying the game again doesn't really appeal. Once I reached a certain level of play time in DotA2 I went and bought some cosmetic items to show my support and to say thanks for a great game. Now I would love to do the same for Squad. No idea what but some DLC or cosmetic items or part packs or planets or anything so I can keep filling Squad's pockets. I recently backed a new tiny little game called Star Citizen, you may have heard of it, and they keep pulling in the money from their ship sales and the game isn't even in alpha. They've just passed 40 million dollars in funding. I want to give Squad some more monies, who's with me? T-shirts, hoodies, telescopes....anything, get some merchandise or DLC going and then more money can be made which means more stuff can be put into KSP meaning more sales of the game and more money can be made which means more stuff can be put into KSP meaning more sales of the game...
  12. Cats....with thumbs. The end of humanities dominance of Earth. C-T Day is coming. Shudder in fear people, FEAR I TELLZ YER.
  13. It would be interesting to see how the steam forums for KSP would vote in the exact same poll by the way.... Just sayin' etc.
  14. Over 500 hours. Still not bored. KSP is amazing.
  15. It has certainly promised a lot and I totally understand not wanting to part with hard earned cash before any kind of product is available but I will mention a couple of things. I've done a lot of reading and video watching on the subject of Star Citizen and I've managed to find answers to most of my questions. If anyone wants to ask anything about it and doesn't want to brave the rather harsh SC forums, feel free to ask here, I'll do my best to answer whatever I can. Last point for now is that you can buy in now for 24 euros, 32 to get alpha access, never spending another penny ever again, and play the game when it's released with no handicap. Every ship, weapon and upgrade will be available for in game money you get simply from playing. It will cost at least twice that once it's released and you won't get a ship to start with either.
  16. Sorry to disappoint but I have girlfriend Mk2.0 and I'm upgrading to wife 1.0 in September. Luckily she likes poo tv so that's gaming time.
  17. So it appears Star Citizen has got passed 39 million dollars in crowd funding. A smashed record that shows no sign of stopping soon. It has nearly 400,000 people signed up to play, to Elite's 40 odd thousand and has 'R+D into procedurally generated content', on it's stretch goal list, a cool million put aside once they reach 41 million. Star Citizen is either going to be the best game ever made or an utterly over complicated mess, but it's damn exciting to be part of. Will need a new PC though. Been needing a reason to upgrade for a year or two anyway.
  18. Humans have come pretty far in a few thousand years, from caves to the moon. Now think how far we've come in a hundred or so. From 'wireless' radios to wireless internet. Any alien civilisation probably wouldn't need any huge gulfs of time to be vastly superior to us in technology, hell, well be hugely ahead of us now in another hundred years or so, we don't need to consider time scales of main sequence stars to see vast differences in tech level. Unintelligible nonsense for me, aliens will be...alien. We'll be very confused about each other for generations if we ever meet.
  19. I have two I like lots, both just examples of brute force, single launch crafts*. One to get some science back from Laythe, involving an epic rescue and some actual 'Getting out and pushing' to finish the job. I did a mission report , The Harsh Realities Of Engineering in this thread here with a lot of pictures and words, some of them mildly interesting. The other one was when I found the Spherical and Toroidal Tank pack and decided to limit myself to only round and toroidal fuel tanks, The Harsh Realities of Engineering, (Mk I, yet also Mk II of another series...look, it's complicated ok! My successive blog entries will explain all if you have the slightest bit of interest in what I'm dribbling on about...I really shouldn't post after a beer or two :/ ). Here's a little taster of the 'Fat Bottomed Girls' craft Anyway, both loads of pictures, so be warned, but some fun fail to laugh at *which has nothing to do with the fact I STILL haven't even really tried to bother learning how to dock...nope, nothing to do with that at all....don't know what you're talking about...nope....na.
  20. I think the only thing that hasn't been mentioned here is that TIME ACCELERATION IS POSSIBLE WHILST BURNING YOUR ENGINES. Simply press and hold 'Alt' and then the arrow key and you can go at x4. Reducing that half hour burn down to just seven and a half is most useful. Radically improved my 'acceptable-efficiency-levels' and enjoyment of the game once I found that little gem out.
  21. Our universe has many more dimensions than the 4 we routinely experience anyway. Another 10 or so are curled up real small. Strings need their Calabi-Yau spaces to vibrate through you know.
  22. Dark chocolate with a hint of chilli, now that is da bomb. I like all chocolate, dark is my favourite.
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