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Everything posted by Monkeh

  1. No oxygen at Eve so jets don't work. At least I think I am correct. Often my belief in myself is misplaced and I'm utterly wrong. Sometimes I am right.
  2. Oh wow, such memories just exploded in my head. The Goldrush Update was the first one, added a new game mode, a new map, (pl_Goldrush), the Kritzkreig, medic achievements....and TF2 was never the same again. Ahh, good times. 7 maps in the third update including cp_badlands, by far THE most played competitive map. Hmm, TF2. Loads lurve.
  3. I'd like to add another point here as well. I had a similar set up working beautifully at the KSC, a rover attached via docking port on the underside. I took it for a spin at the KSC and drove up again and it re-attached nicely. Sorted, thought I. Off we went to the Mun. We landed. Rover detached and off we went. Got back annnnndddddddddd, no re-attach. Nothing was bugged or broken. The lesser gravity of the Mun meant the lander didn't sag as much and the port was now a tiny fraction too far away to re-attach. It wobbled back and forth quite a lot but wouldn't lift up and stick. Good luck.
  4. Today I have been playing KSP with the New Years Day Concert from the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra on in the background. Absolutely amazing, y'all should try it, 2001 got nothing on dis!
  5. Interstellar Marines The Stanley Parable Team Fortress 2 DotA 2 X-COM Will have a look at CS:GO soon, for 3 quid in the steam sale couldn't say no, just need to install.
  6. Resources are all well and good but they have to be fun. Adding a part for CO2 and a part for O2 and a part for collecting toilet waste and a part that recycles toilet waste and a scrubber for the O2 and another part for mining kethane and a part for mining Deuterium and a part for collecting H3 and a part for mapping and scanning and a part to attach to your craft to show the maps created and a part that provides exercise and recreation and a part so they can phone home to protect sanity and a part that recycles water and a part that collects condensation and a cleaning part for the mould and mildew that will collect and a part for making balloon animals and by god it will get very dull, repetitive, boring and insanely annoying. Their is a very fine line to tread between complexity and fun.
  7. I love Michio. I love his enthusiasm. I love his face. I love his voice. I love the way he explains things. I love how he looks around 20 years younger than he actually is. Michio is ace.
  8. Just for future reference you can get any rover you have to apply the brakes automatically via an action group. This issue was bugging me until I found that out. I had some attached via a docking port so, I made an action group that simultaneously un-docked the rover and applied the brakes, worked a charm. Good luck with jet packing your way back to your rover, I suggest land in front of it and let it smack into your poor green fella. This technique worked for me once, before I found the brakes!
  9. Shooting Minmus with a huge missile. Leg got blown off one of the landers. No problem, find a ridge, rotate and land that baby. Sweet.
  10. The fuel will burn at exactly the same rate regardless of the weight it's pushing, that's just down to the ISP of the engine. Reducing weight means you'll accelerate faster and get more delta v out of it, but burn times will be the same.
  11. My typing is so good it never goes wrong ever My typinmd is so fdooh oit bewver hows qoens wbvwegt
  12. Just want to say thank you to everyone that has taken the time to throw a few words down in this thread, I wanted to get some interesting things to read about this and you've all certainly delivered. You guys have some amazing and fascinating brains, this little delve inside was very interesting and informative, so cheers.
  13. Sorry, need to repost this...again, because it really is a great idea. I would love to flick through an album as well, seeing the trajectories we took from the map, screenshots etc. As this kind of thing is in the do not suggest list they either have no plans to make this ever or have had plans to make something like this from the start so please stop asking us to...WE KNOW. I hope for the latter
  14. But I want my Jessica Rabbit Kerbal! I also want windows steaming up due to ermm....extra curricular...ermm 'activities' with the male crew. I want to have to dispose of sanitary waste via a new part. I WANT IT ALL!
  15. If you have achieved orbit and gravity is no longer pulling you down then the power of the rocket just means how fast you will accelerate and eat up the fuel. Nothing more. If you have 2 rockets that have the exactly the same mass and exactly the same amount of fuel and two engines on those rockets with the same ISP but one is twice as powerful as the other, the only difference you will notice is the rocket with the stronger engine will accelerate twice as fast and burn fuel twice as fast, resulting in EXACTLY the same amount of delta v. In KSP the stronger the engine the more it weighs. As weight goes up then delta v goes down due to inertia. This is why you often see interplanetary stages consisting of a HUGE orange tank and only a single LV-N engine to push it all. The thrust to weight is tiny, resulting in very long burn times, but it's so efficient, in a vacuum, that as long as you can sit around waiting for a half hour burn it's the best way to do things.
  16. Imagine a Mini car trying to push an iceberg with a full tank of fuel. It's not going to go very far, this configuration will have very low delta v. Now imagine a Mini car trying to push an elephant. It will get further than when it tried to push the iceberg, but still not very far. Now then, take the engine and fuel tank out of a Mini, strap them to a couple of light weight planks, add a wheel or two and then see how far you get. MUCH FURTHER! I think the concept under discussion here is INERTIA. It takes a lot of energy to move something massive and less energy to move something less massive.
  17. All stock engines and their ISP's in ascending order for atmosphere. Part__________________________________________ISP atmos ISP Vacuum Sepratron I______________________________________100.............100 LV-1R Liquid Fuel Engine___________________________220.............290 LV-1 Liquid Fuel Engine____________________________220.............290 LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor_________________________220..............800 RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster___________________________225.............240 Rockomax BACC Solid Fuel Booster___________________230.............250 Rockomax 24-77__________________________________250.............300 Rockomax "Poodle" Liquid Engine_____________________270.............390 Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine______________280.............330 Rockomax Mark 55 Radial Mount Liquid Engine__________290.............320 Rockomax "Skipper" Liquid Engine____________________300..............350 Rockomax 48-7S__________________________________300............350 LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine__________________________300.............390 LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine__________________________320.............370 LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine__________________________320.............370 Toroidal Aerospike Rocket__________________________388.............390 All taken from: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts
  18. Mainsail's ISP is unrivalled? You've been playing for 8 months? May I suggest you get a clue before posting on here and giving your friends false information?
  19. It's name is Data and it was created by Doctor Noonien Soong.
  20. Lightbulb moment! Whenever I try to make a spaceplane I get so high, hit some nice speeds, but always end up slowly dropping forwards uncontrollably at around 30,000m. Then I go build rockets because I've managed to work out how to get them into orbit. Methinks more torque is required... Thank you, both Murph and OP
  21. Errr mahhh guuurrrdddd, they killed Alderaan!
  22. Ha-ha, I'm so gonna suggest that as a new part! Mun hoover. Best check the 'Do not suggest list' first I suppose... :/
  23. Noticed the Mun looks a lot like the deathstar in this shot, let's see your 'DEATHSTAR Muns'
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