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Everything posted by Monkeh

  1. Inbreeding would explain their rather limited cognitive functions...
  2. Tell everyone with issues to unplug their xbox controllers and joysticks, bet it solves a LOT of people's problems. Spread the word.
  3. The universe does not work like a computer game. If I look away from one part of the night sky the stars still have to orbit, the galaxies still need to rush away from each other, all these things still need to be computed and results applied for when I look back. A game can render only the parts that you look at because normally there's nothing happening in the bits you don't see. NPC's don't carry on walking and talking, bosses don't sit playing poker with their minions until you turn up, it's all scripted for when you get to a certain place in the terrain or time frame. So very, very different it's a silly analogy, sorry.
  4. Maybe add a question about xbox controller or joystick plugged in as well? Deadzones and all that. Windows Vista 32 bit 4Gb...well, 3.25 No trouble Kerbal engineer and subassembly thingy Same No controller or joystick No problems.
  5. What the universe is expending into shall never be known. The edge is expanding at light speed, so nothing could ever get through that barrier, some say the edge of the universe is just the light speed barrier and it does in fact go on forever, remember that it's space itself that is expanding, like the balloon material. It could be expanding into absolutely nothing, (not even vacuum which has particles spontaneously being created and destroyed all the time), or custard. It's a question that shall never be answered, well not until we can break the light speed barrier. If the universe was infinite though then every single direction we looked when observing the heavens would have a star along that line, the night sky would be as bright as day. Obviously this is not the case. The last book I read on string theory suggested our 3 spatial dimensional universe is one of an infinite number in a stack, like the pages of a book, slowly moving towards and away from each other in 4 dimensional space, when 2 collide we get a big bang and the incredible energies released cause the spontaneous creation of matter and antimatter, e=mc(squared) and all that. 'Brane theory, as in membrane, I believe it was called, fascinating stuff. Have a look at the books of Brian Greene, the elegant universe and the fabric of the cosmos, excellent reads the pair of them.
  6. If space is infinite....how can it be expanding? AFAIK the current most popular theory is that the universe is 'saddle' shaped and definitely finite. The 'new' space you mention above me here is not new but stretched old space. Eventually the space we know will tear itself apart at the quantum level and who knows what will happen then. Think of a balloon with 'stars' drawn on the surface. We get no more balloon material as it gets blown up yet the volume it encloses increases...eventually...KABOOM!
  7. Can confirm Mr. _chris's statements and observations above. No problem whatsoever for this kerbonaut. I have no xbox controller or joystick plugged in when I play.
  8. Never tried the demo. Saw game on steam sale. Bought game. Loved game.
  9. I play competitive team fortress 2 and have done for a good few years now. The community is generaly really nice. Of course there are some pubescent rage machines but overall its a very pleasant experience. Hence why I still play.
  10. No time travel, just a small level of omnipotence. I find this to be equally unlikely. Especialy when we're the cosmological equivalent of extremophile bacteria clinging on to a tiny speck of Uranum in the reactor of a nuclear power plant.
  11. Just a surface wouldn't have the gravity of a proper rock, it wouldn't bend light from distant galaxies, we wouldn't have stars whizzing around super massive black holes at the centre of the galaxy at ridiculous speeds if there was only a non-visible surface there to intract with. To suggest this could be added as we observe would require time travel, you know, speed of light being finite and all, so I'm afraid that theory doesn't work for me. Our universe appears geared up to make black holes. In time, the only thing this universe will consist of is super-super-super massive black holes decaying slowly away through Hawking radiation. Our universe is a power plant for black hole mining super beings that haven't even noticed these sub microscopic specks of carbon scrabbling round in a very thin layer of gas surounding a miniscule dustball orbiting a very slightly less miniscule gas ball. That's right folks, were just a power station for extra universal beings.
  12. This is impossible. I read once that deja vu is a mix up of the 'memory' part of the brain cross conecting with the 'experiencing now' part, so as you experience it you simultaneously remember it as well. Sounded plausible to me.
  13. This is a very good point. They wouldn't. They could be sat in 8 dimensional super space, rotating themselves through the x,y,z,a,b,c,d AND e meridians, laughing maniacally at our pathetic 4 dimensional spacetime, puffing on black hole cigars and eating worm holes for breakfast.
  14. Not only are we the only creature on this planet that continues to ingest milk outside of childhood, we insist on ingesting the mammary secretion of another bloody animal! That's just down right weird when you actually think about it. I suggest ONLY ingesting human milk from now on. Good luck finding a regular source though.
  15. I seem to remember a Stephen Baxter short story that explored this idea. The processing power required to accurately model a thunder storm on this planet is phenomenal. Now consider what processing power you'd need to model, say the Great Red Spot, or the movement of the trillions upon trillions of particles in even a small nebular, then multiply that out over the rest of the galaxy and then the universe and it becomes impossible, something like a computer, even a quantum computer, would have to be twice the size of the universe it was simulating...something like that anyway. Making it both pointless and even more pointless. If you're capable of this kind of thing then you may as well just make a universe. To test this theory in the story they bounced a laser off of some object far enough away to encompass a volume of space that would take immense processing power to keep looking real, inverse square rule and all. The 'bubble' burst and reality came crashing down, the outer planets disappearing one by one, then the inner planets and then the Moon and then... It went and finished there, damn you short stories, why you leave me wanting! I highly recommend Stephen Baxter's novels by the way, most interesting. Most relevant to you lovely Kerbal enthusiasts would be 'Titan' and 'Voyage'. All about planning and executing manned missions to Mars and Titan. Fascinating stuff. Any of his Xelee sequence are down right amazing as well, especially 'Ring'.
  16. One thing I haven't seen mentioned in here yet is if the rockets that go out of control are staying in one piece. If your rocket breaks apart at a stress point, (say two jumbo fuel tanks stuck on top of each other, see here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41420-How-to-keep-two-jumbo-fuel-tanks-together ), then the engine will still be burning but you won't have any control over it. Next time you go out of control try throttling down the engines and see if it works. If they carry on firing then they are no longer attached to your command pod and are just freely pushing you onwards. You can tell at what point this happens as your POV will slide higher up the rocket a little bit. This happened a lot to me and it took me a while to figure out what was hapening, but yeah, try throttling down next time you spin, if nothing happens, add more struts.
  17. I didn't realise you could strut the seam itself. That seems like a very simple way to fix this problem. Pretty sure I tried it and it didn't work, I shall have to be more patient with the positioning then I suppose. Thank you all.
  18. I've tried a few different things to keep a stack of two jumbo fuel tanks together, from complicated beam/strut structures to hardpoints over the join to girders and struts yet more often than not, when starting the gravity turn, they break apart and leave me being pushed by separated boosters. Sometimes they don't break apart though, which is most confusing, as I think I've cracked it, relaunch for a 'serious' flight and find them breaking apart again. Most annoying. Anyone have any tips for stopping this from happening?
  19. I've had KSP for around 6 or 7 weeks I think and, looking at Steam, I have 110 hours logged...not bad. Team Fortress 2 is my most played game of all time, I play competitively 3 or 4 nights a week. That's been around for a while and I have a very addictive personality. I got 4607 hours of cartoony, hat simulator fun to 'boast' off. Second is Dota 2 with just over a thousand hours and Football Manager in third with 800 odd. I have plenty of games coming in at the 50-150 hours mark. Endless Space, Skyrim, Blood bowl, X-COM and, thanks to steam sales, a whole load of games with less. Yes I play games a lot. Yes, I have a full time job and yes, I have a girlfriend. (Luckily she likes crap tv, so whilst I play she can watch all the poop on tele and I can shoot people in the face and fly to other worlds, win-win). KSP is certainly my current obsession though. Absolute love. I have 'encouraged' at least 5 people that I know of to join the fun as well. I'm spreading the word as much as I can because it really is something a bit different this game. Love it.
  20. Only tip I have for Minmus is DO NOT, WHATEVER YOU DO, use the jet pack on EVA. I managed to build up enough speed in the very low gravity that I was tumbling and bashing into the floor for what looked like a few miles before slowing down enough to regain control. Was a helluva fun until I got carried away, managed to build up a whole load of speed off a ridge and smashed my little intrepid explorer into the surface a bit too fast. He promptly died in a puff of regolith and smoke. Jetpacks don't kill people, low gravity kills people. REMEMBER THAT KIDS!
  21. My first self set mission was 'Get to the Mun and back'...once I'd spent a few hours with the game it soon shifted to 'Get something to go up in a straight line without exploding'. Definitely recommend the latter as a first step. Good luck with the rest of your life though, KSP is amazingly addictive, and amazingly fun and amazingly interesting and amazing. Youtube is invaluable, especially Scott Manley's stuff. (Is that his real name btw? I do hope so) Good luck.
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