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Everything posted by Monkeh

  1. I suppose this is why when interplanetary with the Kerbal engineer redux mod the TWR's get so screwy Pretty sure this single nuke engine isn't producing 1300 twr...
  2. I remember this. I voted for Darwin as he not only totally shook up the scientists from his own field but he also nearly destroyed Christianity as well. What a guy.
  3. I have been playing since 0.20 and not much has changed for me. Flying takes a little more effort in my opinion than it did in 0.20 but I wouldn't say it was harder than the last version. Building stuff seems exactly the same. There you go, there's my vast experience laid out for you, I hope it wasn't too much to take.
  4. Today I landed a beach buggy on Laythe. It can handle up to around 24-25 m/s easily and handles like a dream. I'm very proud of my beach buggy. Please like my beach buggy. Thank you.
  5. I would say that some mods could be considered bad if they diminish the gaming experience. When I landed on the Mun for the first time it was exhilarating as I got a HUGE sense of aachievement out of it. I was so proud. If mechjeb did it for me I would have been all...ok...well that was easy? Best bet I feel is to play without mods, achieve a few things and then if you get bored add whatever you like to your experience. You can always delete any mods after all.
  6. Yeah it was nova punch and I found I could get a rocket with like 6000 delta v and only 3 parts. Where's the challenge in that? Not for me but each to their own I suppose.
  7. Engineer redux. Sub assembly which I don't use and I downloaded one of the parts packs too but they seem a bit cheaty. Struts with a thousand times the strength and a single engine with the thrust of 20 mainsails. Dont use them either.
  8. Yeah of course. The 3d 'branes colliding in 4d space is from Brian Greene's The elegant universe. Awesome string theory book. My imagination isn't good enough to come up with my own. Black hole factory - Stephen Baxter Ream of universes - Brian Greene Science experiment gone wrong, or right I suppose - Greg Egan Stoner with tea - yeah ok, that one was mine Yes I realise 2 of those people are sci fi authors but they both keep very up to date with current thinking. Despite appearences, I'm not a total retard.
  9. Nice video. He makes a good case. It doesn't stop the actual creation from being a wilful event in some way though. Think I'll have a look at some more of his vids too.
  10. ...or even a 7... Doh...I can count me.
  11. So let's theorize some silliness. A probe encased in a null field is dropped through the event horizon of a black hole and drops into...onto...through (?) the singularity.. It has worm hole transmission technology and can beam images and sound back from 'the other side'. No.1) We find nothing. No.2) We find a 'power station' slurping up exotic matter. No.3) We find an interuniversal stoner who greets our probe and offers a cup of tea. No.4) We find actual God in some form or another. No.5) We find a ream of universes like pages in a book. No.6) We find a group of scientists studying their creation. Which would you be most happy with? Feel free to add your own 8 or 9.
  12. Oh yeah, China. Ignore my post above. China got this.
  13. There is a Greg Egan book where a science experiment in deep space goes wrong and they create a new universe by accident. It's edge expands at 'c' and whole space faring cultures are wiped out. That kind of thing is a good thought experiment. "Whoops, sorry guys, just became God by accident! Good news though, we got loads of free energy to use." It wasn't ranty Pyre but I still believe their is no such thing as an unanswerable question. Just because we cant answer it now doesn't mean we never will be able to. Computer simulation was discussed at length in another thread on here somewhere and it's a good one as well, but the question of who or what created the people who originally created the simulation needs to be answered too. So it doesn't answer this question either.
  14. This all depends on economies. If it happens it will be a private company and not a government. Governments can no longer justify the expense when hospitals and schools need building. I so hope it does though.
  15. Also true. So why or how did this multiverse come into being? Does it have a purpose? Was it created for a reason? Same questions still apply.
  16. Oh I do. I often, on my drive home from work, look up at a sunset behind clouds and feel very lucky to be able to witness such a thing, the beauty and majesty of this planet really astounds me at times. Doesn't stop my mind wandering though...
  17. I don't believe it doesn't have an answer. The universe was created. By natural or random forces or through will in some way or another. Why wouldn't you ask the question?
  18. Why not? Because it's incredibly unlikely that a universe with the exact measured values for the fundamental forces that just happen to allow atoms and orbits would exist at all. Any tiny variations in gravity or the strong nuclear force and none of these planets and stars would exist. With most values we wouldn't even get atoms, so it interests me greatly. Other peoples ideas and opinions interest me greatly as well. Life has a will to live thanks to the Selfish Gene. Richard Dawkins is your man there.
  19. So we've all heard of the big bang and the origin of where all this stuff came from. I've read about 3 dimensional 'branes colliding in 4 dimensional space to create big bangs and I've heard of 'the heat death' and 'big crunch' but I ask you a question, Why does the universe exist? Is it a random happening? A coming together of physics and probability? Has the universe been created as some sort of energy producing device? A 'Godlike' being's personal plaything? A science experiment gone out of control? Was it created specially for sentience to exist? I'm interested in people's beliefs but would really like this to not become a religious discussion, those always end badly. My personal belief is the universe was created to produce black holes, as that is where everything seems to be heading, for some kind of power production. Gas makes stars, stars make black holes, black holes become bigger black holes by devouring stuff, bigger black holes must eventually attract each other and the whole universe has just one super, super, super, super, super, super massive black hole and nothing else and some being somewhere lives of it's energy. Yes, I'm not the most well read person or the most intelligent, but black holes seem to be the very heart beat of our universe, providing a core for galaxies to form around and being so otherwordly we can't even begin to understand them. I can imagine somewhere, something, lapping up the delicious food or energy produced by these things as they rip holes in our spacetime through to theirs. Wow, writing this down makes it sound so stupid, ah well, still gonna click submit... So yeah, what do YOU think?
  20. First proper landing on the Mun. So proud, such a sense of achievement: Building my Munbase and managing to land pretty close to the first landing a fair few times without any assistance: Landing on Laythe for the first time:
  21. Monkeh


    Hello, I like Dogs and faces, so Dogfaces are the best.
  22. My best lifter is this one: It has 15 mainsails. Drops 8 on the first asparagus, 4 on the next and then the last 2. Don't know how much it can lift but it's quite a lot. I got it to build my Munbase though. Hope that gives you some inspiration. I can add the .craft file when I get home later if you like?
  23. If something horrific goes wrong on my flights I spin round, head for the VAB and accelerate for all I'm worth. Then I revert before they all die. Realism schmealism.
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