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Everything posted by Monkeh

  1. I always wanted to see infinity, just never had the spacetime for it.
  2. Yesterday I played around with some mods. I got a lot of them working together and behaving nicely. Magic Smoke Industries Robotics stuff is amazing. Robodyne cargo bays are lovely. B9 is beautiful. Aviation lights rock. Partscatalog is great. KW seems fun. Kerbpaint is cool but only stock parts can be painted, which is a shame. Sure I could add parts by 'doing stuff', but not sure I could actually 'do stuff' successfully and AIES seems nice too. Now to build some good things that look nice and go places. Mods definitely make this game cooler and funner and betterererererer.
  3. Also, the white fairings in the part menu have no decouplers. The yellowy orange ones are the ones that separate.
  4. Missions profile: 1) (and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 + 9) Collapseonlaunchpadicus 10) Blowupshortlyafterleavinghtegroundeooo 11) Blowupabithigherupasd 12-15) Getouttheatmosphereandthinkwehaveorbituclar 16) Readaboutgravityturnsacus 17) Smackheadasverystupidicon. 18-24) Nearlygettoorbitucular 25) ORBITZZZZZ! 26-35) SmackintoMunatstupidspeedsarea 36) Youcanclickthespeedindicatorandmakeitrelativetothesurfaceohgreatium 37-42) Stillsmackingintothemunatstupidspeedsmateyioo 43) LANDINGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WAHAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYYAAYAYYYY!!!!! On a more serious note I wanted to go Mun and back as first target. I soon ditched that idea after seeing it isn't that easy and just wanted to get out of the atmosphere. Then get an orbit. Go to the Mun. Get a rover on the Mun. Next go to Eve. Duna. Jool. Laythe. Munbase. Rover on Laythe. Currently mapping the Mun anomalies and visiting them one by one. I've done 2 so far. An arch and the South pole sink hole. Only problem is I downloaded the B9 pack and now appear to be addicted to mods. Spent the whole of last night playing around with new parts and robotic arms and stuff and trying to make it not crash every launch. I think I got there now and am looking very much forward to playing around with all the new toys I got last night. Especially looking forward to making some kind of disco with the aviation lights, the rotating discs from magic smoke and some kind of cargo bay, maybe some 'smoke machine' action via some small rockets...even sweeter.. Video of Kerbals raving on its way.
  5. ^^ On a similar note; knowing when to go to bed when one has to get up for work in 5 hours time but these new mods are so nice and fun and pretty lights and cargo bay doors and pistons and rotating discs and...and...and.... ZZzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz *Sacked*
  6. The hang glider! The winged jetpack! Oh my. Sweet. Will be grabbing these when I get home fo' sho'. Great work
  7. The Mun is creepy...look at the South pole: I was sucked into a massive 'French-camping-site-toilet' thingy: It tried to EAT ME....THROUGH IT'S BUMHOLE!!!! Mun is one scary place.
  8. Today, I went mod crazy. After getting the B9 pack and loving it, then spending ages working out why it crashed my game a lot, (something to do with clashing with the new MapSat it turned out, I might have had it installed badly though, more testing required), I decided I needed more mods in my life. I went and got: 1) Navigational lights 2) NovaPunch 3) KW 4) Magic robotics thingy 5) Hollow structures, (this one crashed my game before it even loaded, which was new!) 6) AIES 7) Parts catalogue 8) Robodyne cargo bays 9) Kerpaint When I tried to load it up it crashed straight after the loading screen finished loading all the parts. Working backwards I found the Hollow structures made it crash then, the NovaPunch made it crash a lot. (I think I read somewhere it clashes with B9 did I...possibly? Dunno.) But after some rather annoying, but oh so worthwhile, testing I now have a stable game with most of the mods I wanted running fine. Hats off to all you modders out there, I'm so stoked about using those robotic parts and flashing lights and all the nice stuff and then painting stuff and...and...and....loads more. Thank you all. Also, I tried to make a spaceplane, failed for ages and then finally got something off the ground. I called it, 'The Bitch', cuz it is one.
  9. Munar South pole. A large hole. It scared me as I tried to fly in it.
  10. I tried the B9 Aerospace pack out. Dear lord so beautiful. Dear lord, why you have to crash every 5 minutes now. S-A-D F-A-C-E.
  11. You can switch your currently selected craft by using the '[' and the ']' keys. You need to be quite close for this to work and it will also cycle through some parts and any stray Kerbals wandering around too. It's very useful if you have a rover attached to a lander and you land on a slope, instead of releasing the rover and watching it roll miles down a hill you release, press '[' and hit the brakes. Job done. Edit: Ninja'd
  12. Dota 2 was in Beta for over 2 years. This isn't just a small company thing. Version 1.0 of KSP hitting electronic shelves sometime in 2018. I am happy to wait for new stuff as, quite frankly, what I have now is full of stuff and fun that is keeping me thinking, dreaming and playing rockets. Take your time please Squad, this is going to be awesome and I, for one, can wait...not that I want to you understand, but I'd rather wait and get an amazing thing than get it now and find it to be bad.
  13. It's this bit I don't understand. Yeah I get how someone might feel like the development is going slowly and yeah, there are a few little bugs and the game may crash every now and then and it would be nice to have a few more things to play with but...less playability? There's so much to do in this game. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of everything I want to have a go at yet, and I'm over 300 hours in now. Bases, space stations, planes, kethane, mapping, new parts and new content all over the place. KSP is the best £12, (yay steam sales), I ever spent on a game, easily. It's getting more content all the time, slowly maybe, but it's coming and the poster above who mentions Rome II has a great point, that game was so unfinished I literally had 13 hours of gameplay ruined by game breaking glitches over 2 separate saves. I haven't played it since and won't until they patch it a bit more. Patience is a virtue, give Squad time and it looks like they'll give you a belter.
  14. Windows couldn't find but I managed to. Yay, I'm better than windows. Thanks again.
  15. You make a very persuasive case to be fair but I honestly do enjoy my grind, I also appreciate that is exactly what it is as well, yet I am one of those 'small time' builders mentioned above for now and I really do enjoy the small stuff still. My opinions on things have been known to change and I can very easily see a time in the future when I shall indeed utilise MJ, I am no plastic brain defending a point for the sake of it. I already use the Engineer Redux and would feel lost and terrified it were to be removed form me. This may, or may not, be an exaggeration. Could anyone point to where this might be. A search of my KSP folder gives no results. Also, thanks
  16. Ahhahaha. I love typos. Posting on a phone no doubt
  17. Surely the do not suggest list is full of stuff they either can't implement, don't want to implement or are already implementing. Let them make the game. Let us suggest stuff. Let them tell us what goes in.
  18. Nah. Designing and building the mapping vehicle and flying it. Watching the map slowly resolve. Inclining the orbit incrementally. All of those things were fun. Drifting aimlessly around and around at 10 km hoping to see something sounds very dull. Thanks. Hoping to do better next time
  19. 10/10 Omnipotent Stupid Chris.
  20. OK, so here's how my mission went, without MJ. So I get reasonably close, I think, to my first anomaly This shot shows the big crater we headed for with the red dot on the Northern edge on the map, the lander very close on the Mun view. Now to head East. So I tried to use the buggy to get there, it was a bit far and difficult so I thought, "no problem, let's go re-attach the rover and fly there..." Turns out the lower gravity of the Mun means the lander doesn't sag as much under it's own weight and the docking ports are no longer close enough to each other to re-attach as they do on Kerbin. Dammit! Flying over to the anomaly with the brave Kerbal clinging onto the ladder, for funzies thought I... He fell off though...whoops! Nevermind, sacrifices have to be made in the name of science. Here comes the arch! Jetpack to the top for a nice photo. Then fall off. It turns out mysterious Munar arches are a bit slippy. Then the game crashed. Yet I still love it so much. If I'd used MJ then I wouldn't have had the lols of the fun short trip to get closer and the falling Kerbal, which amused me no end when I noticed him slipping down the ladder and eventually dropping off the back. This has just proved to me that I'm having more fun without using MJ, it would have been a bit too easy and a whole lot less enjoyable had we come down smack on the arch, not to mention a lot less tense and exciting, as well as being a lot less of a challenge. Each to their own of course, but no question for me, no MJ means more fun.
  21. It's the dark side landings that will be hardest for me I think. At least with some sunshine I can aim for some landmarks. Actually aiming for a particular point is way beyond me for now, I need to go do some reading I think, work out how to aim for a particular set of co-ordinates properly instead of just lining up-ish on the map. The knowledge journey continues...
  22. Yeah, I know, but the challenge of trying to land near enough for a rover to get there is a really nice challenge that I'm trying to beat right now. My MapSat has gotten me a nice plot so now I'll be off to the 7 Mun anomalies it has found. It will be hard, but we do not do it because it is easy etc. No doubt after I fail miserably for the 89th time I'll be MJ'ing with my tail between my legs and a tear in my eye. We shall see. I think for me I don't want to make it easy and do 'it all' within a few days. I want this game to last and for that it needs to be a real challenge. But that's just me.
  23. Good question! I suppose any wave that has to propagate through a substance as opposed to through a vacuum will slow down. Could we then, in fact, use some kind of shielding to create anti gravity? We can create darkness by stopping photons in their tracks, next stop gravitynotness!
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