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Everything posted by Monkeh

  1. Install this mod and let it do it for you. It's not really cheating, I mean you can take a calculator in maths exams can't you?
  2. Command pod ASAS Decoupler Tanks Rockets Decoupler Tanks Rockets Decoupler Tanks Rockets Congratulations, you just got to Jool.
  3. Crysis Far Cry 3 Battlefield 3 Metro: Last Light Deep Space 3 Tomb Raider (2013) Grid 2 All supposed to be a bit special in the looks department. Also, Total War: Rome II is going to look incredible when it's released in...ermm, September I think.
  4. Activating jealousy nodes... Jealousy nodes activated... It's crap, awful, rubbish and terrible. It'll probably blow up on first run and then you'll be sat in a black smoke cloud crying and I shall laugh. Laugh like a jealous guy who has no need to be jealous anymore.
  5. Hi, wave good bye to your social life. That Mun base won't build itself you know. Can I recommend the Kerbal Engineer Redux mod that saves you having to do calculations yourself? I mean, I wouldn't want to take your nerdgasms away, but it does make life a lot easier. Anyway, have fun around infinity, it never seems to end you know.
  6. The problem is what happens if the rescue mission goes wrong...and then the rescue of the rescue mission goes wrong. Feel free to ad infinitum here but eventually I'll...I mean, you'll have no money left. No parts left to build anything. No inclination to continue with playing. No fun. Sounds horrible. The balance between a failed mission crippling your agency for ever and reversion being too easy, is a tough one. I see regular investments from benevolent benefactors or governments to be a workaround maybe. In Squad we trust.
  7. I was crashing a lot more than the previous version, like every other launch or so. Went and checked the forums here and found that telling KSP to only use 1 core is good if you're using a 32bit OS and to turn down the textures in the graphics options, which I had set to 'ultra pro realism omg wow dats amazing' levels. Whichever of those that did the trick I neither know nor care, fact is the trick was did and now I don't crash at all. Definitely takes longer to swap SOI when watching the map, nice few seconds pause as we cross the boundary but the loading from VAB to launch is quicker and smoother, definitely.
  8. "Where da white women at?" I wanted Dame Judy Dench. Bummer.
  9. Learning how to do stuff is the biggest enjoyment for me. When the rover you designed and stuck onto the rocket you designed and then you fly it to the Mun and charge around with your shiny new ion drive powered Mun buggy...you feel epic. If it was easy then it wouldn't be fun, you'd do everything you can do within a few hours and everyone would go home feeling cheated. Working all the bits out for a successful Mun landing is completely normal and takes a bit of time. There's plenty of help out there, on youtube and wikipedia, if you get too stuck with anything and these forums are full of friendly and helpful people as well. Just take your time, learn from your mistakes and you'll get there, and when you do you'll have a huge sense of achievement and a warm feeling of smug superiority as well. Have fun.
  10. I fear this terrible affliction has hit many of you. Come, share your stories. I work out new craft whilst in work. I sit face to face with patients and have been known to throw the word 'rocket' into my consultation at random, inappropriate times. Whoops.
  11. The Chinese have already won the human race. They won't join anyone else, why would they? They have everything they need. In a couple of hundred years we'll all be bowing down our communist brothers. They'll be mining asteroids whilst the White house passes gun laws, stockpiling all the gold in mobile phones so no-one else has any, (Did you know there's only 2 Olympic sized swimming pools of gold on the entire planet), whilst Downing street tries to get politicians to stop fraudulent expenses claims. If you want to be successful, go become Chinese. Down right shocking human rights. Down right already won the human race.
  12. Bonus point goes to Sid. Congratulations. Don't spend it all at once...or something. Great fillum.
  13. 8 O'Clock. Day 1. Lasers. (Bonus point for anyone who gets the reference)
  14. Don't forget as well that the creatures on this planet considered the most intelligent are all predators. Makes perfect sense of course, having to work out how to catch something for dinner is a going to select for inteligence a lot more than being good at running away. So I feel any sentient species out there will have a bloody bistory of war and murder. We do after all. Would they have passified with time or will they be intergalatic hunters, only caring about the chase and the kill? The lengths of time we need to consider make it so much less likely to happen as well. Sentient beings may evolve close spatially but within the few decades we've been able to look for them? Vanishingly small probabilities appear. Mars may have had a bustling ecology and civilisation in the past, maybe we're all that's left of it, but there's no trace now we can find. If a space faring species existed close enough to us we would have seen some evidence by now I feel. A Dyson sphere or something. Were all alone people. The Rare Earth.
  15. OK, the game crashed and this what I refresh to. That's the point I'm making. No one calls them facts because they aren't. Just because they're very well established theories doesn't make them fact, absolute truth. Need I remind you of other scientific theories, taken as fact, that have become ridiculed? Flat Earth, aether, centre of the universe, odours carrying disease, heck, to use one of your own examples gravity, totally 're-facted' by Einstein, black holes couldn't exist once upon a time, a physics fairytale no less, then some guy named Hawking 're-facted' that old gem....the list goes on and on. Are we at the end of our science journey? Is there nothing left to discover? Is it a fact that a human will never walk on the surface of a neutron star? Until we find a way to manipulate gravity, heat, space, time and probably loads of other things I don't fully understand, then yes, it's impossible, give us a couple of million years and who knows? There are no facts. Just loads of things that are really, really, really probable or improbable.
  16. The word theory doesn't imply anything of the sort. It's a label for an idea, explaining some observations. The theory of evolution by natural selection may have more evidence going for it than my theory of a race of super midgets living on the surface of the sun, I grant you, but they're both theories and the word that describes them as such implies nothing of their respective validity or merit. Anyway, we both are strong supporters of the theory in question, (no one ever calls it the "Fact of evolution by natural selection", do they?), so now we're just willy waving for fun. I'm off to build a rocket or two. Have fun.
  17. Didn't I say we don't need to argue semantics! Damn you You are correct, it's a fact evolution has happened/is happening, I should have written, "Fact is, the theory of evolution by natural selection is not a fact...", but that's like, six more words to type, and ain't nobody got time for that
  18. "A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation.[1][2] Scientists create scientific theories from hypotheses that have been corroborated through the scientific method, then gather evidence to test their accuracy. As with all forms of scientific knowledge, scientific theories are inductive in nature and do not make apodictic propositions; instead, they aim for predictive and explanatory force." That's the first paragraph from your 'scientific theory' link. "Well substantiated..." "...based on a body of knowledge..." "Scientists create scientific theories from hypotheses..." "...then gather evidence to test their accuracy." "As with all forms of scientific knowledge, scientific theories are inductive in nature and do not make apodictic propositions; instead, they aim for predictive and explanatory force." Not a truth, not a fact, just all those fancy grouping of words that make it reasonably clear that it's the best we got for now...but probably the way things work. Arguing the semantics is a very pleasing past time for some, but the issues raised here don't need it really. Fact is, evolution is not a fact. You see what I did there?
  19. Never been to the minecraft forums myself, but the KSP forums are really, really, really, really, really, really, really, ,really, really, really, super, dooper, really, really friendly.
  20. This is probably the wrong way to think about it. Each individual along the line, on average, will have lived it's life in the best way it could. Yes, some would have slept with empty bellies or some even in pain or distress of some kind or other, but the changes that happen are small and over a long time and there are plenty of perfectly evolved animals who live in pain and fear today. There is no machine or big search going on, just genes producing individuals that live their lifes and are successful or not depending on their current environment. Woah there. Evolution should not interfere with your faith. It is possible to have an after life and the theory of evolution co-exist. Just because this exquisite theory makes the book of genesis look a little silly doesn't mean your loved one's aren't out there waiting for you. But that's a religious discussion and not allowed on these forums. Notice how this theory is called just that. Only idiots will tell you evolution is true. Fact is it's a theory. A beautiful, elegant, very hard to argue with theory, but theory never the less. It needn't destroy any of your other key beliefs or philosophies. I know of many religious people who believe in the theory of evolution and still maintain and practice their faith. It's just an explanation for our glorious world and it's massive range of flora and fauna that doesn't require a few days of omnipotent effort.
  21. Got into orbit around Laythe with a single launch vehicle but failed a few times to land the little bugger. I know it's possible to get there safely with a single launch vessel, just yet to work it out. MUST TRY HARDER!
  22. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is one of the simplest yet confusing and brilliant theories ever constructed. The reason it seems so impossible is because we have difficulties in imaging the time scales involved. We can no easier imagine a million years than a million miles, it's just far too difficult for our 'African Planes' evolved minds to comprehend. It's great you've grasped the concepts. The world will seem a much more magical and special place from now on. A great analogy I heard once was about burger stands at festivals and football matches. Why do we have so many? How did they know the people there would like burgers? Imagine there were 500 fast food vans in the country and they went to all of the festivals. Some of them sold poo and chips, some sold burgers and chips and some sold jelly and chips. The first vans to go out of business would be the poo and chips. Who'd buy that? Then the jelly and chips would be next. All we have left is the burger and chips. Suddenly, ALL of the vans sell burger and chips. No one decided it, no one knew what would be best. It just happened, through selective pressure, that the sane guys got more business. It's the same with evolution of animals over long enough periods of time. If one bird has a beak that makes it really easy to get nuts on an island, it's going to have an easier time getting nuts than the other bird. This means it's going to get more calories...him and his offspring. The other birds don't get as much, more of them starve or die in infanthood. The next generation of both birds suddenly have an extra chick due to an unusually warm winter, (...or something), and the best beaked birds will be able to feed all of their offspring where the other guys cannot. Beaky and his kind grow in numbers, the other guys dwindle away. Result: Beaky birds have more individuals...multiply that out over a few thousand generations and we have only one type of bird with only one type of beak on that particular island. There is practically no part of the human body, mind or psychology that can't be explained away through evolution. Finger nails? Pressure pads so you know how hard you're gripping something. Blushing? A way for a close knit hunter gather community to avoid the problems of telling lies or being false. Monogamy? Much easier to raise a child with BOTH parents doing some work, especially when birthing us and our big heads is so damn difficult, at least compared to other animals. Helpless at birth? Most mammals are standing and running barely a few hours after birth, we don't, why is that? Big brains left for any longer in the womb would rip the females to death on exiting, we drop early and look after the little git until it can look after itself so we can have massive brains. The relationship between animals and plants that rely on each other can be fascinating as well. it may seem as though a plant has changed itself on purpose but all that's happened is the ones who happened to have a trait that proves to be beneficial, a flower that looks a little like a wasp, a smell that is like a source of food for ants or insects, a more attractive horn etc, it will pass on more individuals first, to reproductive age and second, to actually survive, than a creature without those adaptations. Time will make it more and more dominant until the pathetic old style creature dies off from too much competition for food, real estate or mates. Plants look very different under a UV light because pollinating insects can see much further into the UV parts of the spectrum than we can. See this image here: Now you've had your eyes opened have a good look round the animal kingdom and try to work out why certain animals do or have what they do or have. Good, mind expanding stuff. This world of ours is an amazing place and evolution just keeps on happening. Learning about all this is school, (many, many years ago!), my biology teacher told us a story about a butterfly, evolution in progress. there was a small town in the Yorkshire Dales where a butterfly lived. It had 2 variations, one with white wings and one with very dark wings. the white ones were by far the most prevalent, outnumbering the black ones by a factor of 100:1. The reason was that they lived in a wood that had a lot of silver birch trees in, with that papery white covering on the bark. A very nice place for a white butterfly to sit and not be seen. Not so nice for the black ones, they would be seen and eaten. When a factory was build near this town it started to pump out lots of smoke. The silver birch trees absorbed the soot and smoke and slowly, over the course of a few years, turned a much darker shade. Guess what happened to the butterflys. That's right, the white one's became almost extinct but and the black ones became the dominant variation. If you see something and think how does it know to do or have that? Stop and think again, what has happened to make that animal get an advantage for that behaviour or anatomy.
  23. I would like to be able to warp faster then 100000. Sitting there for 15 minutes watching your craft creep around a long orbit is dull.
  24. You're still talking about a very finite and tiny number of variables at a time in a tiny area and a tiny amount of time. Multiply all these things out over the rather large timescales and volumes and particles and bodies we're talking about in only our medium sized galaxy and it's a very silly analogy. Never mind orders of magnitude, this is orders upon orders upon orders of magnitude. It's a great theory and it's impossible to prove given infinite computing resources or omnipotent abilities, but I'd rather base my theory crafting somewhere near the realistic.
  25. I heard the next update will include porcine pilots, their little stubby snouts snuffling as they hurtle across the skies, curly little tails wibble, wobbling more than my rocket, re-entry heat making bacon. Pigs will fly.
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