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Everything posted by mythbusters844

  1. My first landing on Duna with no problems the entire way
  2. Use the Mk25 chutes along with the radial chutes. The regular chutes have a nasty habit of ripping spacecraft apart when they deploy at high speeds, and they deploy too late on Duna to do anything good.
  3. That was science and they didn't write anything down. But who cares? Jamie wanted big boom. Jamie got big boom.
  4. I think the 48-7S needs a slight nerf, but the 24-77 or whatever (the radial one) REALLY needs to have a higher specific impulse instead. Why are drogue chutes so big anyways?
  5. 5/10 Your sig is very recognizable. EDIT: Ninja'd. 0/10 Never saw you before
  6. I just love the design of the S-IVB with the flower petals and that. Click on it for a full resolution picture.
  7. 310: Make the stereo "trial" system play the Apollo 8 launch at full volume. *speakers burst* *everyone runs and screams*
  8. 141. Get smashed in while in a hitchhiker module by a ship that was docking too fast and missed.
  9. After Earth, Pluto. Poor guy had to be removed from planet status For some reason the kerbal smiles don't work from the toolbar and I had to copy and paste the link to the image.
  10. That looked strangely like a really bad ascent for that server ping thing.
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