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Yalin Hawk

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Everything posted by Yalin Hawk

  1. I have two very simple requests. I love all of your mods Roverdude, I don't use FTT that much because I prefer the balance of Near Future's nuclear reactors/electric engines, but I do like your cargo trusses and the kontainer system. Would it be possible to create an open cargo bay for the HoneyBadger, a'la the S-64 Skycrane helicopter? I'm thinking specifically for carrying slung MK3 MKS modules or perhaps cargo kontainers. Along a similar line, the Starlifter freighter cargo truss has no easy way to carry MK3 MKS modules. The "Cargo adapter" provides 4x 2.5m nodes, perhaps there could be a second "Cargo Adapter" but instead of 2 nodes top and bottom, it could have 1 node top and bottom centrally located with a 3.75m size? That would make transporting the MK3 modules a million times easier. Keep up the awesome work!
  2. Just a heads up, I'm playing KSP .25 x32 and using NEAR my control surfaces are non-responsive. Saw a few posts about this in the modded support forum, uninstalled NEAR to troubleshoot and that fixed the problem. I have a bunch of other mods installed, RLA stockalike, the whole Near Future pack, and a few others but none related to aerodynamics or spaceplanes. I see that you uploaded a new NEAR just a few posts up, so I'll try that. Just wanted to give a bug report. Was driving me bonkers Edit: Newest version of NEAR fixes the problem.
  3. I'm actually having this problem with NEAR using ksp x32. Going to try un-installing NEAR to see if that fixes it. Edit: Can confirm, removing NEAR fixes it. Going to post in the mod's thread regarding the issue.
  4. Didn't know it was a known issue, sorry about that. And by play well I mean when you attach the engine to the bottom of the DCSS LOX tank it doesn't form the truss and fuel piping if you use a proc fairing to circumvent the adapter sizing issue. All minor graphical concerns, as always you guys do a wonderful job. Keep it up.
  5. Hey guys, just wanted to know if this was a known glitch/bug. The Aerojet Kerbodyne ICPS interstage is sized wrong, at the bottom it's 7.3m in diameter not the required 8.4m for the SLS. Tried both that were in the structural tab in the VAB. Also can't use procedural fairings to work around it, since the Aerojet Kerbodyne RL-10-B2 doesn't play well with anything but the Aerojet Kerbodyne adapters/decouplers. Just a friendly bug report.
  6. I'm having an issue with DMP. I created a DMP universe from a save game using the in-game tool, but every time I restart the DMP server the world resets to that initial save. My friend and I spent a few hours adding modules to a space station only to have those modules disappear when I started the server up again this morning. Any ideas?
  7. I don't know if I could get any more psyched for these station parts. Those look awesome and they have an even awesome-er stockalike look.
  8. As far as I can tell, the primary change to TAC LS was the switch in how Kerbals consume resources. Instead of carrying enough resources for "1 day", resources are now stored in Liters and Kerbals consume X liters per hour. To quote TaranisElsu: For more information, here is a link to a spreadsheet TaranisElsu created to help convert human consumption rates to kerbals. There is a "summary" towards the middle/bottom that might be of the most use. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aioc9ek3XAvwdGNsRlh3OVhlbTFBR3M4RW0zLUNTRFE&usp=sharing#gid=0
  9. Anyone have any .cfg's to use these modules with the new TAC-LS pre release? I'm trying to use Fustek alongside OKS/MKS and the Fustek components are still using the "old" TAC resource amounts.
  10. Ahhh okay, that'd explain it The issue with stage-ignoring? At launch those engines activate regardless of what stage they're in.
  11. Here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkban8yb0j8rkwf/output_log.txt Problem confirmed with the Aerojet Kerbodyne Orion SM engine and the RL-10B engine (the non-Aerojet one). Edit: Also, I've noticed the K2-X and its multiple-mount sister aren't getting the realfuels and realengines stats.
  12. Woo, works fine now guys. Well...sorta... I have a new problem when I launch my rockets every engine on the ship activates at once, regardless of staging. But the engine config issue is fixed!
  13. I just installed the latest realfuels as per your advice, going to test it. Something I did notice in my own limited-modding-knowledge digging, I downloaded both 5.2.1 and 5.2 and compared the .cfg files included in both. I noticed in 5.2 there is a whole lot more in your RedAV8R folder. Did things get moved around, or did I lose some files in extraction/download? Specifically, the realengines cfg's from 5.2 are absent in my 5.2.1 folder. Edit: Just tried it with the latest RealFuels 6.3, still have the same specific bug with the RL10B-2 from Aerojet Kerbodyne and also the RD-0146 from SovietEngines. EditEdit: Also, none of the other engines have any sort of updated stats. KW Vesta has same stats from a vanilla KW install. I'm going to take a leap and assume it has something to do with my missing the rss_realengines_x.cfg's?
  14. Running the stock included engine configs. Installed KW, Novapunch, Aerojet Kerbodyne, etc. KW and Nova engines have their normal names, Wildcat, Vesta, etc. I remember playing RO months ago and those engines got renamed to real-life engines.
  15. Here is the requested output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkban8yb0j8rkwf/output_log.txt Also, are the engines in-game supposed to be re-named to real-life counterparts? If so, that's not working either. I remember this feature from playing RO months ago, so that may not be a desired function in the current version? Thanks for the help gents.
  16. I'm new with Realism Overhaul, so be gentle. I followed all install instructions (to my knowledge, at least) and installed pretty much all of the recommended mods. I'm having an issue with the DCSS RL10 engine from the Aerojet Kerbodyne Orion parts. It says that its ISP is 0-0 and its fuel usage is infinity/sec. I have no bloody idea what could be wrong. Any pointers?
  17. Hey, my friend and I are using the latest release version and I have a strange bug with quicksave/quickload? Not sure if this system is implemented and working 100%, tried searching but the search term "quicksave" didn't get any hits. Anyway, when I load a quicksave the game slows to a crawl and about 400 of the ship I was flying when I quicksaved appear around me. Not sure if this is a documented bug, but here are pics: http://i.imgur.com/xmf9j1n.png http://i.imgur.com/dReQ8io.png
  18. This may have been suggested already, but I'd love Universal Storage containers that could hold small amounts of monopropellant, or perhaps wedges that were batteries? Keep up the awesome work
  19. After seeing so many SSTO's and Mothership-launched spaceplanes, I figured I'd give the old X-20 Dynasoar concept of a rocket-launched spaceplane some love. This design works admirably, it is now my go-to for delivering crews to interplanetary missions or stations in orbit. Yes, an SSTO would probably be easier/better, but at the time in my career run I didn't have Rapiers unlocked yet and this just...well...worked. Only mod present is Procedural Fairings for the interstage between the booster and spaceplane. I'm working on an all-stock version in sandbox using structural panels as fairing sections...but I'm just starting to get into the art of manipulating stock parts into semi-realistic looking large rockets. Let me know what you guys think, I'll post a .craft after I do some last minute tweaking.
  20. Dont I recall from some number of updates ago floating parts that Squad had been showing off? I vaguely remember a base with inflatable floating...floaties keeping it...afloat. And there was a rover with a toolbox looking thing on it.
  21. Since Captain Sierra requested it over in the MMU thread, here is my old Hephaestus-Class Orbital Dockyard. Named after the blacksmith of the old gods, Hepahestus is used to service the fleet of IPV's (Interplanetary Vehicles) that are constantly ferrying goods across the Kerbol System, and the unmanned IPSV's (Interplanetary Survey Vehicles) which are constantly mapping, scanning, and deploying satellites across the solar system. Pics: (IPSV Vanguard Pictured, following her first tour of the solar system deploying mapping/kethane scanning satellites)
  22. I'll see if I can dig some more pictures up. Afraid I don't have that save anymore, so can't take any fresh ones. Have .crafts for all of it *except* the station I think...I'd have to check.
  23. Mine is more of a space bike than a true jetpack/MMU, but it fills the same niche. I present my SrSKT(Short-Range, Single Kerbal Transport), used way back during my IPV series of builds. Sure is a lot of fun to scoot around the orbital dockyard in the background using these things. Has enough dV to move from the dockyard to the habitat station in a sync'd orbit about 10km away (lag reasons).
  24. His comments confused me as well. I think your Orion is quite splendid. Looks the part, with stock parts only too. My only thought would be to ditch the fuselages for your SM and clip in some of the similarly sized fuel tanks for added dV. I had built an Orion-alike a while ago, but mainly aimed for a "functionally accurate" approach, vs a "visually accurate" replica. It's difficult considering the 3 man pod is just that, a 3 man pod. I had to get creative with clipping pods together and whatnot for Orion's proposed 4-6 man capacity.
  25. ^^ What he said. Duna's atmosphere really starts to grab (for what it's worth) around 6~8km. For maximum effectiveness, I would plan your landing in a very shallow aerobraking approach. Spend as much time as possible in that 6-8km band. Pop a drogue around 5km (thanks to the new tweakables) and once you're below 50-60 m/s you *should* be safe to pop your mains. Or, you can propulsively land with chutes just as an assisting system. My early career mode Duna-I landed mainly on chutes, but I needed to get my speed down below 100 m/s with the main engine before chute deployment.
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