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Posts posted by KatzOhki

  1. @Fel: NASA aren't the only players in the game. Private companies launch satellites into orbit for other private companies. Those satellites are private property. See Globalstar, Intelsat (operators of the Galaxy series of satellites), DirecTV and Dish, GeoEye and etc. Not sure if you were aware of them, it seemed like your argument was suggesting that all satellites are government owned. As it applies to Kerbal Space Program, there's no reason to suspect that the Kerbal laws are written anything like ours in the US or even anywhere on Earth.

  2. Kind of, but its well enough in-universe that it doesn't really feel like abuse unless you repeatedly reject contracts to get the ones you want. I don't think anyone cares if you do it, but you could also just adjust your in-game currency by editing the save file.

  3. I got a contract last night to rescue (what turned out to be) an empty in-line command pod (the aircraft single seater one). It was my first rescue using the KLAW, but I was like "really? next time can I just buy you a new pod and you can pay me the 6x it cost, ok?" I was a little disappointed the part to recover wasn't more interesting.

  4. Yay this has become a "is realism fun?" circular discussion.


    Nor does anybody want a 100% fully unrealistic game. If the rockets randomly turned into yellow submarines and the VAB melted into a puddle of water whenever there was an eclipse of Jool (because it switches places with Minmus every 17 days), it would get old pretty quick.


    It has a bit, but I would definitely play an Acid Trip mod like that for giggles!

    I had a bit of a thought today on this. I don't know if anyone here follows legal discussions, but one of the official terms used in law (you know, courts and stuff) is "reasonable person." For example, "would a reasonable person expect their car to stop when applying the brakes." You can almost translate reasonable person into a concept of "average person" and I think if you apply this logic to KSP you might see where some of the difficulty in tuning the realism aspect of KSP comes from. You can expect a reasonable and average person to have a certain perspective on "fun and realism" when it comes to video games. But then since KSP is inspired by somewhat of a scientific concept (explore and study the solar system) you can expect that the audience of this game includes a lot of people very concerned with scientific realism. I think that's the difficult bit really, is understanding what the audience really is. (Are the realism-lovers a vocal minority or not?) And then balancing public opinion with what the creators of (let's call video games "art") their creation want it to be.

    Maybe I'm not helping. Just a thought.

    Again, if anyone wants to make an Acid Trip mod please let me know. :) Rave mod would be good too (replace music with techno and program all the lights to blink in cycling colors).

  5. The problem isn't so much realism vs fun, it's that everybody seems to think that "I don't like that" == "That's stupid and you're stupid and you should feel bad for being so stupid." And that's not a problem with KSP, but with the Internet and with Humanity as a whole.


    (I reread this and saw it could come off wrong. I didn't mean that you were reading into what others said. I mean that others, instead of saying that they didn't like it but good luck with your endeavors, instead tried to trash talk you into oblivion)

    Agree. Also see a lot of attitude towards "developer needs to fix X" when really it's not necessarily broken, just something they would prefer.

    OP: What was your other idea besides the fuel thing?

  6. That definitely could be the error in my calculations. My ISP adds all the ISPs, which I think is not the right way to do it. The KSP Wiki page on ISP has another different way of doing it. Using that I get an ISP of 421s. That formula calculates dV directly as 4131, using that ISP in the standard way gives me dV=3252. Those numbers seem more "realistic" and here's the weird thing, getting rid of the *9.82 going back to the original values I had gives me dV=3832. Somehow all these numbers all seem really close.

  7. Oh yeah sorry I just copied the quantity numbers that time. Here's the full data I have.

    Part	Full	Dry	#
    Mk1-2 Pod 4 4 1
    X200-8 4.5 0.5 2
    LV-909 0.5 0.5 4
    FL-T400 2.25 0.25 4
    Docking Sr. 0.2 0.2 1
    Sepratron I 0.0725 0.0125 0
    Mk16-XL Chute 0.3 0.3 4
    24-77 0.09 0.09 12
    Sratus-V Cyl Mono 0.75 0.75 2
    RV-105 0.05 0.05 8
    Mk25 Chute 0.2 0.2 1
    LT-1 0.05 0.05 4
    RCL01 0.5 0.5 1
    OX-STAT 0.005 0.005 4
    Telus-LV 0.005 0.005 1
    Communotron 16 0.005 0.005 1
    Tiny Science 0.005 0.005 4

    The spreadsheet:


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