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Posts posted by KatzOhki

  1. I should like to see this lander. lol

    On the upside, you're ready for the Jool-5 tour.

    Mk1-2 Pod			1
    X200-8 2
    LV-909 4
    FL-T400 4
    Docking Sr. 1
    Sepratron I 0
    Mk16-XL Chute 4
    24-77 12
    Sratus-V Cyl Mono 2
    RV-105 8
    Mk25 Chute 1
    LT-1 4
    RCL01 1
    OX-STAT 4
    Telus-LV 1
    Communotron 16 1
    Tiny Science 4

    I designed it to be a landing support craft way back in pre-0.25. It was set up to be able to land and return to orbit from 90% of moons/planets. With the *9.82 correction applied to its numbers it seems like it has WAY more dV than it should, so there is probably something else wrong with my calculations.

    I originally set up this spreadsheet so that I could play with numbers during a lull at work, but it looks like I'm probably going to have to get KER to verify designs.

    Edit: I'm still going off the numbers on the wiki, so maybe that's the problem?

  2. SMH... :blush: Well I feel pretty dumb because I feel like I read that and must have just forgotten to multiply by the 9.82. Hey, that's actually good news because it means all the stuff on my calculator is MASSIVELY overpowered! Cool. :cool: 2154 dV then. That's not bad.

    Edit: Actually that's a bit worrying because it's telling me my multi-purpose lander should have something like 37000 dV, which seems crazy high.

  3. I might have missed a couply items, most notably the Mk2 Docking port. Here's my parts list:

    Part	Full	Dry	#
    Mk2 Cockpit 2 2 1
    Mk2 Docking Port 0.6 0.6 1
    Mk2 to 1.25 adapter 1.7 0.21 1
    Mk. 55 0.9 0.9 0
    24-77 0.09 0.09 2
    Clampotron 0.05 0.05 1
    Thruster Block 0.05 0.05 2
    RCS port 0.05 0.05 2
    Mk2 LF+O Short 1.75 0.26 0

    Not using MehcJeb, just my own calculations.

    Edit: If I replace the docking port with the fuel instead of just adding it I only get another 50 dV.

  4. Adding a Mk2 LF+O Short tank only bumps it up to about 350dV, but yeah I want it to be short (partly for looks, but also to fit yeah). I think I might keep it as is and just use it for a short range ship to station transport (sort of like a dinghy) and then build something up for a little bit longer range in-system, probably using Ion. I'm working on building up my support fleet for my capital ships and I was hoping to get something with a little more range that would fit in the cargo bay. Thanks for all the tips guys :)

  5. I forgot that transfer window planner works for moon to moon.

    OK I can describe it pretty easily. It's a Mk2 cockpit, Mk2 to 1.25 adapter, docking port, 2x24-77 engines and that's pretty much it. It looks good as heck, but yeah as I feared it's pretty underwhelming performance. I'll look into using Ion instead. It has to be rather slim to fit in my cargo bay.

    Edit: Originally I had the Mk55 engines, which look nice, but changed to the 24-77s to improve performance.

  6. I have a small shuttle design that currently has around 140-220dV. Just wondering, is this enough for local travel? e.g. from Mun to Kerbin and Minmus or around the Jool system. Not needed to land only move from one orbit to the next.

    If not, do you have a recommendation for the dV need for such task?

  7. It seems to be a problem going around. I've had this issue as well. I'm not sure whether this is due to the torque or possibly the grip of the wheels. A few things to try: try reversing instead of braking or both at the same time, brake torque of course (which you've already tried), check your electric charge - it's possible that you start to brake, but then run out of charge. I personally had some issues with these wheels on a rover and I had to add drogue chutes to an airplane to stop it (really stopping from 50m/s probably shouldn't take miles).

  8. Why should I spend the money on the more expensive one? The only advantage I see is that it uses less power to transmit data bits. The difference in power consumption seems irrelevant to me since transmissions are brief and infrequent.

    Am I missing something?

    I think it's also faster. I thought maybe you were supposed to get a better science rate out of it, but I'm not sure.

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