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Posts posted by KatzOhki

  1. I hope it starts getting updated because I use it for my personal Delta-V calculator. The spreadsheet one that doesn't look so obvious when playing with it at work...

  2. You want a command pod and passenger pods smaller than the Mk1? I don't think a Kerbal can fit in anything smaller.

    You're hurting yourself trying to collect science on Kerbin as there is a reduction in the science you get. Go to Mun or Minmus for science and you'll get more faster. If you look at the rover from the perspective of it being a complicated remotely controlled robot, it makes some sense that it is further down the tech tree.

    I agree with you on the administration building. I used it in the beginning to trade rep for money, but now it's not so useful.

  3. ...

    Though in my experience the private sector always does things better than the public sector.


    Well I though the USA had its own environmental agency? I would have thought it would come under that to be honest?

    Yeah I agree, and a big part of it comes from the fact that the government controls the spending on government programs.

    The US does have an environmental agency, but NASA is responsible for supporting a lot of science efforts across the board. If funding is cut from launching an environmental study satellite then they have to either give up or have private sector launch it.

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