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Posts posted by KatzOhki

  1. I really had fun doing a tourist mission last night. The expressions of the tourist in the portrait were really great. Scared on takeoff and ascent, wonderment exiting the atmosphere and being in space. So much fun. I even went in IVA to see what it would be like from her perspective. I think I lost money on the contract though sadly, but I still had a lot of fun doing it.

  2. Aren't scuba diving suits "pressure suits"?

    Besides, the space suit is more than just a pressure suit, it protects against cosmic rays and stuff ;p

    How else do you explain kerbals being able to survive in the insane environments we put them in?

    No, the SCUBA equipment is merely for breathing. The wet suit you typically see is for warmth, some people SCUBA dive without the wet suit. A space suit isolates your entire body from pressure (or lack there of).

  3. This craft is capable to fly by the mun. It has enough dv to forgive inaccurate maneuvers, because you might not use maneuver nodes. My first attempt has dv = 370m/s left before entering Kerbins atmosphere Tricky is the ascent path: Always Full throttle - Start gravity turn when surface speed is around 80m/s (not the most efficient one, due to low initial TWR).


    Wow! Really?

    @Poofer: How do you arrange 4x Thumpers?

    Looks like I might not be building my craft tall enough. Also wanted to bring 2 Kerbals (1 Pilot and 1 Scientist), but I might not be able to yet.

  4. I love this thing. It's incredible. I put one on top of some large side boosters (3 orange tank size!) to pull them off (instead of the normal separatrons I would use) and they yanked them up so hard they smashed and flew past my upper stage! Awesome! I love how hard they pull.

    BTW, try putting a pair of them facing opposite on some side tanks, it gives a quick neat launch boost.

    Anyone else love these?

  5. The first thing I tried was a carnival ride for Jeb. It was only the new large SRB, command seat, three structural wings and 3 standard canards. When I launched (aimed at 45 degree angle) it slid along the ground for a few seconds before lifting off. This is kind of lame compared to the medium SRB that takes off, well, like a rocket.

    I don't know if I would use a longer burn time. I've already had to stack lots of extra fuel on the liquid boosters just so the SRB's run out before the liquid ones. ...

    This thing happened to me as well.

  6. Sweet. I'll look into this. Another reason why it probably wouldn't work is it would take too much time and energy to compress the hydrogen back into a liquid for propulsion. Yeah I literally just thought of this last night with no prior look into. You all rock.


    I was going to mention the time it would take to compress also.

    You want to live in the balloon, in which BOTH hydrogen and oxygen present inside? Hmm...

    Sort of gives "NO SMOKING" a whole new level, doesn't it?

  7. That happens to me when I spend too long on one project. For me struggling with building a SSTO is one thing that I get bored of. Other really long term projects like traversing Mun and building something that takes a lot of repetitive launches get boring for me too.

    I'm planning to build an asteroid station when 0.23.5 comes out, so I hope it doesn't get boring because it's going to take a lot of launches.

  8. The Tuesday thing is a reference to a Star Trek TNG thing where Cpt. Picard travels back in time and is trying to get something done on The Enterprise, but it's like the ship is just barely leaving space dock and has a lot of stuff missing still.

    This was the last episode of the series I think actually.

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