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Everything posted by Joshington

  1. I like how the ships NASA makes even look like KSP ships. Or is it the other way around...
  2. All the men in my family are basically obsessed with cars (except for me, lol) so I grew up helping my dad with all the vehicles and smelling gasoline. SO yeah, I like it.
  3. I got my satellite into a large orbit around Jool, and went to the first planet that I could find using a maneuver node. Laythe is surprisingly easily to reach.
  4. I feel like everything I have created thus far is a failure compared to those first two pictures. TO THE DRAWING BOARD!
  5. Inspiration to build epic Mun base: Acquired Skill and patience needed to design and send to Mun: Required, but optional
  6. First thing I thought of when I saw this thread.
  7. There are 4 Scott Manelys... Someone has created cloning for humans
  8. "We had to cancel the project because we picked up the wrong piece of the ship and broke the whole thing." Reporter: "So?" "We pressed save on accident. It was a tragedy."
  9. *tries it* *presses space bar on accident* *goes back to colonizing Duna*
  10. 200 ton refueling station, all one piece. Was fun building it, not fun getting it into orbit.
  11. Rock and electronic/techno/dubstep. Best combination ever.
  12. So, after I finished watching Macey Dean's last episode of his Spiritwolf series, the only thing I got from it (besides that Macey is a genius) is how effective Hanland's kamikaze runs were. So it got me to thinking: What if there was a ship, whose only duty was to run full speed into another ship, and survive? Thus, I created this: That's right, I created a ship with spikes on the front of it! The spikes that the brunt of the impact, and still somehow survive, which could make the entire craft reusable, but the ASAS comes loose inside, which complicates things. The pilot is protected by a shield surrounding the cockpit, which is ejected after a successful ram and he needs to be rescued. Now, to the testing! I started with my biggest space station orbiting Kerbin: Weighs almost 200 tons, and my heaviest successful payload to orbit thus far. Lining up the shot Engines activated Taken a few seconds later Impact! She lives! Popping shield off Pilot is glad to have survived "...My bad..." But I don't think that was big enough, so I brought out the [very] big guns: Weighs who knows how many tons, and holds up to 305 kerbals. Never gotten it into space without hyperedit. Lining up the shot Taking aim More explosions! Aftermath This is the biggest piece that survived. I don't think it's going to the Mun anytime soon. Craft file: http://www./download/362yqb8ayz8xb87/JSS_Suicider_Mk_2.craft How to use: 1) Install hyperedit if you don't already have it, since I have no idea how to get it into orbit legit. 2) Rendezvous with your desired craft. 3) Take aim. I recommend doing it with IVA view, and yes, the strut is there for a guide. 4) Put the engines on full throttle BEFORE ACTIVATING! 5) When everything is lined up correctly, activate engines. 6) The ASAS with RCS isn't enough to keep it under control, so use WASD to help it. 7) After impact, your ship will most likely spin out of control. Activate SAS again and stabilize it. 8) Eject shield. 9) Take your kerbal out. 10) Enjoy Kessler Syndrome.
  13. KSP has pretty much been the only thing that has gotten me interested in science, particularly astronomy and space. It also increased my respect for NASA, after learning what they had to go through in the space race.
  14. Wheels exist. Your argument is invalid. Sorry, couldn't help it.
  15. I go for 100% at the start, then slow down to conserve fuel.
  16. My brother got me it for my birthday so I installed it just to see how it worked. It isn't as bad as everyone says, but I do find all the new apps are pretty much worthless to me because I do everything on the desktop. They can also become a problem, like when opening pictures, it switches to the app, which is a waste of time for me. Also, no way to save it and use it as my desktop wallpaper(at least that I have found).
  17. Futuristic kerbal communists. Interesting.
  18. My favorite is Lanfrey. I took him on an EVA journey to mark the location of a Mun Arch, the Neil Armstrong Memorial, and my Duna colony site.
  19. From my experience, if you don't have extra fuel, you aren't ready for accidents.
  20. Its stuff like this that makes me wonder how the space race was even possible.
  21. 98 hours, and I've only been playing since .20
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