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Everything posted by Joshington

  1. So I read that a Type 1 Civilization is capable of controlling the weather of a planet. Just out of curiosity...How would that work? I mean, that's a pretty big plate to fill. There's lightning, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornados, and hurricanes. How would we be able to stop/cause natural disasters at will?
  2. What good is a rover if you don't have boosters and a ramp? And my answer really depends on the scenario. If it's like celebrity, only-going-to-be-known-for-mabye-a-decade-after-I-die kind of fame, then I'll take the time. But if it's legendary, will-be-remembered-for-countless-generations kind of fame, then I'll take the fame.
  3. Yeah, I noticed that the textures of pretty much all the new parts are different from the other stock parts. I like the new parts, but I was SQUAD changed the textures a little bit so it's less obvious.
  4. I read on the wiki that future updates on aerodynamics will make asparagus staging less useful. Hopefully that's a long ways from now.
  5. Give them the usual day to day rocket building in ksp. Lots of struts, lots of boosters, lots of Jebediah XD But seriously, it wouldn't hurt to work some comedy into it, like throwing kerbals into each other on the Mun.
  6. I think the real question is what country they'll land in.
  7. 7/10 Changed my avatar to my 15 kerbal Mun Colony. Still hard to see, but at least more interesting.
  8. So, what does everyone think about the game Smosh is making? I personally remain skeptical so far, mostly because they're saying mixed messages. In one of their comments they said they will donate half of the collected money to charity, even though in the description of their update video they said they will donate 10% to charity, even though they also said they will put all 250k into the game. Did I miss something? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96pPzjIQaxw
  9. 561. SQUAD doesn't update enough. EA should buy KSP so it would be updated more often (all in dlc, of course)
  10. I have over 100 hours on it, but haven't played it since gmod 13 came out.
  11. There's a program called Ezvid that works pretty good. The only problem is that it comes with it's own editing program and you have to use it, and I personally don't like it that much, but other than that it records great.
  12. I always liked Lanfrey Kerman. He was the one I used to travel dozens of kilometers by jetpack to mark a Mun Arch with a flag.
  13. Rendezvous and docking. I still don't know how to rendezvous, unless hyperedit counts.
  14. Just when you think you know everything about WWII...
  15. Yeah, I was in a rush to get an avatar, so I used that. I'm planning on changing it.
  16. Alaska. Live in the same town that Sarah Palin was mayor of, go to her church, and live in the same neighborhood as her parents. And somehow never actually met her. lol
  17. The flag on the moon is now a white canvas due to radiation from the sun. Thanks Vsauce!
  18. Imma just copy MGUARN 8/10 not sure what it is ,but i like!
  19. Maybe the devs like them. Notch said he might not fix the Far Lands in Minecraft because he liked them.
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