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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks for the replies all. I'm going to try it since I want to try the Transfer Window Planner integration. Thanks again.
  2. Before I pull the trigger (no pun intended) on V3 I need to know one thing. If the alarms are now saved in the KSP save file. If I decide to remove the mod for whatever reason will it effect the loading on my current games? I'm just a little squeamish about a mod that alters my save files. Just to confirm the alarms are stored in the persistent.sfs correct?
  3. Someone tell me I'm nuts. But I can no longer shift functions on the maneuver planner. I don't have any arrows to move between functions after upgrading to build 317. Edit: Disregard! I see the UI has changed to make choosing functions easier. This is what I get for being out of the game for a few weeks.
  4. This has actually been covered. The new version of MechJeb has native support for Blizzy78's Toolbar API. If you are running a plugin that uses it you have to upgrade Toolbar to the newest version that's compatible with ksp 0.23.5. If you have a folder in your GameData called 000_Toolbar you need to download Toolbar version 1.7.1 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863-0-23-5-Toolbar-1-7-1-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar
  5. For anyone with the "missing menu" issue, if you have any plugins that use the Toolbar API you must upgrade Toolbar to 1.7.1. That will not solve the missing buttons until you open the MechJeb menu issue. But it will solve the missing menu entirely issue.
  6. I figured out why Crew Manifest is breaking MechJeb. You have to upgrade Toolbar to v1.7.1. That will allow Crew Manifest and MechJeb to play nice together.
  7. I figured it out. You have to upgrade to Toolbar 1.7.1. That will resolve the issues with MechJeb and keep Crew Manifest working.
  8. Anybody else having the issue where the toolbar plugin component breaks the new version of MechJeb I had to remove Crew Manifest for MechJeb to work.
  9. It was CrewManifest. I removed it and it works fine now. Kind of suck since I use CrewManifest all the time. I suppose there is no way to disable the MechJeb toolbar? I never use it anyway. To be honest I don't even know how to use it.
  10. Parts do show up. I've made sure there are no old mechjeb components. But there is 000_Toolbar in the \GameData folder. It came with CrewManifest. I could try removing CrewManifest and see what happens.
  11. I have no side menus since installing My last build was This is the first time I am using the \GameData folder. I used to add the parts to the \parts folder and the MechJeb.dll to the \plugins folder. Since the latest build there is the new Icons folder so I followed the directions on Space Port and put the whole MechJeb folder into \GameData. Am I just stupid?
  12. Don't worry. I appreciate all your efforts. This mod is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to large spacecraft. Keep up the good work!
  13. These are the steps I took. Using MechJeb (not build 195, sorry). 1. Use MechJeb landing guidance to de-orbit the vehicle. 2. Allow MechJeb to auto warp to edge of the atmosphere. 3. Once warp returns to 1x disable MechJeb landing guidance. 4. Warp 4x in the atmosphere until between 5000m and 1000m from sea level. 5. Allow the craft to crash. 6. Boing!
  14. Anybody ever have a craft become indestructible using this plugin? I de-orbited a probe-ship to crash into the desert and it bounced! It just bounced off the ground a couple times and came to rest perfectly intact. It was not a small ship either. I also tested a splash down and it survived that as well. It just floated there. Ship was 40+ tons and hit the ground at over 100 m/s. The only other plugin I was running is MechJeb I used MechJeb landing guidance to tell it where to crash and disengaged it after the auto-warp cutout at the atmosphere. Then I just let it hit the ground and boing! I removed KJR and things are back to normal.
  15. Having an issue using rendezvous autopilot. Once it's disengaged I cannot right-click on docking ports to "control from here". Smart A.S.S. also ceases to function and will not respond to any clicks. I can correct it by returning to the space center and then going back to the ship.
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