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User Unrelated

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Everything posted by User Unrelated

  1. I mean NASA is doing it, so why shouldn't I? "Aw jus' stick 'er on top-a thu biggest solid yous got back 'dere!"
  2. graphical reference points graphical reference points graphical reference points I felt like I made the transition after I learned what all the nodes on the navball did (enhanced navball, I have 6 markers now) haha before that, they were just random symbols to me.
  3. I think this deserves a little bump with what happened to me yesterday. You know it's bad when even Jeb looks a little flustered. Coming in on a steep descent after I ran out of fuel trying to fix it (after a poorly planned munar intercept flung me into a crazy-tight orbit) At least I ended up in the same hemisphere as KSC That was the jettisoned kerbin-system-exploration-booster... I had jettisoned it with centripetal force, but I guess it still caught back up to me. With deadly-reentry, it was exploding and making all sorts of ugly noises the whole time as it streaked by. The only reason I caught it with a screenshot is because I saw it coming far before it got here haha Oh, and here's a fun debris-field from a glitch right after the release of the ARM missions...
  4. Killed Jeb on my first ever mission in KSP 0.24 Successfully got to orbit with solid-booster staging, and a single liquid engine The lack of a decoupler under the pod was the issue because the craft re-entered the atmosphere, and began to tumble that's when deadly reentry took over and oh-so kindly boiled away the parachute. The capsule survived, but jeb was streaking through the atmosphere doing like mach-3 or something silly, mach visual-effects everywhere (FAR will do that to you on steep descents) I booted him out of the capsule and tried to land on his helmet to save him, but I think he was just going TOO fast... I think with some strange interaction between my "stage recovery" mod (which assumed "control" of the capsule when it was abandoned) and the new KSP system, I didn't appear to lose any reputation for killing poor Jeb. I had a bunch of successful launches after that, though. My next mission is to land on the moon. on the topic of "testing things in silly places"... I had to test a small gear bay on an escape trajectory out of kerbin... 1x stayputnik 1x small battery (probably unneccesary) 1x small gear bay 1x inline decoupler 6x medium solid rocket booster 1x flight engineer system (because watching the TWR climb like that is hilarious) ...mission complete.
  5. I recall a thread a little while ago where people would abuse the interaction between FAR and procedural fairings to push small air-breathing "aircraft" to ludicrous speeds below 1000m altitude... I tried to find it, but couldn't drum up a search.
  6. I dug into some old computer backups and found the config file I need from a .23.5 save, and it seems to be working fine, so I don't need this anymore.
  7. I had this problem a while ago, and I can't remember what caused it but my tree-loader isn't displaying any tree configs to load can someone please share their config file for the default "interstellar tech tree" config? (under saves/*space agency name here*/tree.cfg) Last time I had this issue some time ago, I simply replaced the cfg file and it was all fine. thanks!
  8. Terrain it "too flat"... you should have renamed it to "rover drag strip" haha the flatlands of minmus can only get you so fast! EDIT: oh it was all ocean... okay that makes sense. I still think it's a cool place to have... I've always wanted a floating base (a little far from home, but not unheard of) Cool, I'll keep my eyes out for an update.
  9. ha, reminds me of the critical fumble deck for RPG's I may have missed this somewhere, but is there any way to remove the dev-like buttons on right-click for making parts fail? I keep accidentally disabling the battery in my capsules when I go to do a crew report... One idea that I particularly like is the option to repair craft with a small unmanned probe... maybe make some sort of robot-y arm looking thing (doesn't even have to move for all I care, preferably in the small .65m width, as an inline part so you can put a tiny docking port on the top of it) so that I could, say, shoot out a small probe with some spare parts, and the repair arm, and dock with a broken unmanned probe (hopefully stranded in a not-too-hard-to-get-to orbit), and then the little probe could repair the bigger one... or instead of sending parts, just give the robo-arm like 30 avalible parts (no more, no less, can't be boosted with part containers) that way you couldn't just dock a fixer arm with thousands of parts in a bin on the back to keep your station maintenance free forever) probe Lander stranded with an engine that won't ignite over Duna? Strap 5 SRB's to the bottom of a tiny probe and just fling it over there for a quick fix. I feel like that'd be fun, and wouldn't really break any part of the balance. And there's always the chance of "I sent a repair craft to my HKO telescope, but one of the thrusters malfunctioned, so I had to send ANOTHER repair craft to repair the initial one!" EDIT: and I was wondering what that "inspect" button was for haha EDIT EDIT: mini repair arm?... how about a scaled-down version of "the claw" that you can very gently bump into various parts of the ship to latch on (gently!) and repair it? that'd be super awesome, but I'm not sure how feasible it is. I feel like the code for latching onto things is already there, so if you could just take that and reduce the neccesary force to latch to near 0... imagine having to maneuver a little .56m rcs tug with a mini claw on the front down into a big custom engine cluster to fix a broken gimball or something... it just SOUNDS challenging and fun!
  10. I'm getting weird texture issues... I don't have any other universe-editing stuff in place... I removed all of the default planetfactory stuff, and left just the Abadon pack. fierbinite is tylo bakaron and verviedi both have this weird white and red splotch texture that looks super funky cyssor is using the jool texture and all of cyssor's moons have the same red and white texture, except for ceti, which is MASSIVE (relatively speaking(, and has a plain grey looking surface with the word "DEFAULT" plastered across it's equator, in reverse... verviedi's moons are both using the minmus texture I don't even... also, the other star, and the new gas giant also have wacky textures... lots of minmuses, and tylos for whatever reason. I also tried loading up the standard planetfactory stuff, and it all worked fine, but the universe stuff was stuill messed up.
  11. Well, I love it when I stumble across cool mods like this I love realism-enhancing mods, so this is going right into my gamedata folder! I've always thought about mods like this, and I'm glad someone finally decided to tackle the challenge!
  12. Does anybody know if this mod is compatible with KOS? I am looking to do some mass automation, and I just stumbled across this in the showcase, and thought it would be perfect for my ideas!
  13. I flew a ship one time with Scott, Buzz, and one of the other "specially" named kerbals, all happily in a 3 man pod I have never had such a disastrous and catastrophic ending to a mission, ever. I probably have screenshots around here somewhere...
  14. they seem to have re-implemented SAS wobble from whichever version I remember that bring a big problem in (.22 maybe?) I still have lots of testing to do, but my game is just crashing like crazy so I'm going to give it a rest for a bit.
  15. had a very graceful 2nd landing in .24... I'd call it the first, because the actual first was just a little ~30,000m hop, this one came back from the edge of space Jeb tried to go exploring, but just tumbled 100m down the cliff-face And I uncovered a little debug window that I assume they forgot to take out of the new version I also had some SPECTACULAR screenshot opportunities (almost getting hit (less than 25m seperation) by a large SRB as it streaked past during re-entry, having an "incident" with almost losing the parachutes due to overheating (deadly-reentry) because the craft was tumbling, etc. etc.) but I've re-mapped my screenshot key 3 times and it still doesn't work. (those first 2 are windows-native screenshots) My game is crashing a ton, though... I leave for Hawaii tomorrow morning, so hopefully they'll have some bugfixes out when I get back
  16. I'm okay with waiting (I just installed for the first time) but I have a question first: I looked through some of the documentation and tutorials, but I couldn't find my answer. Does KOS have access to the action groups? What about activating options on certain parts? (like on/off for a light) How about determining output from solar panels?... How much electric charge is left? I really hope it does. I have a lot of neat ideas, but they all sort of hinge on those 3 things. (think blinking different-color status lights) I am hoping that once I dive into the KOS world, I will discover many things that were't posted in the simple tutorials.
  17. Sometimes I notice that I attempt to change my view orientation at a higher rate than the FPS that my game is currently running at, and then I remember how silly that is, and I stop.
  18. Just don't put a portable hole inside another portable hole. All bets are off when that happens. My DM also has a tendency to create devices that break the laws of conservation of matter (and energy... at the same time), and it makes me twitch and squirm whenever he creates a new one... I mean, yeah, it's a fantasy realm (this particular campaign being Neo-Tokyo mech-world) but that's one thing that you just don't do... And in my world... Russia just declared war on Japan, so this should be interesting, probably some prodding joke at international tensions at the moment.
  19. I will generally still use quicksave before important aerobrakes, or landings... It's no fun to miscalculate your aerobrake by a few hundred meters, and go careening back into solar orbit. That's really it, though. I guess I just haven't become addicted.
  20. I AM EXCITE. I just recently got a new desktop, too! (almost specifically for playing KSP) 3.3GHz quad core... not like the quad makes much of a difference but it actually has a GRAPHICS CARD, unlike my laptop, so that should help CPU load. I did some testing already today, and it is going great!
  21. Unless you have FAR with the recently re-enstated structural failures those wings'll pluck right off da sides of ya' SSTO if you aint' caeful son.
  22. I'm not sure about the rules on embedding songs with bad words in the title but I'll just link it with that disclaimer also, vulgar lyrics disclaimer the title is what makes my point
  23. I was trying to get my plane skilly up to par today, too... I want to build a reuseable SSTO to launch small satellites, and bring more life-support to my station in LKO can't make planes fly I tried and tried and tried and then suddenly, it clicked! and my computer crashed. The click was the hard drive shutting down
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