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User Unrelated

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Everything posted by User Unrelated

  1. Further, a tad smaller, and more difficult moons!... I have gotten to that point where I can design to go basically anywhere with relative ease (I don't get bored of it, though) Something new would be spectacular! I've been thinking about using a solar system modifier mod... I'm thinking once I unlock the albecurrie drive in interstellar, I'll make a new (smaller) solar system around a red dwarf or something orbiting on the edge of the current solar system, and I'd have to warp ships back and forth that'd be a LOT of fun.
  2. I can't figure out how to get my lander's shadows back... but if I could have shadows, AND dust, that'd just be swell I think a pre-defined mess of footprints and such appearing when you plant a flag would be a good start!
  3. I'm taking a satellite dynamics course, because space... and my professor asked the class if anyone knew what a Hohmann transfer was... I, of course, raised my hand. She asked me to spell it because she didn't believe me haha my notes seem to be quite abbreviated compared to people around me. It's nice knowing what most of the jargon already is. My professor uses Perifocus and Apogee, though... technically correct but it makes my brain think harder than it should have to. I just write Ap and Pe everywhere I've actually been thinking about how I might be able to write my own mod to display basic orbital information... I already have a mod for that, but knowing that it was my own code that was working for me, that'd be a bit more satisfying! I appear to be the only KSP player on my campus, because I'm sure we'd all be taking this class together if there were any others out there... nobody else seems to really care, it was rumored to be an "easy-A" that satisfies a technical elective credit (We need a certain number of them) and when some of the other courses are "Advanced Numerical methods", and "Analytical fluid dynamics" a class about space seems pretty interesting! EDIT: I saw something about textbooks... The textbook for this class is called "Modern spacecraft dynamics" and it was printed in... drumroll please... 1976. It is a hardcover, with embossed gold lettering and a little satellite on the front. classy. It is a terrible textbook, though.
  4. I watched Scott Manley's most recent video, and it was mentioned that the ARM update is JUST the ARM mission, and has no tech-tree or science integration yet. Those things are coming in .24 I guess.
  5. My specialty seems to be building monster lifters, packing way too much fuel, and landing on rocket nozzles 1 stage down from the actual landing gear (I've done rocket nozzle landings on Minmus, Mun, Ike, Gilly, Eve, and Pol)
  6. NO NO NO YOU CAN FIX IT https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/10622 PLEASE FIX IT
  7. when your itunes library begins giving you mission instructions. and then I know what I am doing this weekend
  8. My LKO is slowly filling up. I recently re-started career (again), so it'll happen again eventually. I recently had a staging accident with an interplanetary ship that involved forgetting that the nuclear engine shrouds shoot apart instead of falling off... so now I have a nice large debris cloud in a weird elliptical orbit. I'm sure I'll meet up with it eventually.
  9. "...The resulting shockwave leveled 3 whole cities. Officials at KSP are saying that it was just a small mis-calculation, and that it shouldn't happen again any time soon."
  10. a claw, 50 KAS struts, and a whole crap-ton of parachutes. speaking of KAS... I wonder if you could place KAS objects on asteroids? get a bit of editing going in the KAS configs to make the Jr docking port (or heck even the mid-sized port) placeable... helooooo station core! also, putting one into a very very low orbit around Minmus would be fun. I'm excited!
  11. Couldn't you just do *right click* "control from here" on one of the forward-facing parts?
  12. "What is re-entry?..." "I wonder what happened to that tank we jettisoned a little while ba- WOAH!" One of my favorite aerobraking shots ever That was a really fun mission, too! I don't even remember building this, but it's in my screenshots folder!
  13. I know you can, but my particular design was sort of large and ambitious, and the real problem was that I hadn't yet unlocked the 2m FAIRINGS and my girder/solid booster/command seat lander/re-orbit vehicle was just NOT getting along with FAR... no matter what I did, the craft was just too unstable to lift off effectively. It had PLENTY of Delta-V (the main ship had enough to get to eeloo orbit and back, and the re-orbit vehicle could achieve orbit on KERBIN), but it was just too tall and wiggly, and the big un-aerodynamic nosecone didn't help. a 2m main stack would have just been so much more solid. I will be re-visiting the design soon!
  14. There was a big group of engineers the other day, all standing in a tight little circle, all whacking some invisible thing with a wrench. I wish I would have thought to screencap it, it was pretty good.
  15. I've had that orbit capture thing happen on Gilly before it didn't actually pull me into a STABLE orbit, but it was VERY close, and the game was just rounding up to display the next (yellow) orbit path.
  16. Now you just need to send a place for them all to live!
  17. but that takes SO MUCH SCIENCE to unlock, and you need to ACTUALLY DO WORK to collect the antimatter! (I'm working my way there as we speak) something about phantom forces is more novel, though.
  18. As soon as I get out of college (NEXT SEMESTER WOOO) and get some career-cash-flow, I am SO making one of these... I have always wanted a panel like that. Looks great! Love the aesthetics of the LED indicators
  19. I wonder... if I could squeeze some Infernal Robotics parts into a K-drive to move the landing legs to a point where they could be repaired without instantly breaking again? (or is that not a problem anymore? I followed this for a while, but forgot about it until I installed IR, and the idea hit me!)
  20. I messed around with NovaPunch 5m tanks/rockets for a while way back in like, .18 or something and those 5m rockets pack a MONSTER punch!
  21. There are still so many things that I haven't done... Never been to Dres, never landed on Duna (have 2 missions en-route as we speak), never landed on Bop (or any other Jool moons besides Laythe, come to think of it), never landed on Moho, never sent multi-part docked ships outside Kerbin SOI, etc. etc. etc. I probably could have done a lot of this if I didn't constantly find new mods, and re-start my career saves to "increase the fun" of unlocking new parts, and finding new and exciting uses for them... My goal right now is to unlock all of the tech tree nodes for the Interstellar mod then I plan on using the planet factory system editor to slap myself a new solar system WAY out far away from Kerbol, and send ships there with the warp drive
  22. It may make me seem like a "horrible person" in some people's eyes but we/Kerbals are the dominant species (for the most part, in most situations) We/they can do as we/they please. Do you think the Orcas worry about seal's wellfare when they kill them and toss their lifeless bodies around for "fun"? EDIT: perfect timing for the post above... I'm not saying that they are unfeeling emotionless blobs. Think about a hungry shark, preying on a surfer. The shark don't give a care what the surfer thinks, if he's hungry, he's going to eat that surfer, bettering the shark's life by providing nutrients for bodily processes. Expansion of scientific knowledge can be seen as sort of the same situation. We can't all live in a happy world of rainbows and perfectness. Pay attention to the HUMAN suffering on the planet before you start defending animals with everything you've got. I understand SOME of the animal rights stuff, like living conditions, not torturing animals, etc, but not killing them?... there's such a thing as the food chain, and it is at work every day. I think to sum up my post... humans are animals just as much as any other. Think about it.
  23. You cannot articulate joints while holding other buttons, in case that might be an issue. I kept getting frustrated that the parts on my rover weren't moving, but it's because I was holding B for brakes... I toggled brakes in the top menu and everything worked fine.
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