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User Unrelated

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Everything posted by User Unrelated

  1. "Buttmunch Alliance" - my one and only 0.23 career save
  2. I did the same thing last night, except 12Km/s DV (total)... it LOOKED great (and has a TON of science opportunity), but I just couldn't put enough struts to keep it together, and no matter how many launch clamps I put, whenever physics loaded, it just fell off the pad... KER told me that it'd have enough thrust, too, so it's disappointing that I can't get it to work. I really want to get it to space. I'm thinking I might have to empty the top 2 stages, and re-fuel in orbit. It's a great design, though, nice chunky lander, and a probe-core powered totally-over-fueled nuclear re-dockable transfer stage that'd almost certainly have enough go-juice to get me home from almost anywhere.
  3. Too similar not to be half-life 3 confirmed.
  4. I mean... idk. Here's a flat map of Laythe. Not really that close, imo.
  5. I wanted to rid myself of Munbase A to make room for the newer, much less hamfisted, and more efficient Munbase B. The only problem was that Munbase A was fitted with a 2-man escape pod with no parachutes, and there was a 3 man crew. So I sent up a return vessel that also had a science boom for Munbase B sitting on top. I tossed the boom into it's 500Km orbit, and then used the massive amount of fuel remaining in Munbase A to rendezvous with the return craft. I transfered all 3 crew into the return craft, only to realize that it, too, was lacking parachutes. (I'm on a roll!) I un-docked the return craft, and used the probe-core on Munbase A to de-orbit it. I sent the return craft back over to Kerbin, and stuck it in a stable 300Km orbit, and just sent up another simple return craft. All 3 crew-members returned safely! and I now have moon-base debris in weird orbits they don't look like they should be in. (aka: not around a moon)
  6. I almost cra- agressively lithobraked on Tylo once. EDIT: oops that's vall, nevermind. I did that mission such a long time ago, and it's been my only trip to Jool. I'm still not familiar with the moons quite yet. Had a little mishap with the time warp buttons... Saved it, though, and continued my Joolian tour as planned.
  7. On the mun no ship, or even debris for hundreds of Km... what happened? Forgot to throttle-down before an EVA. Good thing I was fast, and saved him from the hundreds of feet of scary empty space below him with his EVA pack! One man capsule, so that ship is now unmanned, and floating in a weird eliptical solar orbit. Planning a mission now to go get him.
  8. First the "you aren't going to space today" thread gets un-stickied... now this gets moved? eh, I'll still be here more often now (Xbox season, (aka winter break) is over, time for KSP season (aka school year)) Ready for launch! AAAANNNNND...... Oh. Oh my.
  9. Recently restarted career for .23, and was sending Jeb to the Mun to collect some much-needed samples so I could unlock solar panels. well... this is nothing new, is it? But wait... Where's the huge debris field? Everything went swimmingly, had PLENTY of fuel (more on that later), and the landing was as smooth as butter. I collected much science, and then decided to take off for home. I decided it would be worthwhile to collect an EVA report whilst hanging off the side of the ship while at low altitude. I hit the EVA button, and Jeb fell off the ladder, and the ship kept on sailing off towards the horizon, at about a 45 degree incline. I had forgotten to throttle down. D'OH After I landed Jeb using his RCS pack, I watched the runaway ship, hoping that MAYBE it would have just enough go juice to escape munar orbit, and I could simply collect it with a girder contraption and de-orbit it for science... But it just kept going. Out of munar orbit... out of KERBIN orbit... The ship is now in an eccentric solar orbit with it's periapsis somewhere down around Duna's orbit. PLENTY of fuel to get home So I did a bit of orbital science, unlocked solar panels, and a probe core, and sent a rescue ship to get Jeb... The rescue was a success, but I FORGOT TO COLLECT A SURFACE SAMPLE before I left. Double D'OH. I need to go collect that errant ship somehow. I've done girder cages before, but not in solar orbit. I like challenges like this, I almost always just roll with it, and have fun solving the stupid problems I get myself into
  10. That's the island runway, it's been there for a long time. There's a dirt runway, and some hangars, and a control tower.
  11. The best I can think about off the top of my head are sigbert and raybert who are both awaiting me to design some way to get kethane from the mining rig to their station 'round minmus. man, there are a lot of REAL LIFE Kermans... http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=kerman if only my parents would let me change my last name...
  12. *presses "popcorn" button, and closes the microwave door*
  13. Whatever you do, don't separate the staging before you... uh... "land" the bottom stages will absorb some of the impact, and you never know, you might get a lucky bounce. If your capsule shoots off at a high velocity after hitting the surface, JUMP OUT, and try and use the EVA pack to slow down... you'll never survive in the capsule if it's hurtling all alone into the side of a hill.
  14. I have my only 2 college final exams starting at 8:00am on the 13'th figures. Does anyone know where I could view a recorded stream of the event?
  15. I think the best thing to do is to not be a little wimp, and don't use quick-saves I've had PLENTY of little random things happen, like accidentally draining an entire transfer stage of a station because I forgot that docking ports used as decoupers allow crossfeed... (I was draining the station storage tank on the pad) The station still made it to Minmus. and I ran out of fuel in a huge eliptical off-camber orbit way early on with no docking ports, and sent out a ship to corrall jeb's crippled craft back to an aerocapture on Kerbin... I've also completely re-configured a station layout due to an unforseen issue with a tug (it had no probe core!) I landed on Eve without landing legs in my last save I retrofitted a kethane mining rig to also act as a transfer vessel (instead of using seperate transfer vehicles) by constructing and docking with a big strut, girder, and docking port aparatus. I've flown an entire mission with 2 of 4 engines because 1 became mysteriously detatched (and I shut down the one across from it because symmetry) I like solving problems and sometimes my own stupidity is the best source!
  16. The Ordan telescopes have been added to the Hullcam mod, and are currently supported in .22 under that developer. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-0-22-Hullcam-VDS-Added-Ordan-Telescopes-and-mapview-fix-Updated-25-Oct The original developer of the telescopes moved on, and gave the mod to the new developer to continue working on it.
  17. If you want to start out with a "smaller" operation, I recently put up a station 'round Minmus. It's paired with some kethane mining equipment on the surface to re-fuel I didn't have too much trouble getting the 2 parts over there, and docking them and it's so close to the edge of Kerbin SOI, that it doesn't take much at all to escape into Kerbol orbit once refueled. (instead of refueling in LKO, and having to burn off a bunch of that fuel just to escape the SOI) The only thing here, is because Minmus is so small, the orbits end up being relatively tight, and if you take a while to dock, the ships tend to rotate around each other because of the tight orbit. It wasn't TOO big of a deal. I had originally planned on using rover tugs to transport Kethane back and forth from the miner to orbit, but I think I am going to try and retrofit-dock my miner with a docking port more convenient for docking with stations, and just use that as a transport device instead, because none of the kethane is on the plains like I had hoped, it's all up in the mountains.
  18. Yup, I had that image filtered like that mere minutes after the blog post Now I have another question: I assume since it says the 12'th to the 13'th, that it might start that thursday afternoon, and extend into friday? Will this be "recorded" for unfortunate souls like me who have very important things to do quite early in the morning on Friday? This was a concern of mine, and I couldn't find any archived footage of Kerbalkon 2012... that's going to really suck the ONE day... I only have 2 final exams!... BOTH of them are on the 13'th!
  19. that's good and that's also good that you hear it's on the 11'th and 12'th I want to watch the whole thing and I have 2 college final exams starting at 8:00am on the 13'th
  20. So I'm not the only one who launches absurd things with turbofans My heaviest is around 200T, no pics of that, though. I was trying to just launch the heaviest thing I could. Stacked a bunch of 3.75m nuclear reactors on top of each other My biggest payload without trying to build big was my most recent Kethane miner bound for Minimus. I think it was around 40 or 50T...not really even that much. got to an apoapsis of 35000m using only a single tank of liquid fuel!
  21. I had seen an image that said December 12-13 but I just went to the page, and it says "Kerbalkon is in -2 days" so... did I miss it? DRAT! I can't find ANY information on it, either! Don't know where to put this, but I think it's general enough to fall off the front page of the general forum in a few minutes.
  22. As soon as I saw these two in the astronaut complex... I knew they were destined for a dual-service mission on some kind of space station. also... I had to
  23. I know what you mean about having trouble lining up X Y, and Z axes... I've gotten pretty good at docking... and by that, I mean that I no longer slam ships into each other at 12m/s... it still takes me a while. There's a station that I have that is in the wrong configuration, and I can't seem to re-configure it with the amount of monoprop left (quicksaves, yeah) so I will need to refill it... but I found a mod last night, called "hullcam", that I am going to try for docking. Stick a cam on the docking port, and it'd be like an IVA view of sticking your head out the docking port, which would be excellent for keeping track of all 3 dimensions at once. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-0-21-Hullcam-VDS-Mechjeb-hullcam-fork-Updated-15-Sep I haven't looked into it enough to know if it still has all the HUD available, but it'd be a nifty thing to try. I absolutely refuse to use mechjeb for any reason. I find fun in coming up with things on the fly. Like my recent mission to Jool... I wanted to dive in, aerobrake, and land on Laythe (with a probe) but instead, I ended up aerobraking ON laythe, and then getting fly-bys of all of the moons, except bop... and THEN landing on Laythe! That sort of luck can only come from human error hahaha
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