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Everything posted by p1t1o

  1. You know the right-click part menus? You can click+drag them!
  2. Surely you aren't going to get much Mac for $500? I had a laptop for uni, and apart from being able to take it home for the holidays and watching movies on the train, the portability wasn't all that much use - there wasn't much need to take it to different people houses at all, you tend to end up living with the people you want to hang out with. I'd go for the more economical-in-terms-of-hardware desktop option. You might not like windows 10, but unless you go Mac or Linux, you will need it to support the latest hardware - remember you might want to upgrade the machine in the future (if its a desktop that is, you dont have many upgrade options with a laptop, another thing to think about). My recommendation FWIW - Get a cheap-as-chips desktop PC with a decent monitor (for watching movies with your new uni mates). It will do all your matlabbing, social mediaing and word processing easy as pie. Upgrade hardware as and when possible/necessary (For gaming, natch) Just live with Windows 10, you'll survive If you just *cant* stomach windows, go Linux, it'll be harder to play games, but that isn't a priority and you can still KSP! Honestly, Windows will be much more stress-free. I'm not even that big of a fan of microsoft, but I gotta admit windows works for me, as far as these things go. And Im even less of a fan of apple - you think MS pushes products on you/harvests data? Also, have fun at uni, you learn more stuff than they teach you in lectures! Try and be impervious to relationship drama!
  3. DCS is probably the best military sim on the market, its not *too* heavy on PC specs either, though you will probably have to turn some graphics settings down. Comes free with a few low-fidelity aircraft, other (high fidelity) modules can be added for a price. Includes helicopters. Falcon 4.0 Allied Force (and I think there are plentiful updates) is quite old and very graphically primitive (except for the planes, they look quite ok) so will run on the oldest computers, but is also a very high-fidelity sim. Includes nuclear weapons ftw. Both of these simulate the full cockpit from radio to navigation to radar, you basically have to learn to operate the real thing, up to a point. As in, if you want, you can do the full 10-minute start up from cold conditions.
  4. I can easily avoid manta rays, but pianos? We have one of those in the house...I just wish it would stay in the same place...
  5. Someone clicked on something they shouldn't... +1 Best antimalware I have used, I have the paid version, but the free trial is almost as powerful, if not entirely so. You can tell its good because unlike other "anti"malware it doesn't dig itself into the undergrowth of your computer, running in the background unable to be stopped whilst it fires updates and poppups at you....weird how most "anti"malware shares a lot of properties with....malware. You ever tried to turn off McAffee?
  6. FYI - if you alt-click a part, it will give you a copy of that part, ie: alt-click a battery and you pick up a new battery which you can place next to the original one (which stays where it is). This works for multiple parts - it will pick up the whole "tree", so you can copy booster stages and the like.
  7. Without batteries, you are certainly going to have power outage problems. That definitely explains losing control at the mun and regaining it. Did you not get control back when your ship made it to the sunlit side of kerbin? Without batteries, plan only on making maneuvers only in full view of the sun. Make sure that at least one solar panel can get sun from any direction, even if a slanting angle - if you lose power in shadow and your panels are facing the wrong way, you could be stuck. You need some science man! Good luck! (Also, welcome to the forums!)
  8. A moments silence for our fallen brother. ... When I have kids, Im going to have a "decoy computer"
  9. "Local control" in red is normal for that craft. It is red because you have no antenna present, and it says local control because it is manned. As for Valencia turning tourist, do you have any life support mods installed? I know that with USI life support, kerbals "sort of" become tourists when they reach the limit of their supplies. That would explain your loss of control. You got enough battery on board?
  10. Its really, really small.
  11. No idea, but its far FAR more plausible that a human did something unexpected or inappropriate (You've met humans right?) than "it could be aliens".
  12. If there are humans there, then humans are by far the better explanation. Though they must have seemed much more mystical back in the 80's. It has been shown that complex patterns can be created with nothing other than a plank of wood, some rope and some patience. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/10217151/Crop-circles-demystified-how-the-patterns-are-created.html
  13. I was having this problem. It seemed to intensify out of nowhere. There hadn't been many mod updates recently so I hadn't been changing much in GameData. One day I was getting maybe an hour between crashes and then the next I started hardly being able to open a ship in the VAB before being kicked. I had a peek through my output.log and noticed "steam" popped up a few times. I normally dont have steam open whilst playing, you know, to save RAM, so I started to run KSP from steam. Crash incidence has dropped through the floor. I don't know if it was steam, or if it was random fluctuation or what. Its very hard to tell with >100 mods. But in case it helps even 1 person with bad crashes....it might be worth trying one more time if you've tried everything else. Thread I posted on it earlier:
  14. I reckon its even money that if in the deep future we manage to explore a black hole "up close" we find that it actually does have a little command prompt in the top left. I mean, it would explain some things. Just....don't type anything, ok?
  15. Peer review, schmeer review. I would bet everything I have, have ever had, and ever will have, that this is not aliens. Decades and decades and decades of crop circles have been conclusively shown to be hoaxes. Hoaxers routinely have come out and said "Yes, I do these all the time, they're easy, here: I'll show you how..." "Oh wait but this one could be real..." I mean, does that sound like adult logic?
  16. Thanks all, Its nice to know that it could be a real effect and not just in my head. Hopefully the crash-free streak I'm on will keep running!
  17. Hi All, So for the longest time (since probably pre-0.24) I would launch KSP via the executable in the KSP folder, without opening steam, or after closing it first. To save the RAM of course. A few days back, I was getting MAD crashes, mainly in the VAB, but also in-flight. I have a LOT of mods, so I wasn’t too chagrined, but it seemed to be getting worse, so I did some digging through my output.log. There were some nullreferenceexceptions and some other erros, mainly only of a couple of types it seemed. I don’t know emough about these things to be able to identify any mod-related issues from what I saw. But I did see “steam” appear a few times. So I thought “Is KSP looking for some handle or other from the steam program, and not finding it, getting upset? So I now start KSP via steam, and for the last couple of day have had ZERO crashes… This might just be observation bias, if crashes are random, then they can get better as well as worse. Is there any reason why crashes, specifically VAB crashes, might be related to running Steam? Thanks!
  18. Hi, Long time user of RT, love it, an essential part of my build. Back into KSP recently, not really played much since 1.0, and not really properly since 0.25. One used to be select craft in the tracking station, see what antenna were on board, and re-target any dish antenna. I cannot see how to do this now, the button that normally did it seems non-functional. Otherwise everything works as advertised. I am in a career game, is it something that "unlocks" a-la mechjeb modules? Or is it possible it is in conflict with another mod? Thanks!
  19. Sometimes I dream that I have a normal day. I dream that I wake up, go to work, do some routine tasks, then about this time I wake up in real life. Pretty nice to happen on the weekend, when you wake up and are like "Oh thank the stars, I can go back to sleep." But pretty depressing if it happens in the week!
  20. I always thought that the abstract/non-tangible threat dreams were caused by the subconscious doing some kind of background admin whilst you are sleeping and “releasing” some pent up fear or anxiety, or perhaps spontaneously generating it as a result of whatever other unresolved subconscious thoughts/feelings accumulated during the day. Srsly sleep, wtf?
  21. Gah! That just gave me goosebumps...too real.
  22. T-shirt ideas: "Everyday I'm Kerballin', Kerballin'..." "Stage to remove shirt" "I don't give a floating point" "Nuclear propulsion gets on my NERVAs" "He who controls the space, controls the universe: Duna" "Don't release the Kraken." / "What's Kraken' ?" "Currently EVA"
  23. I love the way it distorts the view of the blackness behind it.
  24. On Lucid Dreaming: I never really believed my friend who said he had so-called "lucid dreams". He would say "If I was being chased by a monster in my dream, I would just imagine I had a gun, and there it would be." The reason I didn't believe that he had concious control over his dreams was because if you had total control of your world, and were being chased, well my first thought wouldn't be a gun, it would be to solidify the entire universe into solid quartz, give myself the ability to walk freely through it and dispose of said threat at leisure. I figure he had vivid dreams but wasn't really in concious control, as he was still limited. Or maybe he did dream lucidly just without much imagination On Worst dreams: Had my fair share of nightmares, the usual stuff. But there was one outlier, it was one that recurred every so often in my childhood (not happened for a long time). Nothing particularly scary happened, it would be quite abstract in fact, visually/experientially. But there would be an intense feeling of pure dread permeating the dream and I would often "half-wake-up" and be unable to tell the size of my surroundings - IE: "Am I in a bedroom or am I in a tiny tiny box that just looks like a bedroom from the inside. It terrified me. Other: I have died in my dreams, so that myth is busted. It was definitely a death, a nuclear weapon went of right next to me. I experienced it as everything going white, and I woke up after this occurred. Get blown away by the wind quite a lot in my regular dreams. Also occasionally get in fights where my punches are completely ineffectual (classic anxiety dream I think).
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