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Everything posted by HeadHunter67

  1. Can't seem to get the standalone EVA parachutes working in 23.5. Exactly which files do I need, and where do I properly place them?
  2. I usually slap a single fixed panel on a stage, or tuck an RTG inside the decoupler so that I can deorbit a stage. I forgot to do so with one of my lifters today (I was using a fairing plate instead of a decoupler) and it made it tricky to maneuver the final stage. I had to deploy the payload's solar panels until the tug could dock with it and bring it to the station. Deorbiting the payload assist module would have been impossible otherwise, once the probe core ran out of juice - so I had to take care of that first and wait to dock the payload.
  3. I'm always looking for inspiration for new, efficient lander designs. I am most interested by the one on the right (and the little tiny one too). I presume parts clipping was enabled for these designs? I can't seem to discern where the engines are located on that last one, I'd love a closer look at it.
  4. Jim Lovell, John Young and Eugene Cernan are the only three people to travel to the Moon twice. Of those three, Lovell is sadly the only one who never set foot there. Collins is one of a dozen men who have traveled to the Moon but never landed. It's got to be a lot of mixed emotions - the disappointment of coming so close but not actually "getting there" must be outweighed by the feeling of actually seeing it with your own eyes and being so near to the Moon. After all, Collins is one of only 24 people in history to travel to the Moon - that's an accomplishment that still has not been exceeded. At a con a couple of weeks ago, there was a framed Apollo poster signed by all 24 of the Lunar astronauts... how I wish I'd had $2900 to afford that priceless piece of history!
  5. I do not have a web site for it, but mine is the Kerbal Rocket and Science Headquarters (KRASH). Flag and motto in my sig.
  6. Quite the opposite - I expect you'd boil, just at a much lower temperature than expected. The only thing that would keep it from happening as rapidly is that your own body is an imperfectly pressurized container.
  7. Sending more instruments doesn't give you more data to collect. They're basically redundant in the same biome.
  8. The fact that the first thing you unlock in Career Mode is the Mk I Pod is the best indication that they wanted manned flight to be the main aspect. Well, that, and the game isn't called "Unmanned Space Program".
  9. The fact that you'll need new underwear probably has more to do with the terror of being spaced, than with any actual physiological response.
  10. If it weren't for videos by you and some others, there's an awful lot more that I wouldn't know about this game!
  11. I do not deny that the title of the thread could have been better chosen, but a "constructive" suggestion must be sensible. It would be more sensible to expect the knowledge to be updated by someone who already knows it, leading us to one of two scenarios: 1) Seret didn't know the information either, and thus has no grounds to criticize the OP, or 2) Seret did know the information, but couldn't be bothered to update the wiki either. Both possibilities seem kind of hypocritical. Regardless, there can be no denying that it's hard to come by some information that should be basic material like this.
  12. I'm sorry, but that's blatantly incorrect. A Class-E asteroid is 18 meters. One that size hit Chelyabinsk last year. Far from wiping out all life on Earth, it didn't even wipe out all life in Chelyabinsk. Just because small debris of this sort passes through Kerbin's orbit (much the same way as a number of relatively-sized objects pass through Earth's orbit without collision), does not mean Kerbin has not cleared its neighborhood.
  13. See, now the intelligent conclusion we can arrive at is, if he's visiting the Wiki to find out needed information, he doesn't have it to add. He's trying to GET information - and you're suggesting he updates it? Seems like there's a failure to understand how reference material is supposed to work.
  14. Now that this craft has passed product testing, here's the lander I use for Apollo-style missions. It's a two-stage, two-man lander that fits inside a 3.75 meter fairing shroud.
  15. I don't think it's a "minor task" - but let's be frank, SQUAD isn't working for free, either. I'd be glad to share everything I know - but the issue is, I'm not the one who has the information, because I didn't make the software. Relying on your user base to discover the features for themselves and maintain the documentation is unique to gaming software. The fact that there's debate, lack of knowledge, misunderstanding, and often times blatant misinformation passed around in the community is just an example of what happens when users have to write the docs.
  16. What a handy little plugin! Lots of useful information and functionality - and it looks really sharp, too! I'll be using this on all my builds now! Thanks!
  17. Hyperbole and exaggeration won't help the discussion. No one needed documentation on the Lab "before it was introduced", so... your point? We're not expecting it to be complete - but Christ, would it be too much to ask to have some concrete documentation on what's here right now? "Figure it out for yourselves" is a lazy way out. The game is not in alpha, and regardless, we're not product testers (they would either be given documentation, or writing it). I'd be interested in using that plugin! I agree with you, though, that a lot of the high-end science unlocks are kind of superfluous because by then, they're no longer needed.
  18. You need to kill your lateral velocity during descent. Aim just above the horizon, in line with your retrograde marker, and thrust. As it moves, tilt towards it, always keeping yourself between the navball horizon and the retrograde marker. Continue until the retrograde icon is at the top of the navball (the little dot in the middle of the blue half of the sphere). At this point, you are dropping straight down. Point to retrograde and begin to burn away your vertical speed.
  19. Not to split hairs, but that was originally from Robert Heinlein.
  20. No, on this I have to agree - and it's not just an issue with KSP. Software companies have taken to relying on users to document their product. It's like "Here, you'll figure it out." That would be valid if documents weren't ever revised again and again after development - but it happens all the time with released software.
  21. I live in the same world - but in five years of taking calls for Microsoft, I came to learn that the average end-user is a dolt that does not read, does not exercise common sense, and in many cases, shouldn't be operating electric appliances. So that safe recourse is to try and make software as idiot-proof as possible. That is almost never detrimental to the tech-savvy users, but it saves a lot of needless questions and support requests from people who aren't as experienced or sensible.
  22. Once I figured out how to use it, it was very helpful indeed! 1000 Internets to you, sir.
  23. How does this work? does the craft with the goo cans or mat bays just have to be docked with the lab? The wiki was not clear, and I can't imagine it'd be very useful to require them to be an integral part of the same ship. Thanks, that's very useful to know!
  24. The only problem with making GameData the root of a .zip is that a number of issues are caused when less-savvy users unzip that into their GameData folder. Then they ask "Why is your mod broken?" when the answer is "Because you have it in GameData/GameData/whatever"...
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