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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Docked the mini shuttle with the CSS while in orbit, The mini shuttle carried up a docking adapter a bit like the Apollo Soyuz (Shuttle-Shuttle?)
  2. 1-KSP 2-Orcs and elves on the DSI (spent hours on it while travelling on holiday) 3-tf2 4-Possibly garrys mod 5-minecraft
  3. Are you sure? it seems a bit short to me after looking at the photos?
  4. How long will the cargo bay be on the larger shuttle?
  5. Can you add a way to disable the airlock sounds when going to and from an eva with the [ and ] Buttons?, its really annoying.
  6. Deploying the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF, its real look it up) on STS-25
  7. That would be good as well but what i meant is to be able to actually get rid of crew from the Astronaut Complex so that i don't have to manually do it and risk corrupting my save(yes that did happen once)
  8. I didnt mean a way to remove crew from a vessel i meant a way to get crew out of the actual crew list that you have before you launch, its only very small yet good feature
  9. PLEASE PLEASE add a way to remove crew from the the crew list or 'fire' them if you like. I actually agree with hunter so please don't ever make CLS a requirement
  10. Sorry to ask but is there any news regarding the tire smoke and IVA? its just that there's been no news for a few weeks
  11. Damn... You beat me to it XD
  12. Weird bug: just landed on Cygnus with my probe and everything went dark even though it was day and i couldn't look up either? taking off again fixed it.
  13. Cool but one thing: why is there a space shuttle there? are they "planning" (i mean its just an option) to bring it back??? Edit: wait this was a plan in 2001? and was published today?
  14. No i think there could be 5 m parts but with adapters for the 3.75 meter engines and 2.5 meter ones instead of 5 m engines
  15. Could you add compatabilty with the Titan and Hercules and hypatos system? Link:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69058-Hercules-Titan-and-Hypatos-PlanetFactory-CE-Systems(With-Rings!)
  16. I had around 400 pieces of debris around kerbin all at about 72 km on my last save
  17. Urgent bug report: For some reason when i fly the shuttle the pitch axis gets inverted and affects every other craft i fly any ideas? Edit: Seemed to have only affected one flight, ill keep you posted if it crops up again
  18. I don't understand why they would copare it to minecraft when it's so different... Lego would be better
  19. Its worse at my school: In maths we were doing drawings of plan view stuff (AKA birds-eye view) and a picture of the shuttle carrier came up, One girl said "I thought rockets took off from the ground"... I was also chatting to a friend and i cant remember how but I said something about the Soyuz and he had no idea what it was.
  20. After flying the shuttle twice i have a few things to say THIS SHUTTLE IS AMAZING also i have a weird problem were kerbals get flung off the ladder as i exit the cockpit also the airlocks door dosent work one last thing as well: the SRB thust tailoff is really cool but not steep enough so im left with it producing 100 kn of thust and the fuel draining REALLY slowly and if i sep them they knock into the shuttle, apart from that its AMAZING
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